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Transgender birth to baby

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+4 more 
posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 03:19 AM
I will be honest. This disgusts me. AND they refuse to but the gender on the birth certificate...preferring to allow the child to make that decision. The world has gone mad...using children to prove a point. It sickens me. Of particular revulsion is the demi moore style preggers pose. Perhaps this should be in the rant section but i transitioned it here.

+15 more 
posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 03:33 AM
The fact she's just pushed a baby through her very female anatomy should tell her something

You can change to be 'like' a man, but a man she'll never be.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 04:02 AM
Even had a c section. It had to come off the man hormones just to get pregnant.

a reply to: Joneselius

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 04:34 AM
Poor baby. It will grow up in a very confused world. Thanks, mom, dad er-

+6 more 
posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 04:36 AM
AKA, WOMAN masquerading as a man, gives birth to child.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 04:36 AM
Im of the school of thought:

Everyone is born differently, both physically and mentally. If someone doesnt feel "normal" in their own skin and biologically assigned gender, then I support their transition into a socially accepted member of the opposite sex.

If a woman thinks she is a man, and wants to live as a man. Then socially she becomes he. But medically, still a woman.

I would call him well... him.

But there is nothing "special" about this story, nature took her hand and guided her through 9 months of pregnancy as a biological woman. Not a magical man who popped out a baby.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 05:07 AM
Good for the parent as long as they are loved what's the problem?.
Trans folk are the people to hate on ATS at the moment.
Live and let live eh?.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 05:16 AM
So a woman gives birth to a baby?
That happens every 13 seconds, right?
What's the big news?

Oh you mean she's not a man and can only have the characteristics of a man unless she is taking exogenous testoterone? Meaning she is a female? Huh.

Lovely world we live in.
That UK and their political correctness kills me.

I'm not for or against this. People have the freedom to do what they want. But to make a news story to push an agenda? Thats todays outrage culture.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 05:27 AM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
I will be honest. This disgusts me. AND they refuse to but the gender on the birth certificate...preferring to allow the child to make that decision. The world has gone mad...using children to prove a point. It sickens me. Of particular revulsion is the demi moore style preggers pose. Perhaps this should be in the rant section but i transitioned it here.< br />

You're not supposed to smoke or anything during pregnancy. What kind of harm is done to the baby from consuming all those hormones trans people take? It can't have developed normally.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 05:38 AM
Being trans, i.e feeling in the wrong body is exactly the same as any other body dysmorphia. There are people who absolutely are convinced they should be an amputee. This, they feel since childhood. Some feel they should be blind, a woman had put acid into her eyes to make her feel 'proper', another had a train amputate his legs, because doctors don't want to mutilate people unnecessarily...
But they feel just as strong, if not stronger about their dysmorphia as transgenders.
Then we have people who feel they are the wrong race. Again, same story.

What I want to know is why it is not only ok, but taught to small children that you can always be who you are when it comes to genitalia but it is a silent secret that it is not ok to feel like an amputee? It is the same thing gone wrong in the brain somewhere but they don't teach nursery kids that it is alright to chop limbs off if they really feel like it. They also call themselves transables.
Not the fetish, but the actual affliction.

Why not? It's the ruddy same thing only a different body part. The suffering and the conviction is just as strong.


Or, if mutilating yourself for gender feelings is ok, then it MUST also be ok for doctors to remove limbs as well, many people try to do it themselves and often die. Nobody is having parades about that.

If you commit to one gender, then DO IT, but don't lecture kids as if it is normal, and don't abuse the rights to have your cake and eat it [as in man-giving birth]. She is clearly not feeling too male, being a mother is the most female thing you could do, even if you have an artificially testosterone induced beard.

I disagree with this confusion completely, mostly for the kid's sake. She might love her baby but she has also major psychological problems not knowing what gender she is exactly, this will have an influence n the poor child. Adopt a kid and/or become a drag King or something if you want it all, but don't tell me you are a man if you have a uterus.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: lakenheath24

Good thing your feelings mean # all I guess.

The thing that makes me so curious is why do people care so #ing much? So much to be disgusted at something a free person does that has no bearing on their life at all.

Go ahead and play like you're worried about the baby even though that's bull#.

And they put no gender on the cert.
And demi more in a magazine from 6,000 years ago.

The # you have to deal with huh?

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 06:09 AM
Whats it say about you that you have to reply to a thread that you feel is not worth ones time?
I will tell you how this affects me...i wm being forced to accept something as notmal that my brain tells me is moronic and weird. She wanted to be a he, yet stopped the hormones to become a she so he/she could get a c section because her vag had been filled in so she could be a he. Now it wants to affect its child with this idiot8c behavior and we are expected to shrug our shoulders and accept it. No way. These people are freaks and want to raise little people so they can raise kids to accept their perverse, unnatural lifestyle choice.

a reply to: TinySickTears

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: lakenheath24

"Her vag had been filled in" pmsl, do they caulk it up or use expanding foam d'ya reckon?

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy
a reply to: lakenheath24

"Her vag had been filled in" pmsl, do they caulk it up or use expanding foam d'ya reckon?

I'm glad someone could make me laugh after reading this thread. Thanks!

We all know trans-whatevers will be the first to go if/when civilization breaks down. Their way of life serves no purpose in nature.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 06:34 AM
Things that should not be forced upon the child:


The kid will be used as a weapon on both sides and all I can do is feel sorry for this child. But wait...


Side question:

So he got pregnant 9 months ago, at what point did he realise he was pregnant? Before or after he filled in his special lady parts? Because if after then that seems like a big issue? Its not like he was filled up then suddenly became pregnant...

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

It's good to know how to do these surgeries to repair accidental injuries. As far as sex change goes, the high rate of mental illness and suicide makes me think we should take another look at where we are going.

The doctors always stress rigorous screening procedures yet still obtain these results. I think your post points out how troubled these people are even before the surgery. It is kind of like they are using mental patients to experiment on to develop these techniques, destroying lives in the process.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 06:42 AM

originally posted by: thekaboose

Everyone is born differently, both physically and mentally. If someone doesnt feel "normal" in their own skin and biologically assigned gender, then I support their transition into a socially accepted member of the opposite sex.

I am confused as to how either sex knows how the opposite sex

actually feels because I cannot for the life of me imagine the

feelings of another who is even the same sex as me!!!

It HAS to be an assumption? ..... and you know what they say about assumptions!

If a woman thinks she is a man, and wants to live as a man. Then socially she becomes he. But medically, still a woman.


But there is nothing "special" about this story, nature took her hand and guided her through 9 months of pregnancy as a biological woman. Not a magical man who popped out a baby.

No miracle
Women are giving birth ALL the time .......

It WILL be a miracle when a man gives birth Now that will be news

edit on 8-6-2018 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
I will be honest. This disgusts me. AND they refuse to but the gender on the birth certificate...preferring to allow the child to make that decision. The world has gone mad...using children to prove a point. It sickens me. Of particular revulsion is the demi moore style preggers pose. Perhaps this should be in the rant section but i transitioned it here.< br />

What is the conspiracy theory in this? is it that someone has conspired to disgust you by being different? is it that someone has the cheek to pose in a manner you find offensive, in a deliberate conspiratorial manner?

or is this just really you using ATS to voice your hatred and discrimination of anyone that isn't the same as you?

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: LogicalGraphitti

Heck, I wouldn't want to be trans in any societal breakdown, they're going to be the first ones abused for sure.
I live in a 'trans-friendly' area so we probably have a higher than average in our population, I've never seen anyone abused or heard of it here, the community is generally against any nastiness. In a previous career life I met many as clients, and almost all of them were out of work claiming welfare benefits due to depression.
For many it seems even after transition it can still be an unhappy life.

Regarding the OP story though, I'll admit it unsettles me, just purely for the child, but if they can provide a stable loving home then I guess that's all that counts. A mate of mine was raised from early childhood with his mother and her female partner. He is totally stable and an average guy, although he was teased at school by bullies, but then kids pick anything to be horrible about, for me it was acne, 'pizza face' etc.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 06:55 AM

I am confused as to how either sex knows how the opposite sex actually feels because I cannot for the life of me imagine the feelings of another who is even the same sex as me!!!

Anyone who says they know is a great big fibber! Thats the kicker, no 2 people think a like. Mentally we are all different, socially we are all different. But like I said, I will expect someone socially who has transitioned, be friends with them, go for a pint, have a good ol sing song, treat them like anyone else.

I will not bow down to people who say biology is wrong because there are more genders than male or female.

This is my major bug bear. There are only two definitive biological genders (I except hermaphrodites fall into one or the other), the rest is a social persona of the individual which the general public do not have to be forced to accept personally but it should be seen as normal not to conform with the social norms of the early 20th century.

Gay is not a gender
Lesbian is not a gender
Demi-queer is not a gender
Transsexual is not a gender

If you are any of the above I salute you, you know who you are. Live your life.

But a man giving birth is not a thing, he was born a woman with the woman parts to bring a life into this world. People need to stop mixing fantasy with fiction. The headline should have been

Female to male Transitioning individual has given birth via c-section after having her lady parts filled in

With the following quote:

"I always knew I was meant to be a man, but I wanted to birth a child before I fully transitioned. But now, I want to be known as my babys dad."


-- quick edit - Please read this as if I am having an argument with myself because at the end of the day, thats normally what happens. It comes across as the drunken ramblings of a mad homeless person sometimes
edit on 3006America/Chicagokamb2018201811America/Chicago by thekaboose because: (no reason given)

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