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The New World Order is up to you - Not an imginary conspiracy

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posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: CreationBro
Im no proponent of the NWO, im a proponent of an evolving world where nations and cultures are largely, if not entirely preserved and allowed to adapt, along with peace and cooperation.

That's never happened before though, so it would literally be a new world order!

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Haha,the NWO is a promise of change to a better world. It misleads honest people to think things are going to get better. It works so well they use it every election, hope and change, change you can believe in.

That new is the old lie. The world has always been run by control freaks that want to make it over into their image, everyone enslaved to them. The only way they can do this is thru deciept and manipulation. Otherwise, who would buy into it?

They want it all, will take it anyway, but its easier if you are complicit. So just go along.

Its something new, this time around.
edit on 1-4-2018 by intrptr because: additionall

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Your intentions are well, I do believe, but you arent going to find many that agree with the NWO or a denial of "The Patriots".

I guess better questions to be asked here:

What do you want the NWO to look like?
How are you going to make that happen?

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: AlienView
Think there is a rich elite conspiracy in control of the World? - Can you prove it?
- No you can't prove it because it isn't true.

Yes, it is a Nietzschean power struggle where might makes right - Here is where you come in Man.

Now let us ask you this question Human - Would you like a New World Order?
- Would you like an end to the Old World Order of endless meaningless power struggles, death, destruction
and profit off of Human destruction?

Now don't give me - that's what religion was about, or that was the aim of the Socialists.
- They failed - I'm tired of historical failure, how about you?

If I give you the opportunity could YOU create a New World Order?
- If I give you the opportunity to change the world, to change History - Would you do it?

That is what this thread is about - We want you to tell us what you think a New World Order should be.

We too would like to see a New World Order - Tell us Man - What is the New World Order you
and your progeny would like to live in

First off....there IS IN FACT a Global Conspiracy to manage Humanity....lets not mince words ok...rule the world...manage humanity...same associates or Cabal members....same or collusion....same thing.

This is the future....learn to accept it.

Every human shall have a recognised recorded NAME....every human born on earth will have their existence and name and tangability recorded.....then....each of these names will receive a vote and be required by Global law to use it when a Global in which fiscal disenfranchisement has happened and no one posses so-called riches and the personal amassing of wealth resources and or power via business religion or government is forbidden...........every living human will be recognised and empowered as a co-owner of the responsibility of managing earths resources.

There has NEVER been a true democracy on planet was NOT POSSIBLE in our current epoch until the advent and release globally of the internet....connectivity has made this NONE OF US KNOW THE TRUE UPSIDE OF A GLOBAL DEMOCRACY...but IMHO the business opportunities might be of a scale no one has ever witnessed before with a unified humanity reaching off-planet in search of usable resources.

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: AlienView
If I give you the opportunity could YOU create a New World Order?
- If I give you the opportunity to change the world, to change History - Would you do it?

I'd let the world vote on whether they wanted to accept the US Constitution as their law. It has not failed in the US, we have failed it and the founding fathers by straying too far from their original intent. It's like a family recipe, if you keep changing it and substituting ingredients it will stop resembling what it was originally. It's like the Pieta by Michelangelo only in written form to guide a government - the US Constitution is one of the greatest works by mankind. It was the culmination of 1700 years of developing humanist philosophy, common law, natural law and Christian principles. John Adams nailed it when said "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other". In other words freedom can only exist where people exercise self-restraint and believe in helping their fellow man.

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: AlienView

I could have a NWO anytime i liked, but i am already the master of the universe.
It's all down to your perspective of your reality tunnel or box.

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: AlienView

originally posted by: The GUT

Did they teach you i school that had the US been involved in the League of Nations [the old version of the UN]
maybe WWI could have been prevented? - Al least maybe?

Did you even think that it was Globalists who wanted us involved in the war? Did see the list of US companies that funded both Nazis and Allied forces? We may not have gotten sucked in to WWI, but the pressure became too great to avoid WWII... now we are the #1 arm dealer in the world, raping any 3rd world nation that doesn't want to play ball.

Trust me, I'd love to think that we could simply design our own global reality, but unless you have a couple hundred trillion bucks to get us started, I think we are late to the party.

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: AlienView

A great day - The Gut has replied to the AlienView.

Sometimes we use literary license to better make a point - Or at least to make it interesting.

Yes, that new four letter word with more than four letters 'Globalism' - Used by the isolationist elite to say that the US
should avoid intanglement in a New World Order - As isolationism in the modern world is the answer.

I always appreciate your good heart and tendency to consider things at depth.

When it comes to 'bringing the world freedom!!" I bet much of the rest of the world would appreciate some Isolationism from us lol.

And I know that in a perfect world a global unification would be grand. As a thought experiment it's beautiful, but making such work isn't to be trusted.

Maybe if we carefully picked elderly and very wise Elders and really sweet wise children to run things it might work?

Peace to you my friend.

edit on 1-4-2018 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: xuenchen
The Worldwide Central Banking System is the NWO.

It's the Spawn of the 20th Century

That goes back to the 1700s
Nothing modern at all.
5 brothers sent to 5 countries.
"Nuff Said"

Yes but the 20th Century saw most nations go NWO-a-go-go with the Central Banks.

Basil Committee in control.


posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: The GUT

originally posted by: AlienView

A great day - The Gut has replied to the AlienView.

Sometimes we use literary license to better make a point - Or at least to make it interesting.

Yes, that new four letter word with more than four letters 'Globalism' - Used by the isolationist elite to say that the US
should avoid intanglement in a New World Order - As isolationism in the modern world is the answer.

I always appreciate your good heart and tendency to consider things at depth.

When it comes to 'bringing the world freedom!!" I bet much of the rest of the world would appreciate some Isolationism from us lol.

And I know that in a perfect world a global unification would be grand. As a thought experiment it's beautiful, but making such work isn't to be trusted.

Maybe if we carefully picked elderly and very wise Elders and really sweet wise children to run things it might work?

Peace to you my friend.

The point is that one way or the other Globalism, a New World Order, is a fact of life in the 21st Century
- Computers and the internet have created links to everyone, everything, all business and government are in some
way already connected.

Now do we move in direction of 'war games' or peaceful cooperation?

We are already a part of a Globlaist World Order and we may be standing on a precipice of choice -

- Shoudl they [the powers that be, TPTB] and the masses continue to be in conflict, should we operate the world
under the very conspiratorial Old World Order - Or move to a better future with a real New World Order?

The maiin difference, as a starting point, is transparency.

Some of the current players such as the Cooncil of Foreign Relations have a newsletter availabel to the general ;public
- they are open about their agendas for the future

- Others, such as the Bildebergars, are more secretive BUT on the surface, and if you accept the inevitability of
'ONE WORLD unified in peace, they too, at least on the surface, seem to have benigh goals:

"Activities and goals" The group's original goal of promoting Atlanticism, of strengthening U.S.–European relations and preventing another world war has grown; the Bilderberg Group's theme is to "bolster a consensus around free market Western capitalism and its interests around the globe" according to Andrew Kakabadse.[2] In 2001, Denis Healey, a Bilderberg group founder and a steering committee member for 30 years, said, "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing................."
Quote source:

Now tell me why it is not possivle to have a unified World and still maintain the integrity of the individual countries?

I personally don't care if England thinks it is better that all citizens be disarmed while the United States insists
on the 'rign ot the people to bear arms' - We are stll allies and friends.

In my New World Order we accept the individuality and character of naions and peoples
- But the wars between nations stop now

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