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People Open Your Eyes

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posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 06:49 PM
Why do governments get away with this? Because they have conditioned us, manipalated us from birth. Made us more concerned about the lifestyles of celebs, tv, sport, everything!

They have brainwashed us to love our country, be patriotic for your country. Thst way, they can get away with it.

It is amazing that such a small percentage of the population (governments and leaders) decide if we live or die, decide if we go to war or not.

And the saddest thing about it, is that do not give a crap about you or your family. They do not give a crap if you live or die, be it a soldier, or a normal person on the street, but we still believe their lies, we still would live or die for them!

Sociopaths crave control and power, and these scumbags have both!

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

Spot on most people are way too Entangled in the Web the MSM Superbowl Commonwealth Games World Series World Cup over here is Australia AFL football politicians acting more like clowns than politicians Democrats V Republicans Hillary v Trump Putin I believe Pink Floyyd Founder Roger Waters spells it out in the song Amused to Death ... these and many others are fantastic distractions. They do it so well whilst the hordes are distracted the NWO or the Illuminati or whatever they go under can play there Perverse games on the sleepwalkers. Christ almighty we have allowed them to Poison us slowley with sodium fluoride in the water And IA even have the gaul to tell us its good for your teeth. Like they tell us Allow me to inject some Mercury into your child and when people start to ask questions they say and this Australia only (If you want your child to go to pre school It is mandatory that they are vaccinated ) I think Ithey call it no jab no play. Next time you're at your supermarket pick up a Box of Rat poison There it is Active ingredient sodium fluoride Some of us like the people in this forum whether they agree or disagree with each other At least we are able to debate issues way are the lost of the lions unfortunately the rest are mindless sheep

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 07:03 PM
Right or wrong we must continue to air our opinions It doesn't matter whose opinion is right whose opinion is wrong what matters is the fact you have an opinion this is a fantastic forum everybody whether you agree or disagree share your opinion every little piece is another piece in the jigsaw puzzle we call life.
I believe most people in this forum Regardless of differing opinions Share one True goal. Freedom from the slavery we call freedom The right to live with pride and dignity just how our creator wanted it
edit on 9 4 2018 by colang because: Atrocious spelling

edit on 9 4 2018 by colang because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: TearThePod

So, the media is owned and operated by shady individuals. We agree on that. However, I would surmise that if these claims are true, then they are being done so well that they are fooling the media as well as the public. 
I don't know where you live, but half of the media in the Unites States would love to crucify the other half. Cooperation between someone like Rachel Maddow and Chris Tucker is a joke. 
Unlike some, I think their main motivation is attracting and retaining viewership for advertising profit, not doing the bidding of shadow governments (although that is possible also). Either way would lead to slanted reporting and flat out false journalism at times. 

No, because the public forget! There is always something else around the corner for the normal everyday folk. Not just the BS on tv thst keeps them occupied, but the next bogeyman.

How quickly we forget and move on. It is what we are conditioned to do, and the media/tv does that.

Who still talks about Iraq? Even though it was ilegal and responsible for thousands of deaths, who still talks about it?

I still don't buy the false flag claim here. Just because it doesn't make sense to you to use chemical weapons at this point in time doesn't mean much. We aren't world leaders, and most likely, we don't think like world leaders (I've always thought you had to be a special kind of crazy to crave such power, and gave up trying to reason with their rationale).

We have sociopaths in power who like to claim "our guns are bigger than yours" it reminds me of children in nursery fighting over who has the best toy or fighting for the same toy, and that is worrying don't you think?

They are sociopaths, that much is obvious!

No doubt false flags are real. But this just doesn't seem like one to me. I never thought I'd see the day where there were people defending Assad and Putin and victimizing them. 

But at least we have found some common ground I think, however small a patch.

It is obvious to me that the West is hell bent on Russia being the next evil country. The false flag in the UK is laughable with many holes, and now as each day passes, the UK are looking more guilty that they are hiding something.

What sort of world are we bringing our children in too. If no one questions this, then they will always get away with it.

In the last couple of decades, the west has destroyed to countries with b.s. and lies, fed to us through the media. They are responsible for thousands of deaths and the rise or more terrorism around the world. We have armed and trained some of the worst rebels and terrorists.

And people do not u understand why we question the West and the motives of the west

edit on 9-4-2018 by Jay-morris because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: colang

Indeed, at least discussions are taking place. But most "mindless sheep", as you call them, aren't the ones who believe the official stories.. it is more so the ones that aren't interested in the story at all. The takeover is happening with the rise of social media. It's too easy because most of us let it happen. We let Facebook gather data on us for years so we could get likes and comments.
While i'm not on board with everything that was discussed in this thread, I will open my mind more.
I think my contributions to this thread are done. Thanks for the discussion.

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: TearThePod

One word only Hallelujah I agree 100 % Stick around contribute none of us have it 100 % correct but if you go through this thread pick a bit from here and a bit from there they all fit in the jigsaw christ this thread would be 1 page put you to sleep boring if we just agreed with my OP a lot of points I havent considered or thought about before have made me look in different directions
edit on 9 4 2018 by colang because: (no reason given)

edit on 9 4 2018 by colang because: Incorrect spelling again autocorrect grrr

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

I believe you have hit the proverbial nail on the head

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

You say the West is responsible for these things. That's true. However, perhaps you can cede this to me.
It isn't only the Western world spreading lies in the media. China is a ripe example of this, and they are about as non-West as it gets. Not to mention North Korea, Russia, etc, all of which publicly claim they have state controlled media.
Even most nations in the Middle East control what their people think, in fact they may be even worse. They do it through spreading news, and injected Islam. Instead of the West, I would say those in power who are wanting to stay in power.
Like I said before, we (the USA and similar nations) aren't perfect. But I would rather be here than anywhere else in the world. Even when we do things wrong, I know I sure would miss it here if I was forced to live elsewhere.
Anyway, good discussion mate! Thanks for your replies. I went through and starred your replies, because at least you're trying to figure it out and sharing your thoughts.
edit on 9-4-2018 by TearThePod because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: TearThePod

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 07:40 PM
Yes, you are right. And instead of a humiliating defeat/confessing that Obama funded/trained terrorists (terrorists against Syria), they've doubled down on the lies and innuendo. How much do you want to bet this "intel" is coming from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a London based single-person operation who's never been Syria.

I believed it at first. Even threw around the idea of supporting military action. But with Trump's decision to pull out of Syria, that ensured defeat of terrorist forces. This is clearly a false flag. And in all liklihood, it is those very same terrorists responsible. Blaming Syria/Russia by proxy makes no logical sense.

Much like the London "poisoning" made no logical sense.
Or the election "rigging" which Obama claimed was impossible and chided Trump/voters over suggesting
Or the coup in Ukraine that overthrew their legitimate government that was conducted by Obama/Nuland

Tired of seeing the past administration skate for their crimes and not face criminal charges. Additionally, the Bush administration (or individuals responsible) should be investigated RE: their role in 9/11. Even if they simply allowed the attacks to occur, this would constitute treason against the United States.

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: JBurns

The scary thing these days is they really dont hide it anymore they become more Transparent with every false flag they do which looking from there side of the agenda makes sense because the more they try to hide it And deny it Once spotted The cover up Alerts us That there was a cover up by doing things in plain sight people generally think well they're not trying to hide So it must be true

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 08:22 PM
The left/right media bias is part illusion... yes, they lean those directions, but no... they don't actually push against the military industrial complex. They both support America's empire building and only gripe a little bit about it depending on who is in office and what political side they are on.

Obama in office dropping bombs in the middle east? MSNBC is cool with it, FOX says he isn't following the will of the people.

Bush in office dropping bombs? FOX claims anyone who doesn't support the military isn't a patriot, MSNBC says Bush isn't bombing the right people.

The whole military media intelligence industrial complex may disagree on the small details, but ultimately all rattle the war drums when its time.

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: Harpua

Spot on it also applies To politics have you ever noticed that most so called Western developed nations only have 2 parties to vote why because the illusion of choice is so much easier to pull on the people iwhen is only 2 parties in Australia we Have liberal swhich is the republicans in the US and labor which are similar to the democrats in the US They all share a common thread that is they do absolutely nothing all major governments In my opinion Are guilty of treason because they the governments should be the people that regulate our supply of money yet rather than controlling and printing their own money Dial allow The reserve banks to control the money supply and allow this filth to charge us interest on money that never ever existed before we asked for man that is one h*** of a great little scam yet the people we entrust to protect us Allow this abomination of a banking system to enslave us unfortunately nobody likes to admit they are slaves Easiest way to find out is ask yourself one question would you waste your life working for the sole purpose of paying for utilities your mortgage your car etc If the answer yes you need to seek medical attention urgently
edit on 9 4 2018 by colang because: Incorrect spelling

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: colang
a reply to: Sillyolme

Accept my apologies I was having an angry rant

I saw that but thought you were just meaning A**hat lol

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

Most of these wars if you could call them that are against now independent X USSR states and were not carried out with the single intention of selling Arms to surrounding Nations. Apart from the recent conflict with the Ukraine the elected president was removed by a coup funded by ...Drumroll ..... Yiou guessed it The West why so they could push NATO into another Baltic country that borders on guessed it Russia. Crimea Was regardlesof what MSM feed us justified due to a referendum by the people of Crimea due to the fact the population is 95 % Russian

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

Deep breath I said in the last 60 Years. The list in your link really involves 3 different Regimes .. prior to 1917 was imperial Russia ruled by the Tzar
After 1917 up until 1991 is the USSR Communist regime
Then we have the Russian federation which is. a Democratic regime. A lot of those wars in terms of wars are on the scale of pissant NONE of them were for the benefit of selling arms ... The US Demonizez Russia for one reason only whip up a frenzy as to convince countries that border Russia that they need to get ready and beef up defences Wars are # regardless of who's involved HOWEVER how many US family's have suffered loss of loved ones by a war created to sell Arms to surrounding countrys

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: colang

totally agree mate what a load of crap

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: colang
Right or wrong we must continue to air our opinions It doesn't matter whose opinion is right whose opinion is wrong what matters is the fact you have an opinion this is a fantastic forum everybody whether you agree or disagree share your opinion every little piece is another piece in the jigsaw puzzle we call life.
I believe most people in this forum Regardless of differing opinions Share one True goal. Freedom from the slavery we call freedom The right to live with pride and dignity just how our creator wanted it

Amen! And if all these countries have nukes then I would think they have the money to help everyone understand wtf we all just got forced to watch today. I don’t think shooting off rockets is the right approach either. Those kids aren’t coming back, someone is going to burn for that, but no reason to shoot off anything until we ALL know wtf is going on. We all had to witness that # bc of tech these days. These govts owe tax payers answers for this before they spend anymore money shooting off rockets and #. my kid happened to walk in the room while I’m watching the news, that was traumatic, I wasn’t expecting that either. We should get real answers.
edit on 10-4-2018 by tonycodes because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: tonycodes

Unfortunately us in Australia never had the luxury of a second amendment if your in the US weather your pro or Anti gun dont let the frenzied MSM trick you into thinking ban guns if you do trust me you will regret it forever if you actually believe that a total ban on guns will lower crime and stop shootings you reside in fairyland. After the port Arthur shootings our Government introduced a ban on guns whilst we have not had a mass shooting we still have shootings and guess who still has the most guns .... the criminals so now the good guys have no means of self defense.
We have no way of creating a Militia to take down a courrpt Government unless we throw stones at them lol
Your second amendment Grant's you that right your founding fathers were smart people indeed. The people of the United States can rise up never lose that you will all live to regret it

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: colang

Yes that is a very valid point in this. Hopefully Trump will see that there is a lack of transparency growing among the public here and takes a slow approach to finding out who did this. They will pay for it I’m sure, I don’t think this one is going to go unchecked, and it doesn’t have to be tomorrow. USA is a big militia and I think we should use that to shed public light on this situation. A machete can help dish out justice in this case probably better than rockets. The public needs to really see who did this before anyone makes a move, imho sorry to hear your not happy that the govt has an upper hand over the people they tax, but Australia does have some amazing trade offs, and I don’t see your govt getting to whacky with the people in our lifetime. Lol

edit on 10-4-2018 by tonycodes because: (no reason given)

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