originally posted by: lakenheath24
Well, well, more circus freaks trying to be "normal" from CNN. Like I said, the more they get airtime, the more "normal" it becomes. You can bet
this kid was panicked when mommy disappeared, and freak show showed up...yeah that kid is gonna turn out normal. This freak wants a Father's Day
card?! I am truly insulted by that.
The underlying goal is to make this 'normal', why do you think every parade, etc is popping up in every city around the world, within the same year,
or so?
It's either the most amazing coincidence of the last century, or it's a deliberately, coordinated plan. Add in the rainbow crosswalks, transgender
rights, as if a third gender has been 'discovered', 'scientific' evidence of 'transgender brains', all the politicians pushing the idea, and then
tell me it's merely all a coincidence!?!?
Suddenly, gay, trans, and whatever else, becomes 'normal', exactly like heterosexuals have 'always been considered!
Although - much 'better' than heterosexuals!
Sure - look at all the perverted men who rape, and sexually demean women, all over the world! In Hollywood, in your workplace, on the streets, online,
and everywhere else!
This is obviously the way heterosexuals behave, all the time, towards all women. They rape little girls!
But don't fear, children, There are many alternatives to this, and you are welcome to explore them, freely! Woman are to be respected, at all times.
They are not to be treated as sexual objects, or desired as sexual objects. Women are your friends, not your sex toys!!
Normal is being completely twisted around, to DISCOURAGE any male-female bonds, to have children raised by their parents - their father, and their
The one, most important reason heterosexual sex is called NORMAL, is that it alone is responsible for our very EXISTENCE, today, and forever after.
If it was normal to have same sex partners, the species would not exist, or barely so.
This brings me to the real goal, behind this -
Population control - 'thinning the herd'.
Anyone can read their own documents on this, of course, but most people merrily go along their way!
It isn't about anyone who is gay, or trans, being the problem, because it's not a problem at all. We are born as we are, that's it.
I have gay friends who think it is being done the wrong way, too. Promoting gays is also singling them out, which is not the reason behind the
When a small town starts getting on the news, with a couple of people accusing their Mayor of homophobia, simply because he didn't approve of a
rainbow-colored crosswalk, painted across Main Street!!
This was because others did not approve it, and because it promotes nothing more than a distinct sexual preference, which is exclusionary, and
divisive, and elitist, and so on.
They call it anti-gay, homophobic, haters. Media portrays it that way, of course. The mayor barely gets to say anything on his side.
Nobody understands that two fathers, or two mothers, are not reality. Same sex couples cannot have offspring. It requires a male and female.
Automatically, any same sex parents have a child with only one parent, or none at all. If I'm the child, I'd wonder what happened to my dad, or mom.
And why I have two dads, or two moms. I'd see my friends have a dad and mom, but not me. Other kids say my parents are two faggots, and laugh about
Think what you'd feel in such a scenario...it would rip you apart, emotionally. You get beat up because of having two dads. A lot of kids resent their
parents for a 10 pm curfew, or whatever. What would a kid think of their parents who are gay, who caused such torment in school, and made you consider
A child has nobody to look up to but their parents, or hopefully so. Many have only one parent, which can work, but may not work, as well....This is
in general terms, of course - a mother and father are your parents, who created you, in form. They are part of you, you are part of them, no matter
what else happens afterwards.
There is something very special, very unique, between parent and child, that cannot be explained with words.
When it is a single parent, it often follows the child forever after.
Nobody really knows what will happen when some children have grown up with same sex parents, because only a few cases of this have occurred, afaik.
I'm not against anyone who is gay, or trans, or anything. It's normal to want children of your own, to love, and raise.
And there are many kids who need a family. No matter if it's two fathers or two mothers, the alternative is way worse. And the parents love their new
child, as any parents do.
So that's all good. It may all work, too, in the end. We don't know yet.
All I know is that children need parents, to raise them, guide them, and protect them. What I fear is that children with same sex parents will be
targets. In school, in social media, etc. And there is another problem here - most children will never, ever, tell their parents about it. This may
not happen, or rarely happen, of course. But I think it will happen more often than we'll ever hear about, from mass media