Aaaaand this is why my elementary-aged kids -- until they are legally allowed to work a job, or have their own private residence doing whatever TF
they want in it -- are not allowed to have/have to do the following regarding the internet:
Their own computers/tablets/phones, period. It's not necessary at their ages until they can work & buy their own. Until then, they use the family
desktop, under moderate supervision. I've got it locked down enough they don't need us over their shoulders constantly, just periodic, random checks
to make sure they're not circumventing anything.
Private accounts for anything aside from their desktop logon account, which is also shared between them. There is one shared email address for my kids
for registering for games, but
Mom and Dad know the password to it. They do not. We also vet the games they register for. If we don't approve
of a game, they don't get to play it.
Social Media. Don't even ask. Ask repeatedly, and I or Dad change the desktop password for a week, you obviously need time off the computer if you're
not getting the hint.
Restricted YouTube access. They may watch official music videos IF they ask first, and IF Mom & Dad say the musician/group is acceptable. The other
option is documentaries/educational material.
NO YouTubers, i.e no gamers, no make-up dorks, no prankster vids, no unboxing, no BS. Falter, and it's blocked for a month, end of discussion. YT is a
hot mess for kids as it is, we're strict on this one.
Until they have a job and can buy their own computers and pay a reasonably proportionate amount of the internet bill for unfettered access, it's
Parental Software all day, all the way. Mom & Dad approve sites and block sites at our leisure. They may
suggest ones to approve, but they will
only get approved or denied after their dad or I vet them. The website restrictions are not up for debate here.
Edit: The blocking includes search engines. If they want to search for something, it's on Mom or Dad's account with them present.
For anybody trying to figure out how to initiate some internet control over what their kids do, hopefully this helps and you can get something going.
This really isn't hard to do or stick to.
edit on 3/14/2018 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)