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The Kennedy assassination records release and the draining of the swamp

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posted on Mar, 19 2018 @ 12:13 AM
"Oswald was IMHO of the belief that he was working a STING OPERATION and that he was setting up enemys of the USA...."

Part of why I believe this is it's easy to picture him working diligently on something like filing down the firing pin on the Mauser before handing it off to his contact or whatever.....following orders.

It makes sense too, his lame attempt at a Pro-Cuban cover story. Of course he could then be EASILY duped into thinking he was working a counter-assassination mission. The cover wasn't intended to fool would-be assassins, but to fool Oswald!

His actions after the incident also lean towards this theory, he realized he was a patsy....maybe never shooting a gun before Tippet, if even.

He did bring those "curtain rods" to work that day.

It's absurd to believe ANYBODY on the path of the motorcade would actually be oblivious to JFK driving past....drinking a Coke in the break room?

The most likely thing would be a accomplice-handler saying to Oswald,"hey meet me in the top floor, and we'll heckle JFK" (or whatnot). He's not going to just ignore JFK and drink a Coke, come on! Surely if Clark can get one person employed in the DSBD, why not two?

posted on Mar, 19 2018 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

President gets assassinated, by Patsy, patsy gets shot ,the guy that shoots the patsy gets offed. Police officer who looks like JFK gets shot. It would have been so simple, if they had shot Oswald in the cinema like they were supposed to have done.

They seriously messed up so much of this operation and have had to spend years covering it up.

I'm sure there was some benefits gained, but I have to wonder how much time, money and death could have been avoided if they would have just taken a plane down or something.

I bet the players were panicking and scrambling for many years, perhaps some to this day.

Other panicked and were killed.

posted on Mar, 19 2018 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
How do you shoot from a sewer UPWARDS into the center of an automobile?

Pro tip: The line of sight goes thru the side of the limo.

Also I like how the film of the MC officer dropping his bike suddenly ends at that instant, leaving the viewer open to suggestion. If the shooter was really there, would this film even be made public?

Well, it may have intentionally been made public, just as others suggest, as a ruse or diversion drawing attention to the sewer theory.

I would also think the MC officer would have submitted a report or come forward.....maybe not....?

Anyway, the only place the kill shot could come from is the Grassy Knoll. As members of the public scurried to the GK, I doubt it would have been them running INTO gunfire. Not many people would do that, but it's suggested in most documentaries.

The line of sight does not go through the limo when the killing occurred although today it would.....people have gone down into the spot can see where they have elevated the surface by about 10 inches or more since the Coup de tat......oh yes my friend....I have shot guns including high power rifles since I was a kid of have a perfect incoming head-shot with the trajectory having little risk of clipping the First Lady.

Yes the Dallas PD was complicit anyone witnessing the co-ordinated placement of the Motorcycles and how they left shooting lanes intentionally open among many other things evidences this....yes IMHO the Officer DID in fact drop his bike to hide the sewer hole.....furthermore in the Moorman film you can see the smoke from the shot emanating out of the sewer...there are also other clear evidences of the final shot exiting that sewer hole.

There were multiple sniper teams and the GK evidence stands on its own...the units were working in Cells...GK shooters knew nothing about UGS/underground shooters....the SS limo driver was given a spot to hold at for the final shot opportunity and he did so so he was given a SPOT TO STOP AT and even he did not know the locations where shots would come from only where to hold position and wait...and different people in the crowd reacted to different Cells actions,there are overlaps......but using the crowd/DPD Motorcycle positions/SS positions/Motorcade positions and timing ect ect ect to determine sniper positions is a good way to go there is a better way to determne these spots and then one may use the crowd reactions to verify.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Are you alluding to the Howard Donahue theory that the Secret service accidentally shot him?

That is quite a tight theory in my opinion and does make a lot of sense.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

Sorry but that is stupid. Not the cover up but the fact his own security killed him, accidentally. I watched the films and pics since I was 9, even saw ruby shoot oswald on live tv. Magic bullets. I never saw a pic of that guy with the gun, anywhere.

Its not really that stupid if you see what the theory suggests.

A book was even written about the theory that came from a sharpshooter/ballistics expert called Howard Donahue.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Does the theory then go on to explain that Oswald acted alone, but the secret service simply had the accidental kill shot?

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: Harpua
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Does the theory then go on to explain that Oswald acted alone, but the secret service simply had the accidental kill shot?

Not sure, it was a while back so I am not sure what was said about Oswald.

I do remember a few points about procedures and weapons the secret service used and got rid of straight away after the death that was hard to uncover or something along those lines.

There is the book linked in the post above and a documentary that aired on mainstream TV here in Australia a few years back.

It was called JFK: the smoking gun.

Created by an Australian Police detective using the theory put forth by Howard Donahue.

For anyone into the JFK assassination its a good perspective put forth by an expert that makes a lot of logical sense is what I remember my impression being when I watched the documentary.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: PurpleHorizon

I’m unable to play the YouTube video. Seems it’s been banned in the UK.

This one will play in the UK.
In this documentary Charles Harrelson is started to be one of the many gunmen - Woody Harrelsons Father.
edit on 20-3-2018 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
a reply to: intrptr

Are you alluding to the Howard Donahue theory that the Secret service accidentally shot him?

That is quite a tight theory in my opinion and does make a lot of sense.

Not a theory, not an accident. They re the most highly trained experts with arms in the world. The notion that one of the secret service could 'accidentally' shoot Kennedy in the head right during an assassination attempt doesn't sound a little coincidental to you?

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 09:39 AM
George Bush Sr. was a CIA agent at the time of Kennedy's assassination, and was the head of the CIA when the House committee was investigating. He definitely knows where the bodies are buried, literally & figuratively.

Back when Trump first issued the 6-month delay, some of us were speculating that he was basically giving Bush six more months to die before he released info that Bush wants to keep hidden. I'm still wondering if that's the case.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: intrptr

The notion that one of the secret service could 'accidentally' shoot Kennedy in the head right during an assassination attempt doesn't sound a little coincidental to you?

just the notion alone, yes it does.

However, the documentary and theory don't just simply make the claim without detailed explanations.

Have you seen JFK: the smoking gun?

The perfect time to make a mistake and the most likely time to make a mistake is in action when one has to react.

Training is repeatedly done so when one has to react the motions are basically normal reflexes, however this doesn't guarantee no errors or mistakes.

I find the explanation that when shots were heard the agents in the car behind reacted by going for their weapons,

Picking up and standing up in a moving car that may brake could very easily create a scenario that the theory describes.

Its a theory surrounding the JFK assassination that has the least speculation involved in my opinion

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Have you seen JFK: the smoking gun?

That photo I linked on page one is from the doc.

The cover up was intentional too, by the way. The misleading accident theory is a joke.

just the notion alone, yes it does.

'All added up' there are many 'notions'. The stand down order not to ride on the Presidents limo, the open windows in the depository, the 'secret servicer' would never allow that along a parade route. Heres another pic taken from film footage seconds before the assassination...

Agents along the route would have scrambled into that building and shut everyone of those windows long before the limo arrived. Thats the limo turning the corner in the distance...

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: intrptr

'All added up' there are many 'notions'. The stand down order not to ride on the Presidents limo, the open windows in the depository, the 'secret servicer' would never allow that along a parade route. Heres another pic taken from film footage seconds before the assassination...

Agents along the route would have scrambled into that building and shut everyone of those windows long before the limo arrived. Thats the limo turning the corner in the distance...

You’d think that, but you’d be wrong. In the mid-nineties, Bill Clinton’s motorcade passed within spitting distance of my second-floor office window, on its way to a nearby speaking engagement. Days earlier, the Secret Service visited everyone along the route to notify us of the upcoming event, and to explain the associated restrictions. (e.g., no one in the street, on sidewalks, on rooftops, etc) Keeping windows closed was not among the restrictions. Now, if the Secret Service wasn’t worried about open windows in air-conditioned 1996, why would they have been worried in hot, muggy, ceiling-fan Dallas of 1963? Besides, on the day Kennedy died, people were obviously allowed to line the roadways at will, and some intrepid sort with a handgun could have gotten off a much closer shot than a rifleman from a sixth-floor window.

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: Rollie83

You're comparing apples and oranges, two different eras, modus operandi , and respective politicians.

The Deep State likes Clintons... the Deep Sate 'won', remember?

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: intrptr

I don’t follow, sorry. All the same, the humans in charge of protecting a president make mistakes, and they can’t conceive of every precaution ahead of time. The fact that a lone nut was able to kill JFK produces perhaps one large criticism—that the protectors needed to have thought like a lone nut to have prevented Oswald’s actions. Instead, by habit they aimed their security schemes only at a higher average level of sophistication. Oswald slipped out from a crack.

The lesson has never really sunk in, and political assassinations in the US (and attempted assassinations) have, as nearly a rule, been carried out by whackos acting alone. Booth, Guiteau, Czolgosz, Sirhan, Fromme, Hinckley…the list goes on.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: Rollie83
a reply to: intrptr

I don’t follow, sorry. All the same, the humans in charge of protecting a president make mistakes, and they can’t conceive of every precaution ahead of time. The fact that a lone nut was able to kill JFK produces perhaps one large criticism—that the protectors needed to have thought like a lone nut to have prevented Oswald’s actions. Instead, by habit they aimed their security schemes only at a higher average level of sophistication. Oswald slipped out from a crack.

The lesson has never really sunk in, and political assassinations in the US (and attempted assassinations) have, as nearly a rule, been carried out by whackos acting alone. Booth, Guiteau, Czolgosz, Sirhan, Fromme, Hinckley…the list goes on.

This literally had me wondering if you were being serious.

If you are, clearly you haven't spent much time looking in to the investigation.

Or you are helping spread disinformation.

Interesting that since this thread started, Trump has bombed Syria, made plans to destroy the Iran Nuclear deal and continued to delay the release of the Kennedy files for another 3 years.

I'd say the so called deep state has him by the balls.

posted on May, 6 2018 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: Harpua

This literally had me wondering if you were being serious.

If you are, clearly you haven't spent much time looking in to the investigation.

What an odd thing to say, because you have no idea how much time I’ve spent looking into the investigation. Remember, people arrive at differing conclusions for all sorts of reasons, only one of which is a disparity in effort. Perhaps one of us has better information than the other, or is better qualified to judge what he/she perceives, or assigns credibility to a different range of sources, or is simply more suspicious by nature? There are many other possibilities to explain a difference of opinion, but it’s sufficient to say that that with a controversial topic such as the Kennedy assassination, two individuals can drive equally hard in seeking the truth, but still come to completely distinct judgments about it.

posted on Jun, 23 2018 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: Rollie83

originally posted by: Harpua

This literally had me wondering if you were being serious.

If you are, clearly you haven't spent much time looking in to the investigation.

What an odd thing to say, because you have no idea how much time I’ve spent looking into the investigation. Remember, people arrive at differing conclusions for all sorts of reasons, only one of which is a disparity in effort. Perhaps one of us has better information than the other, or is better qualified to judge what he/she perceives, or assigns credibility to a different range of sources, or is simply more suspicious by nature? There are many other possibilities to explain a difference of opinion, but it’s sufficient to say that that with a controversial topic such as the Kennedy assassination, two individuals can drive equally hard in seeking the truth, but still come to completely distinct judgments about it.

I figure there has to be paid disinformation agents on sites like these. At least to muddy the water... from the magic bullet theory, to the witnesses who were never interviewed by the Warren Commission, to the findings of The Select Committee on Assassination, to the research in to the handling of the Zapruder film, there is only so much evidence of a cover up I can accept before I being to ask, who has the power to cover up this crime?

If you haven't watched this video, I'd highly recommend

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