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The Adam and Eve Story - Global Cataclysms

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posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: ClovenSky
a reply to: one4all

I have come to accept the inevitable, death. He will probably come to me as a trusted friend, to be embraced and not to be feared. I am very happy to be alive in this time and place, so exciting.

Off tangent a little bit: What if reincarnation is possible? What if we have lived many lives on this rock and those memories are part of ourselves, locked away while we live this life, waiting to be discovered once we reunite with the whole? Maybe that is what intuition is, actually having lived through or been alive at the time of those catastrophes? Maybe we all carry an echo of those memories with us.

I have a feeling the Akashic records or some equivilent exist and that this record of all events can be accessed....however for the topic at hand there is solid geological concrete irrefutable evidence these cycles happen and evidence of the impacts of each one....your perspective on your mortality is yours to embrace respectfully.

Not many of us live through this and IMHO the DUMBS are coffins...this is a near ELE....all bets are off....those expecting a Rapture will surely find it enmasse if they are not prepared and fighting to survive.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: ClovenSky

There was no global flood that set all of humanity back 6,000 years ago.

There was the Bronze Age collapse where the Sumerians and such civilizations collapsed, but humanity didn’t collapse genetically just the Mediterranean civiliations ..

13,000 years ago there was the Clovis meteor impact and I actually really like the theories surrounding an “advanced forgotten civilization “ that pre dates it. Because that is where our knowledge of humanity really begins. But just for clarification by advanced they mean “ already had agricultural and maybe bronze tools”. Not anything outlandish.

There is no 6,000 year cycle. I’m betting The reason “they” are saying there is because that time table places the next event imminently.

They would draw less attention/ sell less books if they claimed the event was another 1000 years away lol.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

And the amount of fables mentioning that the sun stood still, even in the bible:

Then Joshua spoke to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, "O sun, stand still at Gibeon, And O moon in the valley of Aijalon." 13So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day. 14There was no day like that before it or after it, when the LORD listened to the voice of a man; for the LORD fought for Israel.…

Joshua 10:13

I am just starting to lean down the path that asteroids weren't part of the massive destructive periods on earth. Per other theories out there, large incoming bodies towards the earth could be repelled away due to magnetic and electrical opposition. I wish I could find that article now.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 02:02 PM
What was in the unsanitized copy.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Thank you for the contribution. Here is another article from 2016 that suggests mainstream science may not be as settled as previously thought:

The earth’s mantle is bouncing ten times faster than scientists realised

The layer beneath the earth's crust is moving in unexpected ways, which could have implications for everything from the oil and gas industry to climate change.

According to a new study from the University of Cambridge, however, it may not be that simple. The earth’s mantle, the layer of magma between the earth’s crust and its core, moves ten times faster than previously imagined, causing the earth’s crust to effectively bounce up and down. The implications of this discovery could affect the oil and gas industry, our current views on global warming, and our knowledge of seismic activity and the changing face of the world’s surface.

posted on Apr, 28 2018 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
My theory is that the Earth's core periodically swaps it's magnetic orientation. This can be observed on an atomic level as well. This in turn stalls some magma currents in the mantle while pushing others. Drastic temperature changes reach the crust, volcanic events erupt en masse and polar caps recede. Rotation of the Earth may actually become reversed as recorded in many myths. At a minimum any change in rotational speed would cause tsunami events worldwide. Catastrophe strikes completely swamping dry land and causing others to emerge. Flash floods account for many of the animals found together in piles. No asteroids from space, just a simple rearranging of basic magnetic orientation of the planet.

I like Velikovsky's ideas quite a bit. I think he assigns changes in the heavens to events on Earth often when it is not the source but simply observations of those living at the time.

Velikovsky is one of many who we need to bring together seamlessly to discover the full and complete truths....and this HAS BEEN DONE HERE ON ATS.....SOMETHING UNKNOWN....for the sake of the topic we will call it Nibiru.....CATALYSES AND CAUSES these Earth Changes....due to the size and scope of the changes we have absolute evidence of we must consider causality on a MACRO scale as well....this severely narrows down potential causality......the only things that were missing from the history are causality and timeline.....the evidence of the impacts is ABSOLUTE and can no longer be suppressed.

Global Continental Displacement and Global Continental Displacement is what it is.

At the end of the day...we do NOT REQUIRE the source of causality to aknowledge the reality of the evidence we have....we do not require a pinpoint timeline of these cycles to know they happen.......sure would be nice to know what brings in the storm the date of arrival would sure be nice to know as well.....personally I fill in the blanks with data I lean Nibiru as causality as outlined by Gill Broussard and DOA as predicted by David Hamel AND Gill Broussard....coupled with the fact I am an abductee who had DNA taken for the express purpose of replacing humans post-event and this was EXPLAINED TO ME close to 47 years IMHO this event is due in MY LIFETIME or my genericly predictable see I was SHOWN it...I was given an opportunity to leave and not experience it once I had foreknowledge ....its a beautiful strange world isn't it.

P.S.....I didn't stick around here to spend my life blindly preaching to others about the end of the world because of data I received during abductions ...I lived my life and spent the time experiencing things and learning things as was required and everything naturally came together for me....with a little help...during my abductions I was given a data upload using a screen with blinking images and strobe lights timed in a sequence...the pictures contained and gave me complete contextual and conceptional understandings...all-in-one if you will......I believe I have been simply discovering an understanding of this upload as I have gone along and the evidence proving my teaching out is EVERYWHERE IT IS LEGION.
edit on 28-4-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-4-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: ClovenSky

Supposedly from a CIA declassified/sanitized document from 2013

I am unsure what you mean it is on their website right? Why do you question it?
I think there would have been a lot of interest here if you had used their CIA release on the title

Here it is on the CIA website you can find it there so?

"CREST General CIA Records CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8 RIPPUB K 57 December 27, 2016 June 24, ... 2013 1 January 1, 1966 MISC Attachment Size CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf 2.19 MB Declassified ... in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8 tho'? ..."

edit on 29-4-2018 by SeaWorthy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: ClovenSky

If you really want to know the truth: “The first computer dates back to Adam and Eve. It was an Apple with limited memory, just one byte... then everything crashed!"

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 04:43 AM

originally posted by: ClovenSky
Credit to poster ldd on this article from zerohedge

So the same guy that says that vaccinations are the best way to depopulate humanity all of a sudden is worried that millions could die...


So what should the US do according to Gates: the nation needs to prioritize the development of better vaccines - including a "universal" flu vaccine...

edit on 4.29.2018 by Murgatroid because: Felt like it...

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: fightzone58
earth crust displacement is not a declassified document. charles hapgood wrote it 60 years ago or so. it has been proven false for a very long time

Sorry you are actually wrong as it has never been proven to be false, however in your defense and against the theory are the presence of Thermal Plume structure such as the Hawaiian island chain, Yellowstone caldera and several other volcanic features, these act as counter to the free rapid movement theory as it is currently hypothesied that the up welling of magma and heat which formed these features is actually from far below the layers which would have allowed a rapid and massive earth crust displacement to occur.
These features also suggest by the geological scars they have left that the crust as moved much more slowly over them and are also used to support tectonic drift theory.

There are also other possibility's for the sudden apparent climate change, a velikovsky like disruption to the earths orbit by a large body passing close enough to disrupt our orbit or axial tilt actually be just as plausible and implausible as ECD.

Then there is my own personal favorite, the continent of south america tilting in a cataclysmic fashion at or about the end of the last ice age destroying the civilization whom may have built the formerly sea level ocean port of Puma Punku (sorry I know that some have there own pet idea's and would deny this till they are blue in the face say no names but they may make there presence felt), did you know that Tiahuanaco/Tiwanaku and much of the Puma Punku site were actually in far worse condition but were re-built by a group of local and western supposed archaeologists with obvious dire consequences for any genuine dating of the site and that they actually tampered with the ruins - conservation my ass - to make them appear as they ASSUMED they should look - neither did I but it apparently happened.

Now as you know there is a city off the north west coast of Cuba under 1275 feet of water which a lot of archaeologists just wish would go away, indeed the site has been ignored but the sonar images of the site seem to suggest pre-columbian pyramid type temples.

There are currently loads of theory's about the site, some even claim it is just a natural formation - I mean what planet do they come from?.

My take on it is that as the south american plate rode over a vastly older and perhaps proto-continental plate in the pacific basin it was already perhaps starting to tilt, the Andes are a relatively new formation, a crumple zone and as recently as six million years ago south american was flat enough to support giant birds which we assume needed the aid of cross wind's to take off, as the Andes rose these wind's were tamed and so these species of giant condors became extinct but once were large enough to carry off wild bison in there talon's.

Something happened to the earth toward the end of the ice age, perhaps also magnified by a comet strike upon the ice sheet and as the ice melted causing already cataclysmic flooding the upper magma layers under the crust were allowed to displace away from the Atlantic toward the polar regions (not the crust the underlying semi liquid magma material upon which the crust floats like the skin of a rice pudding) as the continent size weight of ice disappeared from those hemispheres - especially of course the northern hemisphere, meanwhile the ocean got heavier, this conspired with the fact that the south american plate was already under pressure to rise up on it's western sea board while at the same time sub-crustal pressure decreased in the Atlantic reducing the buoyancy of the crust in the western plate, this probably led to both a rapid and cataclysmic tilting of the south american plate putting massive formerly land areas of it's eastern coast under water while simultaneously lifting the city of Tihauanaco upward, the trapped formerly sea level fjord that became lake Titicaca sloshed around causing massive flooding even as it was lifted upward in the upheaval while the city's was destroyed it's blocks thrown around like a child's toy's, meanwhile other land masses in the Atlantic probably also plummeted to the depth's, both the western and eastern ocean's would have sloshed around wildly with truly gigantic tsunamis racing hundreds of miles inland on all continent's destroying anything that survived up to that point, city's cultures and science all gone.

Also the gulf stream would have been affected severely.

edit on 29-4-2018 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2018 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: ClovenSky
a reply to: Asktheanimals

And the amount of fables mentioning that the sun stood still, even in the bible:

Then Joshua spoke to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, "O sun, stand still at Gibeon, And O moon in the valley of Aijalon." 13So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day. 14There was no day like that before it or after it, when the LORD listened to the voice of a man; for the LORD fought for Israel.…

Joshua 10:13

I am just starting to lean down the path that asteroids weren't part of the massive destructive periods on earth. Per other theories out there, large incoming bodies towards the earth could be repelled away due to magnetic and electrical opposition. I wish I could find that article now.

There were a number of literate civilizations at that time period and immediately after.

Now... you'd think they would write something about a global disaster since they did record floods and wars and famines and the like. There would have been a global collapse of the entire ecosystem and a genetic bottleneck in humans and all other species.

That didn't happen.

posted on Apr, 30 2018 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767

originally posted by: fightzone58
earth crust displacement is not a declassified document. charles hapgood wrote it 60 years ago or so. it has been proven false for a very long time

Sorry you are actually wrong as it has never been proven to be false,

Actually, it has been. It was proven false in the 1930's. It was replaced by the theory of continental drift.

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 02:11 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: LABTECH767

originally posted by: fightzone58
earth crust displacement is not a declassified document. charles hapgood wrote it 60 years ago or so. it has been proven false for a very long time

Sorry you are actually wrong as it has never been proven to be false,

Actually, it has been. It was proven false in the 1930's. It was replaced by the theory of continental drift.

Which has now been replaced by the theory of Nibiru catalysed Global Continental Displacement supported with evidence of the proxy Global Continental Displacement Waves.

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: LABTECH767

originally posted by: fightzone58
earth crust displacement is not a declassified document. charles hapgood wrote it 60 years ago or so. it has been proven false for a very long time

Sorry you are actually wrong as it has never been proven to be false,

Actually, it has been. It was proven false in the 1930's. It was replaced by the theory of continental drift.

Which has now been replaced by the theory of Nibiru catalysed Global Continental Displacement supported with evidence of the proxy Global Continental Displacement Waves.

No... it hasn't. The "Nibiru Cataclysm" has been debunked ever since Nancy came up with it in 1995. No amount of re-explaining makes it any better or any more plausible.

Linking to the definition of "theory" doesn't help here.

posted on May, 2 2018 @ 04:11 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: LABTECH767

originally posted by: fightzone58
earth crust displacement is not a declassified document. charles hapgood wrote it 60 years ago or so. it has been proven false for a very long time

Sorry you are actually wrong as it has never been proven to be false,

Actually, it has been. It was proven false in the 1930's. It was replaced by the theory of continental drift.

Which has now been replaced by the theory of Nibiru catalysed Global Continental Displacement supported with evidence of the proxy Global Continental Displacement Waves.

No... it hasn't. The "Nibiru Cataclysm" has been debunked ever since Nancy came up with it in 1995. No amount of re-explaining makes it any better or any more plausible.

Linking to the definition of "theory" doesn't help here.

Stick around and keep chatting.....I already told you ATS is the birthplace of the Global Continental Displacement Model theory which includes Global Continental Displacement Waves.....or GCDWs...... and this theory is not going readjust your attitude....and start correcting the record.....your permission is not required to put forth a theory...nor is your endorsement deal with it.....LMAO.

posted on May, 2 2018 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Awesome ideas. I will have to reread that post a couple of times, and then go off in search for the sunken city of Cuba.

Thank you

posted on May, 4 2018 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: ClovenSky

You are welcome, just my hair brained idea at first but then I found an actual artical from an aussy university about the concept of continental tilting and the theory that the Amazon - or rather the land drainage of the bulk of the south american land mass originally flowed west but that paper postulated a gradual tilting of the continent not a sudden cataclysmic activity, still I regarded it as a partial vindication since it at least showed that the mechanism of continental tilting was a reality or that is to say at least in hypothetical and conjecture based theorem's a probability.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: ClovenSky

You are welcome, just my hair brained idea at first but then I found an actual artical from an aussy university about the concept of continental tilting and the theory that the Amazon - or rather the land drainage of the bulk of the south american land mass originally flowed west but that paper postulated a gradual tilting of the continent not a sudden cataclysmic activity, still I regarded it as a partial vindication since it at least showed that the mechanism of continental tilting was a reality or that is to say at least in hypothetical and conjecture based theorem's a probability.

Every Continent shows evidence of this tilting....which is caused by Global Continental Displacement and which creates Global Continental Displacement Waves that cover and change the Continents geology...the most expressive way to understand this is to overlay a global map of known coal deposits atop a global map showing contours and will see how a DEVOLVING Continental sized hydraulic action placed all coal deposits in predictable places which can be shown to be repeatable by modelling.....keeping in mind the visual of a CONTINENTS WORTH OF MATERIAL PLANT AND ANIMAL were collected and deposited in these few large volumes at specific depths and at specific points of elevation....TRILLIONS OF TONNES OF MATERIAL were moved classified then placed.
edit on 5-5-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2019 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: ClovenSky
This book 1963 version over 200 pages ? or did it have 1965 3rd edition 55 pages ? is any actual clarification available ?

posted on Apr, 4 2019 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: ClovenSky
This book 1963 version over 200 pages ? or did it have 1965 3rd edition 55 pages ? is any actual clarification available ?

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