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Ahhh....Video States More Than Half Of Millennials Are Going Through "Quarter Life Crisis"

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posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 05:24 PM
I nearly spat out my coffee, when I first saw this headline on the Independent website. Quarter-life crisis, LMAO!?!? While watching the video, I confess I snickered and shook my head in disbelief, probably a half dozen times. Are the English millennials, featured in this video clip, truly representative of the majority of millennials? How sad. These young people are over spending and under achieving, plain and simple. Who cares what others own, or where they live. Focus on your own life and realize that life can be a struggle sometimes. These folks have absolutely no inner coping mechanisms. They just bitch and whine....grow a set of Cahoonas people!

Six in 10 millennials claim to be going through a “quarter-life” crisis, according to a new study.

...psychologist Dr Oliver Robinson, aimed to look at how people can use a crisis as a spark for change, but in the process discovered a huge number of 25 to 35-year-olds are struggling to cope amid financial, career and personal pressures.

The data also revealed that the average millennial claims to have been feeling at rock bottom for more than six months before trying to “sort their life out”.

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 05:36 PM

Six in 10 millennials claim to be going through a “quarter-life” crisis, according to a new study.

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 05:40 PM
They never had to make lemonade cuz they drank the cool aid.

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 05:47 PM
One of the weakest generations by far.

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: shawmanfromny

They have done everything had everything before they have reached adulthood

and now there is nothing left to learn or savor or look forward to.

They have missed out on the joys of anticipation, having everything handed to them

on a plate.

So now they are jaded and bereft
Poor things.....

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 05:50 PM
Micah Tyler Nailed it.... Put down the smartphone, straighten your arms and go outside, a whole world awaits you....Promise

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

God help us all...

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: MisterSpock
One of the weakest generations by far.

No kidding. My Great great grandfather's generation saw 16 year olds lying about their age on forms to volunteer to go overseas and fight, kill for, and die protecting our rights. My great grandfather's generation saw the same in WW2. My father's generation saw many do the same in Vietnam. This generation sees 16 year olds so flustered they need safe spaces and so balls to the wall that they're engaging in walkouts while demanding the same rights which were fought and died for now be stolen from us all? Anybody this weak... well, Darwin had a theory about them and, frankly, the faster the US re-embraces social Darwinism, the better we will be as a nation.

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: shawmanfromny
What a snowflake you sound like. Remember the generation before them is the one that raised them. And they will have a MAJOR voting power soon. Do you not think it would be better to help teach them of YOUR mistakes instead of blaming them for YOUR problems?

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 05:59 PM
Just wait.

Once we vote to take away your pensions and social security because we cant afford student loans, housing and paying for your retirement you are going to be singing to a different tune.

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 06:00 PM
I've been on my own since 18 and couldn't afford college, yet I worked my ass off. Hell I couldn't go around the block if it cost a quarter to go around the world. At 24 I started my first company that became a multimillion dollar concern before 30. Started my second company at 35, my 3rd at 50. My 4th company didn't make it, so we threw a party and danced in the ashes. Morale of that story is if you don't take a risk, you can never win. I don't know where I got the balls to start that first company, but since I didn't go to college, no one told not to. By the way I still own the majority of stock worth about a butt load.

The BS I here about millennial is just that. Climb out of momma's basement and take a risk, hell, go to work with a little ethics's about you. You mite do ok, but working for the other guy will only be a paycheck.

Just my 2c worth.
edit on 13-3-2018 by Nickn3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou
a reply to: shawmanfromny
What a snowflake you sound like. Remember the generation before them is the one that raised them. And they will have a MAJOR voting power soon. Do you not think it would be better to help teach them of YOUR mistakes instead of blaming them for YOUR problems?

Yes the generation that raised them didn't want them to suffer the same hardships

they grew up with so they became the 'indulged' generation......

Thing is their parents didn't realise that while we may enjoy our successes we

learn far more from our hardships mistakes and failures.

edit on 13-3-2018 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-3-2018 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: eletheia

Suffer the same hardships?

You guys I herit the worlds most thriving economt in history after ww2 and used to corrupt everytbing around you with a scorched earth policy that literally destroted our future and the environment.

Good thing we make up the largest voting block in America now.

Lets vote away those retirements we will never see.

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
Just wait.

Once we vote to take away your pensions and social security because we cant afford student loans, housing and paying for your retirement you are going to be singing to a different tune.

I'm a Millenial according to some researchers (late 70's birthyear). We grew up during the Clinton Social Security scare. None of us expected Social Security to survive until we retire, anyway. Same can be said for pensions. Our parents and grandparents had retirement pensions, we got 401K accounts in the stock market instead. You seem to be saying income taxes are untenable... which I fully agree with.

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
Just wait.

Once we vote to take away your pensions and social security because we cant afford student loans, housing and paying for your retirement you are going to be singing to a different tune.

Not when you vote for Corbyn

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

So what your saying is the true entitlement generation are the endlessly selfish baby boomers who sucked all of the money out of the system and didnt share it with anyone?

I mean they get all these great retirements and thriving economy... Are these people saying there is an equal amount of opportunity in the market as there was for the boomers?

Starting a business in today's world requires a massive capital investment.. One that most of us sont have

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

I bet there is just as much unsuccessful millennials as baby boomers.

Society is pretty proportional on disfunctionials.

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

There is equal opportunity, but to reach it we need to eliminate the entitlements across the board. Where Social Security and retirements go, if they paid for it, give it to them... if they did not, then oh well. Same as I say for anyone younger than retirement age who isn't working for it themselves, oh well. A society is only as strong as their weakest link, and we seem to have a large number of links that need to be removed from the chain and left in a pile on the shop floor.

posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

You mean like all the government pensions amd double dippers sucking my income dry?

Yea cut them. Make them produce a value I have to in order to eat

Then we can start by discussing the notion of being forced into a degree if you don't want to compete for the few trade jobs thst actually pay more than they did 25 years ago.

Lets not even go into the apply for 10,000 jobs to land 1 interview that has 700 competing candidates.

Entitled my ass. Most of my generation is working harder for 20% less money while inflation skyrockets the cost of livjng.

Time for us to start voting away the gravy train for the inapreciative # talkers

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