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originally posted by: Enderdog
originally posted by: carewemust
originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: carewemust
I think those come from a website.
But you need a login to see it.
People with logins are publishing.
Besides, the "Silence of theLambsMSM" is a good indicator it's real 🙌
You can plainly see at the top of the list, that it was compiled by specific members of a research team. But as time passes without many being unsealed, my skepticism of this "research team" grows.
Watched a video today, of the pedogate guy...David Seaman, I think...who popped a literal cork, saying he has personally seen unsealed indictments, and is no longer going to do his podcast. He at least, thinks it's all over but the roundup.
originally posted by: AnkhMorpork
For people to think that there isn't a plan, even one that preceeded and anticipated Trump, and that it's inconceivable that he's actually playing stealthy 3D chess based on unbeholden and unpredictacle "killer instincts" is a bias born of simple hatred and TDS. Sad.
originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: carewemust
Interesting but, to be fair, only 373 have a rumor or comment and even some of those are pretty mundane.
originally posted by: carewemust
originally posted by: Enderdog
originally posted by: carewemust
originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: carewemust
I think those come from a website.
But you need a login to see it.
People with logins are publishing.
Besides, the "Silence of theLambsMSM" is a good indicator it's real 🙌
You can plainly see at the top of the list, that it was compiled by specific members of a research team. But as time passes without many being unsealed, my skepticism of this "research team" grows.
Watched a video today, of the pedogate guy...David Seaman, I think...who popped a literal cork, saying he has personally seen unsealed indictments, and is no longer going to do his podcast. He at least, thinks it's all over but the roundup.
I watched some of it here:
It's interesting that he recorded it in a Washington D.C. hotel room, after (allegedly) being briefed 2 days ago, on what's about to unfold. Probably when Congress returns from Easter vacation on 4/9/2018.
Thank-you for that update!
originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
Thanks. If this was another thread, I'd ask more about that cash flow. Maybe another time/place.
originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: RadioRobert
originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
Thanks. If this was another thread, I'd ask more about that cash flow. Maybe another time/place.
Isnt this supposed to be a fancy open research forum?
originally posted by: carewemust
originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: carewemust
Interesting but, to be fair, only 373 have a rumor or comment and even some of those are pretty mundane.
I can understand most corporations not disclosing that the CEO resigned due to sex-related reasons. Companies want to maintain their image, and the resigning CEO probably didn't tell his family why he REALLY quit. Those resigned CEOs whose spreadsheet entries contain derogatory explanations, were probably publicly outed, before the resignation, firing, or retirement.