Personally I don't want to kill everyone and everything.
In saying that though, I do occasionally ponder on such things open mindedly.
Of course what I am about to say will trigger a lot of people incapable of reading and understanding context and who are just knee jerkers to all that
goes against their world perception.
All I ask is you consider what I am saying here, not what you THINK I am saying.
This is just a point of view for discussions sake. But I know it aint gonna be a popular view.
If other animals are a pest or breeding out of control and are a threat to humanity like rats, mice, cockatoos, starlings, kangaroos and more. We have
no problem 'dealing with them'. Usually through culling or exterminating them.
But we have a different set of rules as always for human pests.
Same for identifying animals. We can see both Chihuahuas and Pitbulls as dogs.
Despite them both being dogs, we're allowed to state neither are equal. We can point out their physical and psychological differences. We do not have
to treat them or perceive them as equals.
Again not so with humans.
Why is that?
If you can clearly see a difference between 'breeds' of humans.... why can you not point those differences out.
I'll treat all humans equally myself, judge people on their actions not their genetics. But sad fact of the matter is on a purely scientific level and
despite what feels tell us to believe. Not all men are created equally.
Right now I have a rat in my house. I have laid traps, I am gonna kill that sucker. Not because I want to. I feel no ill will as such towards it, it's
just doing what rats do, it is not intentionally thinking "Hmm might go # with that human over there because he doesn't worship the Rat God like I do
so he deserves some urine and poo in his cornflakes".
But it is a risk to my health and well being, so I do what I must. If I capture and release it, well unless I want to drive to the middle of the
outback to do so, it will either return or become someone else's problem.
Would you keep capturing and releasing the same rats over and over?
Nope, because most of us know insanity is doing the same # over and over and expecting different results.
But again. It is different when it comes to humans.
Someone enters my house and is threat to me and my familys health and well being. I'm not allowed to kill that sucker. Heck I may even be sued or
gaoled if I do not incapacitate them correctly.
Unlike the rat that human is intentionally a threat to me. Rat is looking for food and shelter, that human is looking to ruin me for their own selfish
reasons and benefits.
"You have nicer TV than me, you should be injured or die so I can have it!"
I kill the rat, it's family doesn;t come looking for revenge. I kill the human pest and I could have more show up.
But again. I cannot treat the more dangerous animal as equally as the smaller less dangerous one. Why? Because perceived intelligence? Because it can
talk? Because it is physically similar to me?
Kind of the same on a global level with various humans and nations. Regardless of what people say, some are pests, a threat to mankind, always have
been, always will be.
When do we say "Insanity is doing the same # over and over and expecting different results. Let's try something different."?
Now again don't get me wrong, I am a pacifist, but many days I do begin to think.... "All it would take is a couple of big bombs."
Some times I find myself thinking, maybe we should do the job properly this time and be done with it once and for all.
Is it evil? Evil and good is a subjective thing.
For me wiping out a civilized and peaceful human (or even animal) population is evil.
But evil for me is also seeing a problem, a threat, a danger. Letting pain and suffering that could be ended in one fell swoop allowed to continue and
not doing what needs to be done to end it.
Sure wiping out any breed of animal, or even breed of human might seem evil. But if it ended all the BS holding us back and entered mankind into a new
age of technology, peace and civilization would it be worth it?
Maybe not now. But 200 years after the fact? I mean time heals all wounds.
But yeah, how long should we sit on our hands using the same ineffective means to get us where we need to be?
Of course it comes down to perception. World views. Personal mindsets and all that.
No breed of human will ever come out and say "Yeah, we're the problem here. Something really needs to be done about that"
And I guess that is why we cannot genocide. Because who would get to decide who has to go?
We'll all label each other as the problem, never ourselves. Even if we can see with our own eyes where the problems lay.
I mean you see 4 guys start kicking the crap out of someone for reasons, you know who the bad guys are and who needs to go.
Sadly most though will see those 4 guys are wearing the same football jersy's so they will side with them. Because team colours do an amazing job of
justifying actions in our heads.
I dunno, not saying genocide is the answer. But maybe if it was put on the table. The world came together and said "right! we've had enough of these
2000 year old belief wars, rapes and murder etc." and issued an ultimatum to all"
"You got one month to stop all wars and other such BS. Any country doing horrible crap to humanity with a month from now will just be completely wiped
out. COMPLETELY. No one left to be enemies and come for revenge and keep the BS going."
Maybe that would be enough to make everyone pull their head in.
Got a feeling though you'd need to still make an example or two before people got the lesson.
Sure it seems horrible. Innocents will be caught up in it. But don't the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few or sumthin'?
Now excuse me, I got a rat to kill. But as I said. Very few will have a problem with that.
And that's the point I guess. Some rats we can kill and that's fine. But some rats you gotta just leave them alone and let them be the horrible nasty
little vermin they are for some reason.
Any wonder humans confuse me? lol.