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The Serious 9/11 Arguments Compilation.

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posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: Jesushere
InhaleExhale Really show me photograph evidence then I don't want read text about it I want the evidence this occurred. I saw the video posted online that day and all that visible is a crater with smoke coming out of it.

Or you don’t want to read both sides of the argument, and the accounts of people that worked the site? And don’t want to understand the nature of a jet hitting the ground at high speed? But you will believe a photo out of context?

What remained of the P-51 mustang after it crashed. It’s video, so you didn’t have to read....

Dramatic new video: Moment of Reno plane crash caught on camera

Where did the P-51 go after the crash? Sorry to be morbid, but where did the body go?

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

What could have melted into a liquid at office fire temperature? That substance is clearly a liquid.

False NIST claims no noise was heard above 130db ( noise of drill) false we have NIST own video of a loud bang heard about a second later the Penthouse started crumbling and falling down.

False a peer review study was done by Professor Harrit and red and grey chips were seen under the microscope in a lab. These red and grey chips have since not been replicated by debunkers. Red/Grey are clearly nano-thermite composites. When exposed to temperatures they released a explosive energy and left behind behind pure FE Microspheres as a byproduct. The first responders reported to the hospitals and the doctors found nano carbon in their bodies suggests the substance they inhaled was not natural occurring and never mind the fact for weeks after the event fires and high temperatures were still experienced in the rubble. This highly unusual if the building was brought down by an office fire. The fires and temperatures were still going weeks later even months later is a sign that steel, Iron Concrete, Aluminium was still reacting to something chemically in the rubble.

NIST even admits they never tested for explosives or thermite it did even cross and check this off.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 11:29 AM
neutronflux Well I would think its obvious if shear stud bolts were attached to concrete floor slabs that would help stop the floors from buckling. Leaving them out as part of the overall thesis as to why the building collapsed. Never mind they also admitted freefall for 2.25 seconds ( so they are saying half of the floors on every corner of the building had lost structural integrity) The floors came down through empty space it doesn't make any sense how that occurred naturally in a building with 46 steel columns.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Jesushere

What could have melted into a liquid at office fire temperature? That substance is clearly a liquid.

You mean like plastic, pcv, lead, copper, silver, or soder? Or any of the combination in a molten or liquid form? Again, show the WTC pile was ever hot enough to support liquid iron/steel.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: Jesushere

False NIST claims no noise was heard above 130db ( noise of drill) false we have NIST own video of a loud bang heard about a second later the Penthouse started crumbling and falling down.

Post the video where a loud bang caused people to turn around during the start of the collapse of WTC 7? Post the video of a loud bang during collapse initiation?

One bang for people who claim the resistance of each floor had to be removed? And no bang during the facade collapse of WTC 7, which is the only thing that achieved the rate of free fall?

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: Jesushere

False a peer review study was done by Professor Harrit and red and grey chips were seen under the microscope in a lab. These red and grey chips have since not been replicated by debunkers.

Show where the actual metal from the WTC was worked on by thermite through metallurgy. The actual gain of the structural steel.

You referring to the fraudulent thermite paper?

Below is the most condensed rebuttal I could find that highlights the problem of the thermite papers. ermite-red-herring%2F

Link from:

Jones, Harrit, and Roberts have not submitted their paper, with samples, to independent labs for verification. They have not completed the discovery process by scheduling a presentation of their findings to a group of qualified scientists and allowing for educated debate and evaluation of their findings in the public sphere. Their paper was published in a journal that has questionable academic credentials, and was even cited as offering publication of a non-sense paper written by a computer. Harrit himself has connections to one of the peer reviewers used by the publishing house, who has subsequently resigned as a peer reviewer from that house. The editor in chief of the publishing house quit after she was told about the paper saying that the paper had no merit and shouldn’t have been published by her journal. She also said that the paper was published without her knowledge and seems to have been published for purely “political reasons”.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: Jesushere

These red and grey chips have since not been replicated by debunkers.


You would want people to be able to reproduce the lab experiments? That shows your work is valid, not off because of analytical mistakes? Do you really not get that?

You might want to read?

Author: chrismohr

WTC Dust Study Feb 29, 2012 by Dr. James Millette


The composition of the four samples of dust chosen for study were consistent with WTC dust previously published 2,3 (Appendix A).

Red/gray chips that had the same morphology and appearance as those reported by Harrit et al.1, and fitting the criteria of being attracted by a magnet and having the SEM-EDS x-ray elemental spectra described in their paper (Gray: Fe, Red: C,O, Al, Si, Fe) were found in the WTC dust from all four locations examined. The red layers were in the range of 15 to 30 micrometers thick. The gray layers were in the range of 10 to
50 micrometers thick (Appendix B).

The FTIR spectra of the red layer were consistent with reference spectra of an epoxy resin and kaolin clay (Figure 8) (Appendix C).


In summary red/gray chips with the same morphological characteristics, elemental spectra and magnetic attraction as those shown in Harrit et al.1 were found in WTC dust samples from four different locations than those examined by Harrit, et al.1 The gray side is consistent with carbon steel. The red side contains the elements: C, O, Al, Si, and Fe with small amounts of other elements such as Ti and Ca. Based on the infrared absorption (FTIR) data, the C/O matrix material is an epoxy resin. Based on the optical and electron microscopy data, the Fe/O particles are an iron oxide pigment consisting of crystalline grains in the 100-200 nm range and the Al/Si particles are kaolin clay plates that are less than a micrometer thick. There is no evidence of individual elemental aluminum particles detected by PLM, SEM-EDS, or TEM-SAED-EDS, during the analyses of the red layers in their original form or after sample preparation by ashing, thin sectioning or following MEK treatment.

edit on 7-8-2018 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: Jesushere
InhaleExhale Really show me photograph evidence then I don't want read text about it I want the evidence this occurred. I saw the video posted online that day and all that visible is a crater with smoke coming out of it.

I'm not here to show you anything, if you have an interest in 9/11 then research it.

Research is not watching YouTube.

I asked you a question about some things you posted.

My understanding is that most of the plane was recovered and like many other crashed taken to a warehouse and all the pieces are are allocated a place to try and reconstruct to see what and where things went wrong.

There are images of this somewhere if you really need pictures, but you may need to read to find these pictures, so its on you.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Jesushere

NIST even admits they never tested for explosives or thermite it did even cross and check this off.

To what purpose? There is no video, audio, or seismic evidence indicating detentions with the power to cut steel? With the 19,000 human remains recovered, 6000 thousand that could fit in a test tube, no signs of blasting cap fragments, no signs of detonation devices, no signs of a CD wiring systems. And there was supposed to be a floor to floor CD system? No demolitions shrapnel recovered from the streets, near by buildings, not from the injured, and not with the human remains? None of the items were present that are normally tested for explosive residue? That leaves randomly testing 1,000,000 tons of buildings with rubble buried in a smoldering toxic pile being constantly sprayed with water and exposed to the weather up to 90 days? How would testing for explosives be meaningful in any way. For thermite, metallurgy shows the steel was no worked on by explosi

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 12:30 PM
neutronflux Posting websites don't prove your case you likely did even read it just posted thinking is confirmed your arguments. Professor Harrit was peer-reviewed and accepted if you don't believe his findings are true go write your own peer review paper and debunk it. Nano Thermite was found in the dust.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: Jesushere

Well I would think its obvious if shear stud bolts were attached to concrete floor slabs that would help stop the floors from buckling.

You might want to get you story straight by actual quoting a source. I think you are confusing the truth movement narrative that girder walkoff could not occur from stops? Who cares about shear stud bolts being attached to nothing but a flooor slab? The bolts just keep the floor panels attached? The floor panels are not made to withstand hanging structural loads from them? I bet the floor panels are not made to withstand twisting or side loading either. I bet the floor panels were not made to withstand extreme therm expansion.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: Jesushere
neutronflux Posting websites don't prove your case you likely did even read it just posted thinking is confirmed your arguments. Professor Harrit was peer-reviewed and accepted if you don't believe his findings are true go write your own peer review paper and debunk it. Nano Thermite was found in the dust.

And quoting a thermite paper that bypassed the peer review referee, published in a know to pay to play journal, with at least one person that help write the paper as a reviewer based on samples with no chain of custody for six years, exposed to contamination for six years, with results that cannot be replicated means nothing erroneous results.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: LaBTop

Europhysics News, it concludes that all three of the World Trade Center buildings collapsed due to demolitions. It is noted

“It bears repeating that fires have never caused the total collapse of a steel-framed high-rise before or since 9/11. Did we witness an unprecedented event three separate times on September 11, 2001? The NIST [U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology] reports, which attempted to support that unlikely conclusion, fail to persuade a growing number of architects, engineers, and scientists. Instead, the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition. Given the far-reaching implications, it is morally imperative that this hypothesis be the subject of a truly scientific and impartial investigation by responsible authorities.” Read More:

Read More:

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: Jesushere
neutronflux Well I would think its obvious if shear stud bolts were attached to concrete floor slabs that would help stop the floors from buckling. Leaving them out as part of the overall thesis as to why the building collapsed. Never mind they also admitted freefall for 2.25 seconds ( so they are saying half of the floors on every corner of the building had lost structural integrity) The floors came down through empty space it doesn't make any sense how that occurred naturally in a building with 46 steel columns.

Floor pans can be bolted or welded down? Is that false? Did NIST just use a model where the floor panels were welded down instead of bolted? I am guessing since both are allowed, they must have similar strengths and benefits? Substituting one similar item for anther is not right out forgetting a structural component. Just saying.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 12:49 PM
neutronflux You have know understanding to what you even talking about so to stop wasting my time. The shear studs are connected to the girder ( steel beams) and concrete floors slabs. Their thermal expansion explantation was based on the premise there were no shear studs.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: purplemer

This Europhysics News:

This is how the article starts.

This feature is somewhat different from our usual purely scientific articles, in that it contains some speculation. However, given the timing and the importance of the issue, we consider that this feature is sufficiently technical and interesting to merit publication for our readers. Obviously, the content of this article is the responsibility of the authors.

And then you have this

To Whom it May Concern:
Regarding the recent developments on social media, we would like to inform the public that neither the European Scientific Journal, ESJ, nor the European Scientific Institute, ESI have published content on 9/11 attacks.
European Scientific Journal, ESJ 14.09.2016 Editorial Office

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Jesushere

When are floors ever made to hang structural loads from. Beams and gurtes yes. Floor pans, no.

And you didn’t answer,
Floor pans can be bolted or welded down? Is that false? Did NIST just use a model where the floor panels were welded down instead of bolted? I am guessing since both are allowed, they must have similar strengths and benefits? Substituting one similar item for anther is not right out forgetting a structural component. Just saying.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Jesushere

By the why, straight runs of pipes for boilers will break under thermal stress if there is not an expansion loop or expansion joint. Why wouldn’t shear studs break under stress? Shear is in their name after all?

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: Jesushere
neutronflux Posting websites don't prove your case you likely did even read it just posted thinking is confirmed your arguments. Professor Harrit was peer-reviewed and accepted if you don't believe his findings are true go write your own peer review paper and debunk it. Nano Thermite was found in the dust.

Whine all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact Harrit’s Paper was fraudulently peer reviewed.

Even if you ignore the fact the paper was “peer reviewed” in an open pay to play magazine, bypassed the paper’s referee, and at least one of the reviewing peers contributed to the paper, the samples had no chain of custody, and the samples were open to contamination.

The thermite samples were never given to other labs by Harrit for independent confirmation. Is that a false statement?

They never completed the discovery process by opening their findings to public debate by peers not involved in the initial review. Is that false?

Individuals that gained access to WTC samples with better chain of custodies never concluded the presence of thermite like material by their testing. Is that false?

Harrit never published results from the simplest go / no go test for thermite, trying to burn the dust in an inert atmosphere. Is that false.

you don't believe his findings are true go write your own peer review paper

Why? Nobody other than Harrit can find thermite like material?

WTC Dust Study Feb 29, 2012 by Dr. James Millette

Any Updates on Mark Basile's Study?

edit on 7-8-2018 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: Jesushere
neutronflux You have know understanding to what you even talking about so to stop wasting my time. The shear studs are connected to the girder ( steel beams) and concrete floors slabs. Their thermal expansion explantation was based on the premise there were no shear studs.

What does that have to do with if “girder a2001 could get past the slide plate on column 79?”

You know there are more studies than the NIST study that concluded building damage, fire damage, and thermal stress lead to building seven’s collapse?

By: benthamitemetric

Now here's the kicker: The Weidlinger Associates expert report, which was prepared in response to Bailey's expert report, details Weidlinger Associates' review of Arup's files, wherein they found and corrected several key inconsistencies therein:

See table at:

Quote continued:

And there you have it--corrected with consistent connection properties and re-run, the Arup model predicts the failure of girder A2001 in all four scenarios. As in the Arup scenarios, I suspect that 1.8" of side plates were not going to make the difference of whether the building collapsed or not in most fire scenarios. If Tony can prove that they would, then he can make a ton of money consulting on tall building construction/design projects.

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