This is coming from someone who actually knows and liked Han Solo's backstory from the original Extended Universe.
The movie was pretty good. Not Great, but pretty good. They kept most of the basics. Han was born on Corellia, he went to the Imperial Academy, did
the Kessel run, won the Falcon from Lando in a card game. If all the SJW hysteria over the new trilogy did not exist. The movie would probably be
ranked as one of the better Star Wars films.
But because people have to interject their politics into everything, which caused them to freak out about The Last Jedi. They are going to crap on
this movie just because of that. They will say this movie is bad because they did not like The Last Jedi. Which is a pretty dumb way to rate movies.
In my honest opinion.
I rank The Last Jedi up there with The Phantom Menace. As two of the worst Star Wars movies. But it was still an okay movie overall.
I don't become a crying little girl when movies explore territory I am not comfortable with.
While I was not clamoring for a young Han Solo movie, I think they should go in other unexplored directions, the movie was a fun ride. Ron Howard did
a good job directing. The acting was adequate. Well good overall, except for the guy playing Han. We all know Harrison Ford would of done better. But
time travel does not exist. Plus all the stuff people called SJW pandering in The Last Jedi and the Force Awakens, was not in this movie. Except maybe
who Enfys Nest was under the mask.
If you can not take having a secondary character that does not have much screen time, being a woman. This movie is not for you and life in general is
probably hard.
Oh and the movie made a hundred million opening weekend. I wouldn't call that a flop. I consider Solo to be the Ant Man of the Star Wars Movies. They
are both heist movies. No one was clamoring for either. Ant Man made only fifty million opening weekend and its sequel is coming out this summer. Plus
with the difficult production and Disney basically having to shoot two movies. I think the house of mouse will eventually consider this a success and
may even make a sequel to it.
Believe it or not. They left the door open for another solo Solo movie.
On another side note. I think this movie has the most realistic looking Chewbacca. The way his fur moved in the wind was pretty cool.
edit on
29-5-2018 by karmicecstasy because: (no reason given)