posted on May, 20 2018 @ 03:28 PM
Very simply, on one hand, the wild-wild west conservatives hiding behind the 2nd amendment are guilty because there is no doubt guns do have an effect
on the problem, how much, is debatable. On the other hand, guns are NOT the sole reason for this horrible problem.
Also, so-called liberalism is responsible for the anything-goes mentality: violent movies, violent video games, too easy on crime, and generally more
loose morals, so from that perspective they also are to blame.
In addition, both sides are too rigid: only their perspective is the reason for the gun violence, according to they’re dogma.
Both sides want to avoid the problem of psychotropic drugs because of the power of the drug companies, as the conservatives are in tow to the NRA.
The fact is most if not all complex social problems have many sides to be looked at never just one answer to ameliorate the problem.
In any problem-solving situation, there are two roads to solving any issue. One, to take an integral approach, that is understanding and defining the
essential issues involved. And two, willing to take a holistic approach in that the problem likely has many sides to the issue that need to be dealt
with and not just one.
Both so-called liberal and conservatives refuse to have an open mind, therefore the children of America are and will remain imperiled by the leaders
and their followers who empower them.
Therefore, one has to be willing to adjust their viewpoint to objective reality, real-world scientific analysis not their subjective analysis that is
based on personal belief.
So this issue needs to have an aspect of gun control, and an approach that deals with the pathologies that are rampant in America that fuel these
killings which can include the ingestion of
God help and protect the children of America because the grown-ups won't!