posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to:
I doubt that anyone here on ATS is a TRUE genocidial Murderer, but i think some people might even have the nerve to create an account just to
answer me.
I certainly hope not!
I have my doubts that 99% of these individuals you describe actually seek the goals as you described. It is likely hyperbole, brought on by the
extreme political rhetoric we hear multiple times per day. At the end of the day, it is my sincere hope that a majority of Americans still see that
we're always united under the same Stars and Stripes regardless of the extreme polarity
You may also be conflating satire with concerted speech. Satire is extremely effective when used properly.
May I suggest something? Any person who expresses a true desire to destroy the world (or achieve any singular goal you mentioned) is probably not safe
to be around. That being said, I'd reckon the vast majority is political anger boiling over and the person trying to blow off some steam.
If they start building a death ray it might be time to worry though!!!