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A minimum-wage worker needs 2.5 full-time jobs to afford a one-bedroom apartment in most of the US

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posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: CB328
You really don't need any more proof of the failing of capitalism than this. At a time when corporations and CEO's are raking in gigantic profits, the people actually doing the hardest and worst jobs can't even afford an apartment. We hear a lot of proganda on here about how capitalism provides for people so well and creates so much prosperity. The truth is it creates prosperity for those at the top by destroying and enslaving those at the bottom. How is this any different than communism? It's just slavery with lipstick.

A minimum-wage worker needs 2.5 full-time jobs to afford a one-bedroom apartment in most of the US

I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but apparently I'm sharper than You in this regard. The reason rent is so expensive is because when a land lord puts a property up for rent He does so at the bare minimum the government is willing to pay with section 8. Now I don't know about You but I haven't met one single person on earth that can spend as much money as the federal government and that is the reason that no one can afford rent because if the government didn't dish out section 8 then land lords would have to lower their rates to attract renters.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: Xenogears
I said below 70 is mental retardation.

Then why bring up people between 85 and 100 as you did earlier? You made the case that the 34% of people with IQ's that are below average but above retardation aren't smart enough to make a decent living in the country anymore.

If that's the case, then shouldn't we recognize that success isn't possible for all, and adjust social programs to help them?

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: jkm1864

Most landlords do not accept section 8.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: Aazadan

Back that statement up with numbers

How many people are on secrion 8 currently?

I'm going to guess millions of people have housong vouchers

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 07:44 AM
People sure like to talk about better jobs lol .
Fastfood at 10 $ a hour that any person can learn in a day or 3 . Well got news I worked in factory's twice in my life .
One factory made welding tips for the car plants . Stick a pice of copper in hole push button repeat 1000s time .

Time it took to learn the job ten seconds so this is what it is when a job is worth more then minim wage lol .
the other was slightly more high teck . Made windows for cars and bullet resistant glass . ( no such thing as bullet proof )
anyway NEEDS to be very very clean so Clean rooms ( just like the movies lol )
The work on teh otehr hand stick glass in bags put on rack put rack in oven to bake glass . ( for car glass 2 sheets glass one sheet special plastic so when broken the glass does not splinter .
Bullet resistance 10 sheets of glass with a laver of plastic in between each layer .

How long it take to learn the job well maybe a day tops .
Who is any one kidding ? 90 % of jobs could be done by MONKEYS jobs have to be simple as possible when you need millions of people to do them .

Now as for lawyers RIGHTTTT lol just learn lots and lots of loop holes paper work and a skill for snowballing .
Doctors need real skill nurses need real skill nuk power plants need real skill .
Coal and gas once again monkey jobs .

What monkey job means is the skills needed are so low you can darn near train a monkey to do it .
almost no difference between fastfood joint and the other 90 % of jobs out there in skills needed .
99% of the time its NOT what you know but who you know or just how good you are at making people belive YOUR the only person who can possibly learn the job .

Half the reason you need special papers to be qualified is to keep teh little man down .
Some ares you need a lawn maintenance licence along with a contractors licence along with a business licence along with being Incorporated .
Just to run a two or 3 truck lawn care . And lest we forget litle 9 year old Cindy needs a food primit to a business licence collect taxes and more to run a 25 cent road side lemonade stand .

Its a joke designed to keep you poor as possible because if you started making good money WHO in tehre right mind would pick up your garbage lol .
Back not even ten years alest all of you know this some how you have forgotten its not about what job you have its about keep people as poor as possible the best control is when they spend 90 hours a week just tring to sleep safe and eat no one will be complaining to bussie .

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: Aazadan

originally posted by: Xenogears
I said below 70 is mental retardation.

Then why bring up people between 85 and 100 as you did earlier? You made the case that the 34% of people with IQ's that are below average but above retardation aren't smart enough to make a decent living in the country anymore.

If that's the case, then shouldn't we recognize that success isn't possible for all, and adjust social programs to help them?

I didn't say between 85 and 100, I said at or below 85. But in reality it is at or below 83.

And even if it is just 10% they should have measures to help them survive. But again incentives or measures must be put in place to regulate reproduction.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: Xenogears

originally posted by: Aazadan

originally posted by: Xenogears
I said below 70 is mental retardation.

Then why bring up people between 85 and 100 as you did earlier? You made the case that the 34% of people with IQ's that are below average but above retardation aren't smart enough to make a decent living in the country anymore.

If that's the case, then shouldn't we recognize that success isn't possible for all, and adjust social programs to help them?

I didn't say between 85 and 100, I said at or below 85. But in reality it is at or below 83.

And even if it is just 10% they should have measures to help them survive. But again incentives or measures must be put in place to regulate reproduction.

"Measures to help them survive" "regulate reproduction"

Interesting. As I've followed, I thought eugenics was where this was headed. That opens a lot of doors for discussion and a window into what happens when a high IQ meets narcissism in the same mind or group of minds. People of lower IQ become less than human and therefore disposable and a problem rather than simply fellow human beings.

When you reduce people to categories it dehumanizes them, makes it easier to view them as inferior and less valuable. It's the same whether we are talking about race or IQ. It's rationalized hate and often those espousing eugenics don't even realize what's at the root of their beliefs as they see themselves as superior.

Who is actually more important to society? Groups of PhD's who spend their lives on nonproductive pursuits or those who do the labor to build the universities?

I have a cousin who made full professor at 19. He can't put a nut on a bolt and I mean that literally, but his mind is a computer running mathematics programs. He can't even function in normal society.

I have another cousin who has an IQ of 60 who became a carpenter and cabinet maker. He's always needed help with things like paying bills, but still he supports his wife and raised two normal children with above average IQ's. His wife has a similar IQ to his.

The brightest among us often contribute nothing of importance to our future or survival, but even a common laborer contributes valuable services.

Eugenics is backward thinking at best. Our diversity is our strength.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 02:54 PM
you think the wealthy are going to give up any of their income so poor people can make better wages?...they have been doing the opposite since the early 60''s just a matter of time before the masses become so poor that their dire circumstances will leave them no choice but to riot and pillage...martial law will be announced, and the transformation of America will be complete from a vibrant economy to a country like Russia....a very few with wealth, a few more with skills, and 60 to 80% of the rest, dirt poor living in multi-person apartments with subsistence levels of income...this last tax cut in December was a big F U to the REST of America.

look at Obama health care.....he tried to get the bottom poorest of the poor, approx. 15 to 20 million, basic healthcare, some hadn't seen a doctor in decades, and as soon as the republicans got in it was "oh s**t we can't have that, that takes money out of our investment portfolio, and gives it to the mongrels", even though he worked with the insurance companies to make sure they got their cut.....and you just on their list is social security and medicare, you won't have a pot to piss in after they get done cutting that and giving themselves another tax cut in celebration....the debt? problem for them....they simply move their money electronically(along with their families), to a different country and leave the rest of America holding the bag

edit on 19-6-2018 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
a reply to: Aazadan

Back that statement up with numbers

How many people are on secrion 8 currently?

I'm going to guess millions of people have housong vouchers

5 million out of 126 million households. That's 4%, a rather small number.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: CB328

So tell me... what is your answer to the problem?

There are a lot of things that need to be done. First of all, raise the minimum wage to at least $10 an hour. Secondly we need to raise taxes on businesses and the wealthy and use them to bring back more government and union jobs. That would help the American people tremendously. Also we could do infrastructure repair that Trump promised, but put it almost entirely on the states to pay for, so nothing is being done.

Raise taxes on business. Business take themselves to another country with less taxes on their company. Now we are even worse off.

Raise minimum wage to 10/hr. Now the cost of everything goes up. You just devalued our money even more.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
The brightest among us often contribute nothing of importance to our future or survival, but even a common laborer contributes valuable services.

I don't know about that, but I do think we over value intelligence in society. Where the popular sentiment was once that the strongest and fastest or the most attractive were considered an elite tier of humans regardless of any actual accomplishments, we've replaced that with the smart folks. Just look at how parents brag about their kids, it used to be that they looked so amazing, now it's that they're really smart.

The truth is that society needs smart people, but that smart people aren't the only thing society needs. Right now we need garbage men and road repair crews and society is best served if some of those people enjoy those jobs. Some day when we automate those positions away we are still going to need a George Jetson to push a button for 3 hours a week.

That said, those jobs are never going to give an employee enough negotiating leverage to get better working conditions for themselves. In the absence of effective labor laws or collective bargaining the only path left open to most people is to become a specialist in some part of a complex procedure. Specialists avoid the need for a general education, have skills that are hard to replicate, and are able to have more leverage for themselves.

Any effective specialization however takes time to learn, because one needs to make use of a barrier to entry in order to make their craft lucrative. This is also why trades are a bad idea, the field is becoming more generalist and less specialist.

Eugenics is backward thinking at best. Our diversity is our strength.

Eugenics doesn't work because if we all have unlimited potential, then trying to forcibly evolve society doesn't actually get you anywhere because the potential remains unchanged.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 03:49 PM
Can I take a IQ test to see if I qualify for subsistence due to low IQ..... I bet I will....

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555

originally posted by: Xenogears

originally posted by: Aazadan

originally posted by: Xenogears
I said below 70 is mental retardation.

Then why bring up people between 85 and 100 as you did earlier? You made the case that the 34% of people with IQ's that are below average but above retardation aren't smart enough to make a decent living in the country anymore.

If that's the case, then shouldn't we recognize that success isn't possible for all, and adjust social programs to help them?

I didn't say between 85 and 100, I said at or below 85. But in reality it is at or below 83.

And even if it is just 10% they should have measures to help them survive. But again incentives or measures must be put in place to regulate reproduction.

"Measures to help them survive" "regulate reproduction"

Interesting. As I've followed, I thought eugenics was where this was headed. That opens a lot of doors for discussion and a window into what happens when a high IQ meets narcissism in the same mind or group of minds. People of lower IQ become less than human and therefore disposable and a problem rather than simply fellow human beings.

When you reduce people to categories it dehumanizes them, makes it easier to view them as inferior and less valuable. It's the same whether we are talking about race or IQ. It's rationalized hate and often those espousing eugenics don't even realize what's at the root of their beliefs as they see themselves as superior.

Who is actually more important to society? Groups of PhD's who spend their lives on nonproductive pursuits or those who do the labor to build the universities?

I have a cousin who made full professor at 19. He can't put a nut on a bolt and I mean that literally, but his mind is a computer running mathematics programs. He can't even function in normal society.

I have another cousin who has an IQ of 60 who became a carpenter and cabinet maker. He's always needed help with things like paying bills, but still he supports his wife and raised two normal children with above average IQ's. His wife has a similar IQ to his.

The brightest among us often contribute nothing of importance to our future or survival, but even a common laborer contributes valuable services.

Eugenics is backward thinking at best. Our diversity is our strength.

I did not say kill, but just like those with serious disabilities, it is not in society's best interest to BUILD new humans with defects, if the probability of defects in construction is high, it is not to be allowed. We care and provide for existing humans, but you cannot overburden the system with excessive reproduction, there are finite resources(WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT).

Once the smartest humans gain dominion over the phenomena of intelligence, which surpasses the atom in power, they will guide the fate of this world.

All beasts came to be dominated by man, a superior intellect, the birth of a higher lifeform will result in mankind being bound to follow the rules of its superiors.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: Aazadan

Need drives demand. You fill a need, no matter what the task is, there is a pathway to wealth. Often those with the highest IQ's have pursuits that fill no actual need.

Our universities are overflowing with very bright people who will never actually fill any of societies needs. It's almost like a high end welfare program as universities adopt worthless majors, taught by professional students. High IQ's often do not lead to common sense. All that brainpower wasted and more of a hindrance to our progress that a stepping stone towards it.

Our schools are spitting out people deep in debt, heads filled with knowledge that is of little or no use once they leave those ivy covered walls. High IQ's, lots of knowledge, but useless in the real world.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 04:10 PM
Raising minimum wage isn't the answer.

Minimum wage jobs are starter jobs. Sometimes in life we hit hard times. So if my business closed down and my wife got laid off and I needed income right away, I would go back to one of those starter jobs. Start a side hustle or two and get promoted and use the leverage from that starter job to get a better job. Easy peezy.

You have to remember that in most starter jobs, like McDonalds, It's people that don't work very hard or don't have the aptitude or want to move on. You already have an advantage. Study everything, learn everything and get promoted to shift manager. Still hourly, but you get lot's of hours and learn a ton...also make connections and learn new skills. From there it's really easy to get promoted to Asst Salary Manager. Now your getting better benefits and pay and looks really good on a resume. FRom there it's easy to move laterally to a better restaraount let's say, and make more money. If ou work hard enough you'll become a general manager. Run the whole restaraunt, then you can become a training manager, area manager, or general manager at any number of businesses.

That's just one thing. Getting a good job is easy.. sometimes it just takes a while and requires you to work harder than any of your coworkers. I've done it. It's true.

But staying a fry cook and getting your minumum wage raised is not the answer. Tha's a subpar life. You don't want that.

edit on 19-6-2018 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: Aazadan

Eugenics is backward thinking at best. Our diversity is our strength.

Eugenics doesn't work because if we all have unlimited potential, then trying to forcibly evolve society doesn't actually get you anywhere because the potential remains unchanged.

We don't all have unlimited potential. Someone with progeria or down's syndrome does not have the same capability to be productive as a high iq healthy individual.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 04:12 PM
Go to a technical college and learn plumbing or electrical or any trade. The sewer cleaning guy that I use for my campground gives 10% discount for cash. You know why? His corvette payment that is due every month. I used to pay every time he showed now it's a monthly bill in an envelope!!!

He cleans sewer lines and such and told me he makes well over $200k a year. A van and a $1000 got him started

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Xenogears

I understood what you meant fully. Your argument is not even remotely new.

, it is not in society's best interest to BUILD new humans with defects

I fully expected that in your reply.

Once the smartest humans gain dominion over the phenomena of intelligence, which surpasses the atom in power, they will guide the fate of this world.

Now where have we heard that before? Different words but the same.

All beasts came to be dominated by man, a superior intellect, the birth of a higher lifeform will result in mankind being bound to follow the rules of its superiors.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: mikell

Exactly. The largest construction companies on earth were built on the backs of small local contractors. Working in the skilled trades can be more lucrative than a PhD. It's not about IQ, its about motivation.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
Our schools are spitting out people deep in debt, heads filled with knowledge that is of little or no use once they leave those ivy covered walls. High IQ's, lots of knowledge, but useless in the real world.

What's useful to society and what is lucrative are not always the same thing.

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