Another favourite of mine, this is often played on local radio and I used to sing it in a gay bro style with my best mate when we were working. He
fell off a cliff drunk here a couple of years ago, took us 4 days to find him, massive search party from our life tribe, mad thing is we found him
next to a skeleton so another family finally got closure.
Beautiful tune, makes me think of my mate every time I play it, actual tears in my eyes as I type this...
originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy
Another fave, never seen them on youtube until searching now, just know their voices from CD's and downloads...the blonde, I'm in love!
Oh gosh I just died, so many memories with this track and Dido, massive love of my life introduced me to her. may remember from the crazy MGTOW thread, Dido is a link with the girl I spoke about there who I still love just we can't be together yet.
Crazy world.
Actually made me cry!
edit on 28-6-2018 by CornishCeltGuy because: (no reason given)
Oh gosh I just died, so many memories with this track and Dido, massive love of my life introduced me to her. may remember from the crazy MGTOW thread, Dido is a link with the girl I spoke about there who I still love just we can't be together yet.
Crazy world.
Actually made me cry!
I was wondering where i got that song from lmao, i think i may have followed to that and looked on the internet and found this one video
Is just so beautiful how she is, i can completely see why and how this song can be a link for life, it is magical for me to think about how things
will eventually happen
This song is something i learned few years back when i started learning English, i did not get most of it back then but i liked how she sings, she's
so powerful and beautiful
I could say that the person who showed me still has a place for him in my heart, for sure not if in the same way as you do, but at least i did learn
English on a regularly decent level haha
Anyway a love this song and how powerful she is
And this song from the 1994 that a friend who lectures me in English recently showed me, her voice is so sweet i can almost taste it, just
I sometimes feel like i was born in the wrong time lol, i love songs from other times more than current ones except for a few, i just don't know but
they make me feel different in lots of ways
And i love punk, i'm kind of gopnitsa (but not cheap lol) so maybe that's why lmao, but whatever i just think your music is very beautiful
edit on 28-6-2018 by WarriorMH because: (no reason given)
edit on 28-6-2018 by WarriorMH because: (no reason given)
Lol good
I'm so old I'm mates with people who run festivals legally now, my whole life tribe is pretty much 90's rave scene beach party heads and our late teen
early 20's kids now.
Our 'kids' who grew up sleeping at campfires after dancing with us, beautiful memories.
edit on 28-6-2018 by CornishCeltGuy because: (no reason
edit on 28-6-2018 by CornishCeltGuy because: Typo annoyed me lol