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The Most Successful Ethnic Group in the US May Surprise You

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posted on Jul, 19 2018 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: amazing

You found a way to parlay your physical ability into a strength to succeed.

It's a misnomer to think that all scientists are extreme brainiacs. One of the more eminent physicists of the recent past was "only" a 120.

What IQ does mean is your capacity to learn. It's not a limit as much as an indication of how hard it is for you to pick up a new concept or idea. Theoretically, a person of below average intellect would possibly be able to learn advanced astrophysics, but it would take them a long, long time and lots and lots of applied study to get there.

Lets look at it this way - Someone with an IQ of say 135ish might only need to be exposed to a new concept once in order to absorb it and master it.

The typical person of more average IQ can still master the same concept, but they might take 6 or 7 repetitions of the material.

Someone down below the average might take another 6 or more, but still be able to master the same concept given time and exposure.

Our schools these days are geared for the average kids. That's the only reason why the lesser able may not reach more than they do unless you're talking actual mental impairment. It has little to do with whether or not they can and more to do with whether or not they're given the opportunity, and you see that stifling of opportunity on both ends of the spectrum.

IQ also doesn't measure "hustle" or common sense. I can't tell you how many Doctor friends I have who don't have a lick of common sense. On the other hand, I've known a lot blue collar joes who barely graduated high school who are quite wise to the ways of the world. Book smarts aren't always better than street smarts.

There is truth that A students work for C students. A lot of very successful entrepreneurs never finish school. However, they are very driven and focused.

posted on Jul, 20 2018 @ 01:22 AM

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Xenogears

originally posted by: conspiracy nut
I believe this goes against all the Africans have lower IQs nonsense. I believe in nature over nurture, people that grew up in Africa don't have the same stigma of the African Americans that grew up here of racism and the victim mentality. People in America tend to have a really crappy work ethic regardless of skin color. If we all had a work ethic like the Amish America would truly be great again!!

NO ONE SAYS ALL africans have low iq, only that most nations in africa have lower average iq. Tests of intellectual ability have been performed even at university level, even with those who've reached that level of education, and simply validated previous results.

IQ is not a measure of education, it is a measure of intellectual capability.

IQ is not biased against other ethnic groups, because if it were it would under predict their performance, but it doesn't under predict it predicts just as well independent of ethnic group.

I disagree. I think IQ is just ONE indicator of success in life.

I'm dumb as a rock, low IQ....couldn't pass algebra to save my life. Pay someone to do my taxes for me.

However, I own my own business, have a wife 3 kids, 2 dogs and 2 cats in a huge house with a giant swimming pool, Motorcycle, several cars, hold all kinds of martial arts degrees and certifications and people pay to work with me every day. In every measurable way, I'm a success at life, despite low iQ.

IQ means nothing. It's a way to divide us and keep us down.

Yet when you take it into account, it is said racial income differences and incarceration rate differences vanish. That is the rates are the same irregardless of skin color for a given IQ level.

Not to say there aren't exceptions, but in general it helps to predict the failure or success of many especially when combined with other personality traits.

If you get seriously drunk and drive, you may crash and probably kill someone. Are there people that may manage to always get to their home without accident despite a lifetime of drunk driving? Probably, doesn't mean the odds aren't against you if you were to become a frequent drunk driver.
edit on 20-7-2018 by Xenogears because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2018 @ 01:29 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: amazing

You found a way to parlay your physical ability into a strength to succeed.

It's a misnomer to think that all scientists are extreme brainiacs. One of the more eminent physicists of the recent past was "only" a 120.

What IQ does mean is your capacity to learn. It's not a limit as much as an indication of how hard it is for you to pick up a new concept or idea. Theoretically, a person of below average intellect would possibly be able to learn advanced astrophysics, but it would take them a long, long time and lots and lots of applied study to get there.

Lets look at it this way - Someone with an IQ of say 135ish might only need to be exposed to a new concept once in order to absorb it and master it.

The typical person of more average IQ can still master the same concept, but they might take 6 or 7 repetitions of the material.

Someone down below the average might take another 6 or more, but still be able to master the same concept given time and exposure.

Our schools these days are geared for the average kids. That's the only reason why the lesser able may not reach more than they do unless you're talking actual mental impairment. It has little to do with whether or not they can and more to do with whether or not they're given the opportunity, and you see that stifling of opportunity on both ends of the spectrum.

Well let's take Peterson's comment. He says it was found by the military that no amount of training could train persons below 83 iq for any task, no matter how simple within the military. Thus it was made illegal to enlist individuals of such low iq as irregardless of the amount of training they'd be counterproductive to virtually any enterprise even at simple tasks.

Now take it that there are tens of millions of americans at or below that IQ level, and even employing them is counterproductive to private enterprise.

The thing is, a person won't just fail at one task but low IQ means failure at a wide variety of intellectually demanding tasks, even everyday life tasks. They will make worse decisions, and be unable to use information adequately to make the best decisions, with regards to their money, their health, their education, their employment.

A simple program excels at repetitive rote tasks, but everyday life is filled with novelty, and if you're unable to handle novel information and make complex decisions you will have a good chance of failing at life, as seen by factors like lower income and higher incarceration rates.

posted on Jul, 20 2018 @ 01:35 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: amazing

You found a way to parlay your physical ability into a strength to succeed.

It's a misnomer to think that all scientists are extreme brainiacs. One of the more eminent physicists of the recent past was "only" a 120.

What IQ does mean is your capacity to learn. It's not a limit as much as an indication of how hard it is for you to pick up a new concept or idea. Theoretically, a person of below average intellect would possibly be able to learn advanced astrophysics, but it would take them a long, long time and lots and lots of applied study to get there.

Lets look at it this way - Someone with an IQ of say 135ish might only need to be exposed to a new concept once in order to absorb it and master it.

The typical person of more average IQ can still master the same concept, but they might take 6 or 7 repetitions of the material.

Someone down below the average might take another 6 or more, but still be able to master the same concept given time and exposure.

Our schools these days are geared for the average kids. That's the only reason why the lesser able may not reach more than they do unless you're talking actual mental impairment. It has little to do with whether or not they can and more to do with whether or not they're given the opportunity, and you see that stifling of opportunity on both ends of the spectrum.

IQ also doesn't measure "hustle" or common sense. I can't tell you how many Doctor friends I have who don't have a lick of common sense. On the other hand, I've known a lot blue collar joes who barely graduated high school who are quite wise to the ways of the world. Book smarts aren't always better than street smarts.

There is truth that A students work for C students. A lot of very successful entrepreneurs never finish school. However, they are very driven and focused.

Driven and focused, and also high IQ in many cases. High IQ does not necessarily mean you'll go on to try and get the best scores and appease all teachers, or go on to a low paying job at university or research.

If you have a multimillion idea, sometimes it is not necessary to get a degree, might be a waste of time. Though there is risk in pursuing innovation. Being focused and driven is taken into account by the personality traits that combined with IQ tend to lead to higher success.

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