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The Kennedy assassination records release and the draining of the swamp

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posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 06:57 AM
In 1992 Congress unanimously voted to pass the JFK act which would REQUIRE the government to release ALL records related to the assassination this past October 17th 2017. President George Herbert Walker Bush signed this bill into law, but only after adding HIS OWN stipulation that the sitting President has sole discretion in releasing or withholding records.

President Trump has tweeted several times that he would be releasing all of these records. That was possible until Chief of Staff John Kelly convinced Trump to wait another 6 months until intelligence agencies could review the thousands of classified documents and write up an official recommendation for Trump to consider.

Those 6 months are up this week.

Considering the perspective that many if not most of the world doesn't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman, with many believing he didn't even fire a weapon that day, there is massive interest in knowing the truth about that fateful November in Dallas. Some theories involved as many as dozens of potential perpetrators working in concert. It could be the mafia, it could be Lyndon B Johnson, it could be the CIA, it could be many of the big business leaders who would be adversely affected by new regulations or tax laws that Kennedy wanted to put in place or it could be the military industrial complex who believed Kennedy was too soft on communism and would likely stop the war in Vietnam and befriend the Russians. It could be Kennedy's desire to go back to the gold standard.

It could be all of them, working together to make sure their longer terms goals could be seen to fruition. This is the basic premise of the popular documentary: From Kennedy to 9/11 - Everything Is A Rich Mans Trick (here is a link):

Side note: I highly recommend the documentary, I can't say that everything in it is the absolute truth, but it all makes logical sense and is highly entertaining. The documentary paints an arc of manipulation and dominance that starts with World War I and the rise of Hitler and the National Socialist Party, goes through the immoral and illegal war profiteering that many wealthy American businessmen engaged in by investing in the Nazi war machine during World War II. It covers the massive profits the military industrial complex were making and its need to manufacture more wars. It covers the roll that the Mafia played both here in the US and abroad. It covers the members and background of Skull and Bones, It covers the birth of the OSS and CIA, the Dulles brothers, (arguably the birth of the "deep state") the start of the Korean and Vietnam wars, it covers all of the big players in each of these historic events. It covers aspects of September 11th, and it goes deep in to the who, what, how, why and when of the Kennedy assassination.

Anyhow: People familiar with this film are aware that the Bush family, and George HW Bush in particular, a CIA agent who later became Director of the CIA, has been linked to the Kennedy assassination. This isn't the only theory that involves the Bush family, but it is one of the most well documented and argued.

Many people consider Kennedy's assassination a major turning point for the "deep state". This is where corruption was really able to take hold, with war profiteering going unchecked, the mafia started smuggling tons of heroin in from Vietnam with the help of high level military members, big banks no longer needed to worry about the gold standard returning and LBJ could give his big oil buddies the tax breaks they desired.

It wasn't all fun and games though, many of the same people alleged to be involved in the Kennedy assassination soon would find themselves under investigation for the Watergate scandal. Others would be promoted in to new, more powerful positions, some were elected president, while others died suddenly under mysterious conditions. There has been a massive cover up for nearly 60 years, and its time to release what the government knows. Can you remember or imagine congress voting unanimously on much of anything?

They voted unanimously to release these documents. George HW Bush, who some claim to have been involved in the assassination of Kennedy, added the stipulation that only the sitting president can withhold or release them. With Bush senior still alive and elements of the original conspiracy to murder a US president likely still influencing the current political climate... will Trump follow through on his tweets?

I have my doubts that Trump will release these documents, though I really hope he will. It would be a huge bell weather on his courage to take on the swamp. He will likely face a lot of political pressure to not release them.

I hope he does what congress voted unanimously to do back in 1992.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: Harpua

Weren't the file already released some time ago? I distinctly remember having read about new information in the JFK case from a gov agency very recently.

Direct link to gov documents:

edit on 17-3-2018 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 07:13 AM
I've never, for one second, believed we will see the true facts concerning this. Anything that does come out, will be so heavily redacted or "withheld for National Security" as to be basically useless. We'll see what they want us to see and that's it.
A U.S. President was assassinated, the "lone gunman" was killed before being brought to trial.
Case closed.

JFK and his brother were a threat to some powerful people and we'll never who they were.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

I do remember something in the new files saying that there was a sniper involved in the window of a nearby building, in addition to the "lone gunman".

I'm telling you guys, the docs have already been released.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: Harpua

The Deep State admitting it killed JFK?

Good luck.

Everything one needs to know is already out there.

How much "Deep Interest" do you have?

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: swanne

I do remember something in the new files saying that there was a sniper involved in the window of a nearby building, in addition to the "lone gunman".

Right on cue with the multi shooter deflection.

Like we don't get enough of that. There was one other 'shooter'. They got multi eye witness reports that day of someone in the follow up car with a rifle, street level reports of smelling gunpowder, seeing the man in the back up car with a rifle, standing up, shooting...

They even got them a pic...

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: swanne

I do remember something in the new files saying that there was a sniper involved in the window of a nearby building, in addition to the "lone gunman".

That is a true "holy s**t" moment for me. That they actually admitted someone else may have been involved.
Thanks for the links.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 07:39 AM
JFK Assassination Records released in 2017

Here they are for those of interest in them.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 07:40 AM
I'm with intrptr on this. You expect the gubmint to release info on telling us all it was an inside job? That would spell the end of the CIA and probably a few other three letter agencies. Ain't gonna happen, ever. Go back to sleep people. Keep on dreaming...

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 07:48 AM
I’m unable to play the YouTube video. Seems it’s been banned in the UK.

Let the Info cull begin.

a reply to: Harpua

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 08:02 AM
I've had the distinct feeling and I've been saying for awhile now that President Trump is the deep state's karma for JFK. He'll release the rest I do believe.

I think there's enough in what's remaining to finally flesh it out for the last holdouts on the lone gunman fiction.

Maybe they'll rename Dulles International 'cause that murderous traitor is the one that gave us the deep state and awful foreign policy as we know it with the assassination of JFK.

Nice rundown and reminder the extension draws nigh, Harpua. ;up:

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: swanne
a reply to: DAVID64

I do remember something in the new files saying that there was a sniper involved in the window of a nearby building, in addition to the "lone gunman".

I'm telling you guys, the docs have already been released.

Here is an article that alludes to the 6 months from October 26th date, the paragraph in question is next to the second photo, with JFK on stage and LBJ lurking behind him as usual (creepy... lol)

There are some other blogs and researchers that also are looking to this date in the hopes that some additional documents will drop. I've also seen that there are some lawsuits pending that could determine the fate of some other heavily protected documents, read more about that on this site:

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 08:34 AM
Also... if one were able to reopen the case based on one damning piece of evidence, I would go for this one:

Douglas Horne, chief analyst of military records at the Assassination Records Review Board provides the most clear and concise breakdown of the Zapruder film and shows beyond a shadow of doubt that the film has been tampered with.

The fact that the Secret Service, CIA and FBI were responsible for the chain of custody of this film immediately puts them in the hot seat.

The CIA NPIC testimony in this video amazing.

More pressure needs to be put on congress to follow the truth where it leads.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: intrptr

The deep state going after trump and 1/2 of America will cheer for the deep state .

Trump shows the deep state killed Kennedy, those currently deep state, this will take a good portion of their support

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: intrptr

I saw this documentary and made the same assertion, that the man you pictured accidentally fired the the kill shot, in a different thread some months ago. It does seem completely plausible and would explain why law enforcement has gone to such extraordinary lengths to keep it covered up.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
I've had the distinct feeling and I've been saying for awhile now that President Trump is the deep state's karma for JFK. He'll release the rest I do believe.

I think there's enough in what's remaining to finally flesh it out for the last holdouts on the lone gunman fiction.

Maybe they'll rename Dulles International 'cause that murderous traitor is the one that gave us the deep state and awful foreign policy as we know it with the assassination of JFK.

Nice rundown and reminder the extension draws nigh, Harpua. ;up:

"Trump International Airport", he he he I don't think there are enough psychologists in the world to deal with the mental breakdown from a certain generation that that will cause.

But yep many many documents have been released on the JFK event. But I have a few questions I'll toss at the peanut gallery:

Why haven't we've heard from Ventura about this, I thought he was a big JFK guy?

Why does the documents have (shall we say) interesting documents related to the Clintons and a connection in China tossed in there?

Finally, Everyone points to "Deep State" when it looks like "Big Oil" was the culprit, and everyone and their dog just took advantage of the events. It seems to me that it was more of a cult that was behind it more than a "Deep State" entity. What does anyone else think?

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: swanne

The tapes in the Kennedy library tell a different story, unfortunately they are not freely available all the time.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 04:27 PM
edit on 3/17/2018 by MotherMayEye because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday

Why haven't we've heard from Ventura about this, I thought he was a big JFK guy?

Because Ventura is a disinfo peddler and, IMO, Oliver Stone. Have you ever seen Jesse Ventura's show 'Conspiracy Theory' which also features Oliver Stone's son, Sean?

There's no better episode to watch for a good bit of enlightenment than the 'Reptilian' episode. They actually used CGI to make some woman's eyes look like her pupils 'shapeshifted' into slits!

What's so great about that episode is that it implicates Jesse Ventura, his son, Sean Stone (and, by extension, possibly Oliver Stone), Alex Jones, AND David Icke. I HIGHLY recommend it. It should be required viewing in high school.

It's one neat & tidy, obvious ball of disinfo and so many disinfo peddlers are caught up in the wide net it casts.

Of course, you cannot overlook Jesse Ventura's long ties to Trump, too. Link

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: CharlesT
a reply to: intrptr

I saw this documentary and made the same assertion, that the man you pictured accidentally fired the the kill shot, in a different thread some months ago. It does seem completely plausible and would explain why law enforcement has gone to such extraordinary lengths to keep it covered up.

"Accidentally fired the kill shot"?

Your perspective is that a secret service officer in the car behind the president "accidentally" blew the presidents brains out?


Thats one of the funniest theories I've ever read.

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