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The New World Order is up to you - Not an imginary conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 31 2018 @ 09:54 PM
Think there is a rich elite conspiracy in control of the World? - Can you prove it?
- No you can't prove it because it isn't true.

Yes, it is a Nietzschean power struggle where might makes right - Here is where you come in Man.

Now let us ask you this question Human - Would you like a New World Order?
- Would you like an end to the Old World Order of endless meaningless power struggles, death, destruction
and profit off of Human destruction?

Now don't give me - that's what religion was about, or that was the aim of the Socialists.
- They failed - I'm tired of historical failure, how about you?

If I give you the opportunity could YOU create a New World Order?
- If I give you the opportunity to change the world, to change History - Would you do it?

That is what this thread is about - We want you to tell us what you think a New World Order should be.

We too would like to see a New World Order - Tell us Man - What is the New World Order you
and your progeny would like to live in

posted on Mar, 31 2018 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: AlienView

No thanks.

I like my freedom to much to cede it to some jack ass in Belgium or some other country not my own. I have seen how much other countries protect their citizens liberty and will take a pass. America isn't perfect, but other than a few mouthy kids most people here still want to be free.

posted on Mar, 31 2018 @ 10:09 PM
The Worldwide Central Banking System is the NWO.

It's the Spawn of the 20th Century 🔐

posted on Mar, 31 2018 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: AlienView

Rational reasoning - as opposed to empirical evidence - suggests there is a shadow government that operates in secret. There are just too many dots that connect and too many coincidences for the NWO conspiracy to be false.

posted on Mar, 31 2018 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: AlienView

Depending on what is motivating certain behaviors and actions in people...

Would lead to my conclusion that we may need assistance in fighting a serious threat to the well-being and ultimately, continuity of our races. I hope it is not the case.

I think xuenchen brought up a very valid point. There are certain institutions that are monopolistic or monopolisitic-esque that are quite possibly eating us alive and sending us down an unsustainable and dangerous path.

Not to mention over consumption, purposeful obstruction of healthy progress within medical advances and other technologies, as well as the extreme lack of foresight we seem to be plagued by (solely focused on making money while disregarding safety measures and fail safes ie:Fukushima, social media, privacy destruction with over surveillance, AI applications, opioid crisis, and the like).

Id say we need to come to some compromises soon. Im no proponent of the NWO, im a proponent of an evolving world where nations and cultures are largely, if not entirely preserved and allowed to adapt, along with peace and cooperation.

edit on 3312018 by CreationBro because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2018 @ 10:25 PM

posted on Mar, 31 2018 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: Incandescent
a reply to: AlienView

Rational reasoning - as opposed to empirical evidence - suggests there is a shadow government that operates in secret. There are just too many dots that connect and too many coincidences for the NWO conspiracy to be false.

The key words here are "'a' shadow government"implying there is a single unified conspiracy
- I don't doubl conspiracy, History is ripe with conspiracies - But I've yet to see proven one single conspiracy in control.
- When Hitler took over Germanhy with his nazis it was the Jews, the communists and the Masons - And he was going to
straighten out the world by having the nazis do it. - Luckily he too failed - History is full of conspiracies, many of them
malignant in nature.

What I'm trying to ask is can an a an intelligent species, such as Man, take control of his World, his Planet, without
a malignant series of conspiracies and power struggles.?

Is Man capavle of graduating to what might be called a 'Stage One Civilization'?

posted on Mar, 31 2018 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: Incandescent

So our mission then is to find our local embassies where our preferences will be taken under advisory.
Probably going to be a limited menu system especially if its not a flat organization.
The Masons use a system like this to distribute rewards to the communities their members live in.

posted on Mar, 31 2018 @ 10:56 PM
A world where OP's understand that Globalism isn't a righteous utopia and don't refer to themselves in the third person or as if they were a collective.

posted on Mar, 31 2018 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: AlienView

Here ya go:

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 12:00 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: AlienView

Here ya go:

Your post from link given:

"PREVENTING THE FOURTH REICH Chapter 3: The 'Patriarchy' is REAL"

Now if you understand what I'm saying - Yes, but of course this is not a really a New World Order you, and most others, who study the NWO are talking about - That NWO is in fact the same dirty old world order that has been corrupting the
World probably since the beginning of recorded History.

I'm propossing at least the possibility that a real New World Order can be achieved - An order that allows individuality and
profitable enterprise - Without the need for the endless and destructive power struggles that have plagued the Human
race since the beginning of recorded History.

OK - call it The Impossible Dream! - But isn't that why Humanity exists? - To overcome the impossible

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: The GUT
A world where OP's understand that Globalism isn't a righteous utopia and don't refer to themselves in the third person or as if they were a collective.

A great day - The Gut has replied to the AlienView.

Sometimes we use literary license to better make a point - Or at least to make it interesting.

Yes, that new four letter word with more than four letters 'Globalism' - Used by the isolationist elite to say that the US
should avoid intanglement in a New World Order - As isolationism in the modern world is the answer.

Crazy!!! - The whole world and busineess is interconnected, and except maybe for countries like North Korea, that
thinks it doesn't need the rest or the world - Golbalaism is a fract of life, even if you want to maintain the individaly
identity and integrity of this nation - for that mattter any nation.

Did they teach you i school that had the US been involved in the League of Nations [the old version of the UN]
maybe WWI could have been prevented? - Al least maybe?

Again the NWO as it stands is a replay of the same old world orders of the past
- a real NewNew World Order is what the old world needs.

But maybe too many Humans have developed premature dimentia and can no longer see the future
- Not of the way it is going - But for the way it could be going.

On the "The Kardashev Scale" a stage One Civilization:

The Kardashev Scale – Type I, II, III, IV & V Civilization

"We have reached a turning point in society. According to renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, the next 100 years of science will determine whether we perish or thrive. Will we remain a Type 0 civilization, or will we advance and make our way into the stars?

Experts assert that, as a civilization grows larger and becomes more advanced, its energy demands will increase rapidly due to its population growth and the energy requirements of its various machines. With this in mind, the Kardashev scale was developed as a way of measuring a civilization’s technological advancement based upon how much usable energy it has at its disposal (this was originally just tied to energy available for communications, but has since been expanded)............

Quorte source:

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Leave us alone! That's what we want.

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Or realizing what we once thought impossible, was there waiting for us the whole time (some of us patiently waiting while taking endless abuse from our comatose brothers and sisters).

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: xuenchen
And here is the former UK Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, talking about the NWO. He mentions the NWO multiple times and may have even referred to George Bush Seniors NWO speech.

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: AlienView

"NWO" is just what "They" call it. Its the final goal kind of thing where everybody is ruled under its domain.

But for all intensive purposes they've always had 'all' the money, 'all' the power. And its all old stuff.

So Old World Order is also a term I use for them, where NWO is their term for some BS hypothetical that no matter how TOTAL of control they every get they'll still be calling it that.

Because even "by then", next will be the total domination of our minds; tech immortality; global AGI network; etc.

Then it'll be outer space.

Forever they'll be "finishing the unfinished pyramid".................................

Plus "New" doubles as a misdirection term, as it get people thinking about some "new" thing instead of the OLD BS trying to do it.
edit on 1-4-2018 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
The Worldwide Central Banking System is the NWO.

It's the Spawn of the 20th Century 🔐

That goes back to the 1700s
Nothing modern at all.
5 brothers sent to 5 countries.
"Nuff Said"

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 03:56 AM
Well they are here controlling society, dumbing it down reconstructing it in they image. Every news item is their propaganda. Their moves become more and more predictable. They become more desperate in their longing to control. More and more people awake to the truth of their existence. Divide and conquer didn't work as they hoped. Social media is falling apart. So their next step is it play kids against their parents....

edit on 412018 by frenchfries because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 04:17 AM

originally posted by: AlienView
Think there is a rich elite conspiracy in control of the World? - Can you prove it?

Yes, it is easily proven on a minute by minute day by day basis. From the day you are born and your documented as being born you are born a slave to the system. There isn't one single thing you do on a daily basis that has not first been pre-determined by policy makers.

Policy makers who are controlled by special interest groups. Special interest groups who are well paid by corporations. Corporations who are interconnected on a global scale to benefit themselves. The same corporations who are dependent upon the international banking system to accomplish their global objectives. The international banking system controlled by ...

No...there's no conspiracy to control the world by the wealthy elite what so ever.

It all occurred purely by chance.

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