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Not another imigration thread!!!!

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posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: network dude

I got a solution...

Do what the democrats and moderate republicans have been saying forever and treat everyone as an individual case . Then parse through the lot of them deciding who is worth letting stay and who is not...

this is in the OP, perhaps you missed it.

But why is it an issue? Well, It seems Trump initiated a "Zero Tolerance" policy regarding the border. It's a bit funny that nobody bothered to ask why? Is Trump just a dick? Perhaps. But this seems like a lot of work for no reason. It seems he is trying to enforce border security. And by playing hardball, with the criminals who would cross illegally, he is sending a message for them not to try.

Why do you think Trump initiated this "Zero Tolerance"? He just hates Brown people?

ETA: also, do you remember the "SH!T HOLE" comment Trump made a while back? Do you remember the context of the incident?
(hint- he was asking the same thing you suggest, who knew Trump was smart like you?)
edit on 21-6-2018 by network dude because: added thought

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

A) If your seeking asylum and have a good enough story.. maybe??

B) Edward Snowden is getting asylum.. not in Canada, but a different country was happy to so, plus he was a global story with a cinfirmed ID .. so I have no idea how that applies..

C) the question was about if trump made this problem worse or if the problem has been continuous..

That is objectively knowable..

Trumps zero tolerance policy means every person gets prosecuted..

If you get prosecuted they take your children..

Obama and previous presidents chose to spare the US government the cost and PR nightmare of prosecuting those with minors and just sent them home without charging them.

So yes trump is directly responsible for the jump in the separation of 1-2 families every six months to 2,000 families in 2 months.

That’s real easy math..

I personally find it just horrific that we incarcerate people who are not a danger to society..

I think putting someone in a concrete box should be reserved for those who pose a threat to others...or themselves I guess..

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Lab4Us

I, too, 1000% agree with those knowingly employing illegal immigrants be prosecuted to the fullest extent of US law

Don't tell that to some people, they'll call you a bigot for wanting all immigrants to be protected by workplace laws and wages.... You know, the whole reason we regulate immigration (security for country, and guests we welcome in)... it's a two lane road, and a beautiful one.

We are all immigrants, a vast majority who speak on this topic don't hate immigrants. I support many immigrant run establishments in my community, and I see them just as American as me.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Annee
As I've said before:

"dump a bucket of balls on a pool table, chances are some will hit the pocket".

Trump hasn't a clue what he's doing. There's no real overall organized plan.

He just throws random crap out, hoping something will stick -- and then he claims credit for it.

His presidency is a crapshoot.

do you have solutions to the problems he faces? Right now, we are talking about securing the border. If all you have is complaints, you are worthless in this discussion.

In regards to asylum.

#1 - asylum is legal. Therefore, "housing" them is necessary. Separating children from their parents is damaging and far more costly then keeping them together. I understand what the law says. An emergency injunction needs to be implemented. The temporary shelters are fine. I'm not asking for the Ritz.

#2 - did it ever cross your mind that this is happening all over the world, not just here? And why is the majority of migration from the south to the north? What's wrong with the south? Why the predominantly migration to the north?

#3 - I support an international "Peacekeeper" military to go into these global hotbed areas that are being overrun by and taken over by mafia type tactics whether by drug lords or religious zealots -- to clean them up and make them safe for families to return and live normal lives.

Do you honestly believe these refugees (worldwide) would choose their current conditions if their own area of origin was safe to live in?

This is not an isolated issue exclusive to our southern border.

It's much, much bigger.

BACK TO YOU: your solution?

edit on 21-6-2018 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: network dude

No as I said before he demogoged himself into a corner... plus he has been on a rant to undo Obama’s every action.. he knows he gets cool points for that with his base no matter if it was a good or bad idea.

He just spouted anything he could think of that would rile up the anti immigration part of his base..

He did it because it “sounded good” and ignored or over ruled the warnings of what the actual ramifications would be..

And he had to have been warned, because previous presidents dodged this bullet!!!

You can’t say “nobody knew this would happen” because obama was using prosecutorial discretion not to charge these people..

Thus avoiding the expense and PR nightmare of housing the kids and parents..

Hey that said the PR nightmare has got them all moving.. I just bet dollars to donuts , if it gets fixed it will be what the democrats have been proposing the whole time.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: Annee

Do you honestly believe these refugees (worldwide) would choose their current conditions if their own area of origin was safe to live in?

Instead of running from their problems maybe they should stay and fight for what they believe in.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: JoshuaCox

Can I sneak across Canada's border with no ID and expect to stay if I get caught?

Mitch Hedberg did a bit about walking along the border and pushing someone into Canada and had to clear customs to get home.

I think this is a longstanding problem with the dislike of Mexicans that dates back a couple of centuries. Look at the Cuban community. Similar situation on getting to the States but the ones that did were welcomed. Policy was even drawn up to accept those that made it.

The wet feet, dry feet policy or wet foot, dry foot policy is the name given to a former interpretation of the 1995 revision of the application of the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 that essentially says that anyone who fled Cuba and entered the United States would be allowed to pursue residency a year later. Prior to 1995, the US government allowed all Cubans who reached US territorial waters to remain in the US. After talks with the Cuban government, the Clinton administration came to an agreement with Cuba that it would stop admitting people intercepted in U.S. waters. For several decades thereafter, in what became known as the "Wet foot, Dry foot" policy, a Cuban caught on the waters between the two nations (with "wet feet") would summarily be sent home or to a third country. One who makes it to shore ("dry feet") gets a chance to remain in the United States, and later would qualify for expedited "legal permanent resident" status in accordance with the 1966 Act and eventually U.S. citizenship. In January 2017, the Obama administration announced the immediate end of the policy shortly before President Barack Obama's term expired.

The Cuban community is thriving and has added to society. But that feeling that goes back to Santa Anna still exists. imo. It's joked about in Baseketball(Language):

There's truth in humor. If the attitude towards Mexicans could be more positive and proactive this situation would be much better.

Of course make sure none of these illegal aliens. get in.

edit on 21-6-2018 by intrepid because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: JoshuaCox

I got a solution... Do what the democrats and moderate republicans have been says by forever and treat everyone as an individual case . Then parse through the lot of them deciding who is worth letting stay and who is not...

Looks like that's what we've been doing.

The United States has been the top destination for international migrants since at least 1960, with one-fifth of the world's migrants living there as of 2017.

More than 43.7 million immigrants resided in the United States in 2016, accounting for 13.5 percent of the total U.S. population of 323.1 million, according to American Community Survey (ACS) data. Between 2015 and 2016, the foreign-born population increased by about 449,000, or 1 percent, a rate slower than the 2.1 percent growth experienced between 2014 and 2015. Immigrants and their U.S.-born children now number approximately 86.4 million people, or 27 percent of the overall U.S. population, according to the 2017 Current Population Survey (CPS).


Tell me what other country takes in those numbers?

That’s right and it isn’t sustainable. Man 86.4 million? I that’s the first I have heard of that new number that’s crazy. Imagine if we just got rid of half of them how higher the pay scales of those job sectors would rise! It would most certainly eliminate poverty level pay. That would be great for poor Americans! Too bad those poor Dems can’t comprehend this.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

srry you have lost me msm style

i am slow how about one point at a time

i do not think we disagree much but i see you have a desire to disagree so carry on

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: Lab4Us

I, too, 1000% agree with those knowingly employing illegal immigrants be prosecuted to the fullest extent of US law

Don't tell that to some people, they'll call you a bigot for wanting all immigrants to be protected by workplace laws and wages.... You know, the whole reason we regulate immigration (security for country, and guests we welcome in)... it's a two lane road, and a beautiful one.

We are all immigrants, a vast majority who speak on this topic don't hate immigrants. I support many immigrant run establishments in my community, and I see them just as American as me.

Not to mention that then the legal immigrants get paid what they are supposed to, instead of under the table at 25% or less of minimum wage (as the illegal immigrants are usually paid). My maternal grandparents emigrated from Germany in the early 1930s, legally. Pretty sure some might agree Germany was (or was getting) just as dangerous then as South America is now, if not worse. Oh, and as you I absolutely provide patronage to legally owned immigrant establishments. In fact, one sich restaurant here on my town is an ardent (and proud) supporter of 2A, and fully advertises as such.

Not sure why some can’t figure out there is a legal way to request asylum or just immigrate into the US.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: intrepid

originally posted by: howtonhawky
a reply to: intrepid

not a pipe dream

power to the people

give texans the right and we will secure our border within weeks.

all with volunteers if necessary

Then they would go through NM, Ariz and Cali. They're going to find a way.

rinse and repete

cali would let them in but then we could just make em stay in cali unless they are properly nautralized

the border states like ari and nm could do the same as texas

you are looking to fail and not succeed if you come up with any other answer than states rights as per the american constitution

so what would the canucks do to have us fix this?

with the recent legalization of mj it looks like many agree with me up there

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: Muninn
a reply to: Annee

Do you honestly believe these refugees (worldwide) would choose their current conditions if their own area of origin was safe to live in?

Instead of running from their problems maybe they should stay and fight for what they believe in.

Like those in Chicago did with the Mafia?

You know, with crooked politicians, cops on the Mafia payroll, etc.

Who do you think is gonna win?

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 01:00 PM
The feds. need to think ahead cause it really looks like California is going all out this time and will indeed win their case in relation to states rights and immigration.

We should all follow their leed and avoid falling apart as a nation.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: Annee

that is how you seek asylum to the US. If you can find the part in there stating "sneak across the border", I'd like to see it.

As far as it being an international issue, I'd agree. But for discussion purposes, this is about the recent uproar from the left over Trump being a horrible person. (it was in the news)

International peacekeeping forces? You mean like the UN? I think they already exist. (like the UN)
Why do we have to be the worlds police force? Don't we have some issues here that need fixing?

And for my solution, please read the OP. It's in there, just like Prego.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox

Hey that said the PR nightmare has got them all moving.. I just bet dollars to donuts , if it gets fixed it will be what the democrats have been proposing the whole time.

And if it gets fixed, Trump will have facilitated that by not "kicking the can down the road" like Obama did. Or can you find a way to spin that as well?

Definition of criminal?

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: Muninn
a reply to: Annee

Do you honestly believe these refugees (worldwide) would choose their current conditions if their own area of origin was safe to live in?

Instead of running from their problems maybe they should stay and fight for what they believe in.

They can’t make up their minds. “Stop policing the world!”......”We should police the world!”.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

I don't get it, they don't want people to stand up for themselves and the only solution they offer is to don't try we will coddle you.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Annee

that is how you seek asylum to the US. If you can find the part in there stating "sneak across the border", I'd like to see it.

As far as it being an international issue, I'd agree. But for discussion purposes, this is about the recent uproar from the left over Trump being a horrible person. (it was in the news)

International peacekeeping forces? You mean like the UN? I think they already exist. (like the UN)
Why do we have to be the worlds police force? Don't we have some issues here that need fixing?

And for my solution, please read the OP. It's in there, just like Prego.

Aren't you and I not talking about the current situation of LEGAL asylum seekers who's children are being ripped away from them?

I also will never blame children for what their parents did.

My ex married a woman from Mexico. I know exactly what he had to go through to legally bring her and her children here and what it cost him.

But, neither he or her were desperate.

I don't know what I would do if I was desperate. I honestly, don't think you know what you would do either. But, I do believe you would fight for yourself.
edit on 21-6-2018 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Annee

that is how you seek asylum to the US. If you can find the part in there stating "sneak across the border", I'd like to see it.

As far as it being an international issue, I'd agree. But for discussion purposes, this is about the recent uproar from the left over Trump being a horrible person. (it was in the news)

International peacekeeping forces? You mean like the UN? I think they already exist. (like the UN)
Why do we have to be the worlds police force? Don't we have some issues here that need fixing?

And for my solution, please read the OP. It's in there, just like Prego.

Aren't you and I not talking about the current situation of LEGAL asylum seekers who's children are being ripped away from them?

I also will never blame children for what their parents did.

My ex married a woman from Mexico. I know exactly what he had to go through to legally bring her and her children here and what it cost him.

But, neither he or her were desperate.

I don't know what I would do if I was desperate. I honestly, don't think you know what you would do either. But, I do believe you would fight for yourself.

You seem to be talking about those entering on unicorns. I was speaking of those who were caught crossing the border illegally. As I showed you, there is a process for seeking asylum to the US. And I may be wrong, but I don't believe they come and arrest you, then separate your family for filling out the forms. If you find out that our system goes to foreign countries and kidnaps families then splits them and detains them, you let me know.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: Muninn
a reply to: Alien Abduct

I don't get it, they don't want people to stand up for themselves and the only solution they offer is to don't try we will coddle you.

You call what these families are going through -- coddling?

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