a reply to:
to be honest, in the bakery case, I really didin't care one way or the other...
but, yes, I am referring to religious groups..
is there any other group that will hold their "religious beliefs" up so high that they will endanger someone's life needlessly to preserve their self
perceived moral integrity. have you seen some of the laws that the christian right have tried to get though state and federal gov'ts..
they want to deny services, regardless of how necessary they are from just about anyone they perceive to not be living their view of a holy and just
life. don't want to rent to a gay couple, a single mom, a divorced women, whatever... hey just cry "religion" and you will be exempt, heck, they
even want to receive the benefit of being involved in the hud and section 8 programs.
anyone who either provides services that are reimbursed by federal programs, or receives federal grants, ect... should be providing their services to
all, and the services they provide should be as good as those who aren't "religious", following the same standards. and when it comes to healthcare
providers, that would mean following the standards given by the AMA.. that isn't happening now, so before we go all crazy over one little bar in one
city and a MAGA hat.... well... let's consider just what accommodations the religious right get now, in the name of religious freedom and realize
that MAGA also means giving them much more accommodations in the future.
no employer can refuse to hire a christian because of their religion, but hey guess what, there are christian groups that can legally refuse to hire
non christians!
women who find themselves in a religious oriented hospital might find that they are not being given the same standard of care as those in
non-religious institutions, and they might find themselves being denied options that are the AMA standard care for their conditions.
every large employer in the country has to provide health insurance that includes birth control.... except that, if they claim "religion"... no, they
don't have to.
and, they want more accommodations!!!
free license to discriminate and deny anybody, anything, they may feel is just not right... even if that denial increases the risk of death to
someone, causes them more pain and suffering, or extends their hospital stay and increases their medical costs...