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Solo: A Disney Disaster

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posted on May, 24 2018 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

I agree Mary Poppins in space was a bit odd it was the perfect time to kill her off but the rest I liked.
We have to remember these new star wars films are a bonus made for a different generation if fans.
I will still cry at some point during solo it is a nostalgia thing.
Plus I get to see it for free I'm taking a service user we are getting dressed up again for it
My service user wants go go "as the big monkey Schumacher" lol.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

I agree Mary Poppins in space was a bit odd it was the perfect time to kill her off but the rest I liked.
We have to remember these new star wars films are a bonus made for a different generation if fans.
I will still cry at some point during solo it is a nostalgia thing.
Plus I get to see it for free I'm taking a service user we are getting dressed up again for it
My service user wants go go "as the big monkey Schumacher" lol.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 03:19 AM
Have seen every star wars movie (even the clone wars)in theaters and the cartoons, and played the majority of the games, i have really no interest in seeing the franchise now. After force awakens it just doesnt feel interesting. To the point were its not even worth the trouble to torrent it. Read about what happened in the last one and i really dont know much about solo. I think the kid from community and the mother of dragons are in it but thats about it i cant put my finger on it but force awakens and rogue one didnt feel like they had the same colorful sense of adventure the originals or even the prequels had.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 04:09 AM

originally posted by: Macenroe82

Now we have Ron Howard making the big Disney debut? Like this is going to make up for it?
come on Disney!
This is Star Wars, not Happy Days.

Ron Howard has made some pretty damn good films. I'll see this one in the theater and give you my opinion once I do.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: Macenroe82

At this point, Disney can take a dump in a box and write Star Wars on it and it will still make 100 million opening weekend.

They are totally humping this franchise for every penny they can.

The new movies are just terrible, I'm sure this one will be just as bad.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 06:40 AM
Rogue One
New Hope
Return of the Jedi
Force Awakens
Last Jedi
Prequels that don't deserve to be named.

I plan on seeing Solo just because the Millenium Falcon is my favorite character. We'll see where Solo falls in the list after I see it.

Btw, Last Jedi isn't as bad when you watch it the 2nd time, but I was severely disappointed in theatres. Rian Johnson was trying *way* too hard.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 06:44 AM
I'm gonna go see it. Then I'll decide if I hate it. It is a novel concept. But it is how I judge movies. With my own two eyes. Not the opinion of others.

If it sucks then I'll go home and read a book. But I am not gonna give myself an ulcer by screaming at the top of my lungs, "They took muh Star Wars!

As an aside. I have seen, read, and played everything Star Wars. If people really believe that the worst Star Wars stories ever created, are the new stuff, because they let politics cloud everything they see. Then I have a bridge to sell you on a moisture farm on Tatooine.
edit on 24-5-2018 by karmicecstasy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 07:39 AM
Like many, I grew up with Star Wars. Toys, LEGO’s, posters, books, and good ole VHS copies of the original trilogy. I was let down by episodes 1 and 2, but I thought episode 3 made up for it.

The Force Awakens was very good IMO. I have no problem with Rey and Finn having the lead roles. But The Last Jedi stunk like nothing else. It was so bad that I ended my fandom of future Star Wars movies. The only ones I care to watch are the originals, Episode 3 and Rogue One.

TLJ was so socially forced that it destroyed the entire franchise. It was a social justice movie, not a Star Wars movie. I agree that we need to continue to be better as humans as it pertains to race and gender, but this was an awful attempt at it that sacrificed an entire galaxy to make a false and exaggerated statement.

Maybe Solo will surprise. I do like Ron Howard’s work as a maybe he can make a great Star Wars experience. But I won’t be giving Disney anymore of my money towards Star Wars.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 07:52 AM
A New Hope (only coz it's the first movie I remember ever seeing!)
Rogue One
Clone Wars (TV Series)
Return of the Jedi
Force Awakens
(all others which suck...)

I haven't watched Rebels yet but plan to this summer.

TLJ was a travesty to Star Wars, the only cool scene was the hyperspace jump kamikaze maneuver which should have been done by Ackbar who could have uttered "It's a trap" and then engaged the hyperdrive, THAT would be have been the way to send him off. Admiral Holdo was stupid SJW bull# and had no reason being in the film. Super Leia, stupid. Snoke being irrelevant, mildly interesting.

I could have written better prequels and something way better than TLJ.

Solo, I'm hopeful with a salt shaker.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: Macenroe82

I gave up on Star Wars once Disney erased the expanded universe, as well as many of my favorite characters. I've heard some of them have come back, but not in the ways they were. Star Wars fanatics were already killing it for me(fanatics of anything kill what they're fanatic about for me), but Disney pretty much put the final nails in my sith coffin.

I did enjoy The Force Awakens, but nothing else they've done really made me want to watch it. Then, after reading some things in The Last Jedi, yeah, I just can't bring myself to watch any of them. I don't really want to watch Rogue One, because that movie pretty much tells me Kyle Katarn is no more. I'm sorry, I really loved Dark Forces, and how Kyle stole the plans for the Death Star. Now that's not cannon anymore.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 12:25 PM
Probably a rental for me. Grew up in the 70's/80's. Saw the original 3 in the theater a billion times. Bought the VHS tapes. Bought the DVD's. Bought the BluRays. Did not enjoy Episodes 1-3 when they arrived.

The Force Awakens - Was skeptical, but saw it in the theater well after it had come out. I enjoyed it even though it was ridiculously too long.

Have not seen Rouge 1.

Rented The Last Jedi a couple weeks ago. Shoulder shrug. I wasn't good but wasn't bad. Sort of boring. And too damn long.

Solo is probably a rental for me at some point, but I have no real excitement over it.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 12:49 PM
The most recent thing Star Wars related that I have been remotely interested in, was this...

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 01:20 PM
I have no plans to see Solo. If it gets good reviews from people I trust then I may reconsider. I didn't care for Force Awakens and Last Jedi was only marginally better. (I did really like Rogue One though).

This is not the Star Wars I grew up with so I have since taken to calling it Mouse Wars. They're just putting garbage out to make money for Mickey.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: usernameconspiracy

Woah, woah, woah....
A rental?!
Where can you rent movies these days?
We had a bunch of movie stores in my city, up until 5 years ago.
But Now there isn't a single one.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 03:27 PM
Double post
edit on 24-5-2018 by Macenroe82 because: Full on DP

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Assassin82

I have to admit.
I went and seen return of the sith 7 times in theatre.
2 of those where by myself on opening day.
I went to the 10 am show.
Loved it, got out of the theatre had a smoke and went right back in and bought a ticket for the 1 pm.
Later that week, went with a couple buddies.
Then seen it 4 more times before before it wasn't out of the theatre lol.
Only other movie I seen more in the theatre was Independence Day.
Because, well you have to admit it was a pretty bad ass movie back in the day.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: Black_Fox

Now that was hilarious!
I've never actually watched one of those before.
That was better than watching Jar Jar getting his face zapped 100 times.

I'm on a mission to find more of those lip readings now

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I did like some of Howard's movies.
Apollo 13, back draft...and of course willow was a fave of mine when I was younger.
Damn pecks...

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: Macenroe82

You forgetting A Beautiful Mind? Cinderella Man was also pretty good.

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 05:27 PM
Even though I was too young my parents took me to see Empire Strikes Back three times, I really had no idea what was going on I guess but I was enamored with it I was told. It wasn't until a couple years later when it came out on VHS and Return of the Jedi came out(and I was old enough to know what was going on) that I really started to appreciate the universe and story Lucas had made.

Having just watched the Last Jedi I have to say I feel like I did 38 years ago, I really had no idea what was going on....

Horribly written, full of plot holes, changes the concept of the force as per canon, wrongly timed humour injected, the hilarious Mary Force Poppins scene, etc. Great specials effects and all but they had a multitude of books, animated series, and videogames to draw off for writing, or even individual scene ideas and they ignored it all. Now that's fine, but they had better come out with something as good or better right ?

For instance, one of the books I remember reading as a teenager had Luke escaping from a Jedi Trap, he had to "Force Jump" off a wall through an air lock, use the force to preserve himself through space, and then enter into another airlock. They could have used something like this for Leia instead of the weirdly shot Mary Poppins scene lol.

Or another example would be the video game Knights of the Old Republic(2003), now that was a plot twist for anyone that remembers it, personally I was blown away once it dawned on me

Anways, given the garbage I watched from their last movie I will not be going to the Theater to watch what they are calling on Youtube channels "Soylo". If it's really that bad then I don't care anymore....just go ahead and rename Solo's ship to the "Milennial Falcon" and take it away from me

edit on 24-5-2018 by Falenor because: (no reason given)

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