a reply to:
The way i kind of conceptualize it:
e = mc^2
Energy, mass, basically these mythical, but very real particles and wave forms are the "spacetime" as it is one cohesive thing (albeit differentiated
into different states depending on which point you are looking at in the system).
-Space is nothing, but a measure of volume and area - 3 dimensional, two dimensional, 1 dimensional etc. Any measured point or area or vokume however
infinitely large or small
-Time is nothing, but a measure of delta or change within the system. A lot of people conceptualize time as this linear all encompassing thing...but
think about what time has been kept with...clocks, and before that sundials, all of which rely on changes in the position of energetic/mass based
things within a space.
But...if you have an infinitely small, infinitely big area, what change is there, if nothing exists within the space? Conversely, stuff needs space to
exist, however small it may be.
I dunno, i think e = mc^2 is kind of at the root of it, im also picturing kind of a delta(space × energy) = time which could probably be reduced to
just delta(E) = time but thats already confusing because people will think change in joules etc.
Thinking about it now, time applies to something changing location, but also changes in energy state, and more.
So I guess time is just change in general, even if nothing were to technically move or change in state or mesurement, we still conceive of something
moving "time" along...but what is required for that concept to manifest? A conscious observer?
If everything were static, if nothing moved, if nothing changed at all, would time exist if there were no conscious observer? Inevitably this leads
to the question: What really is consciousness? Perhaps Energy x space x time? Im just thinking about our anatomy (eyes and ears receiving waves of
photons and atoms, then being semnt to the brain where a network of neuroelectrochemical "stuff" gives us sensations, feelings, thoughts).
Of course there is the dark path of then questioning what the # is feeling those feelings from the brain and thinking those thoughts from the brain
lol. I wouldnt delve deeper down that road to be honest, but maybe i have given myself a hint here by saying "dark".
Heres another weird thought: measuring time without numbers for everything "time" based. We rely heavily on mathematics and numbers which some suggest
is the universal language.
Alright enough for now lol (which highlights the importance of giving yourself breaks from this stuff).
edit on 5302018 by CreationBro because: (no reason given)