posted on Jun, 1 2018 @ 03:52 PM
originally posted by: Allaroundyou
I believe that my biggest issue is growing up knowing what I know about space and time. I believe this common acceptance of this is breaking me
when I research this concept.
So I have a question that I want to ask those here that have a much better understanding of this than I.
If one knows that time is human made and not a construct of physics then would that make space only relevant with time?
This is where I am lost and it is killing me. Should I just step away and let it be or should I delve more into the subject?
You first problem that is probably making you crazy is language. See, there are only so many words that can be used. And they get re-applied to very
precise meanings when used in science. That is why learning physics (or math, or probably a new language), changes how your mind is wired. In other
words, you grow!
Next, you a mixing the scientific terms with "what I know" (experience, common sense) use of the same words. Your thread title gives this away! It
reads, "Space and time" which means you are trying to understand the science topic through your experiences with space and time these are two separate
subjects. If you were having problems understanding the physics you would have used the correct term, "space-time".
Once you can wrap your mind around this distinction, give those vids a review. Remember, it is trippy stuff when it is all new to you (heck, Carl
Sagan like the MJ for a reason!). In physics, space-time does some crazy things that even Einstein did not like or even think possible (like black
Don't give up! Space and time can make you crazy (like losing your keys). Space-time can warp your mind while growing it at the same time! It is a
worthwhile endeavor.