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MC´DONALDS.. Buying food for homeless and POLICE is called

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posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: Morningglory

I dare to differ
Many homeless has memory loss diseases, if you have ever seen how memory loss affects life is just what you described "If people choose to do absolutely nothing but sit in their own filth" and " that level of anti-social behavior" that is exactly how memory loss disease manifest itself.
Every homeless have a story, elderly homeless people often have memory diseases even alzheimers, reasons they have ended on the street mostly are that they are unable to keep up housekeeping, cleaning, bills etc, and they have lost their apartment ( again memory issues ).

The bad thing is you see them as a filth but you can´t see a person.

You said "people need help but should their desperation/mental illness play out in the marketplaces of America" ...
you don´t like them in there? again you see them as a filth. Desperation is one of the symptoms of memory loss diseases and a big one, mental illnesses also walks hand in hand with memory loss diseases, some can be aggressive. Lewy disease ( one memory loss disease) and few others cause hallucinations.

Living on the streets quickens memory loss. Even 60 years old homeless is like 80 years old in elderly nursing facilities.

Next time you see them .. see a person

edit on 8-3-2018 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: intrptr

That's not the point at all. The point is it's not panhandling.
Have a good night.

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

That's my experience, too.

A few years ago, I worked at a 24 hr grocery store, and in the winter we'd get small numbers of homeless coming in during the winter. They'd buy some of the horrible coffee, and sit quietly in the deli seating area to stay in out of the weather.

I was the front-end manager, and it was left to my discretion to decide if they could stay, or if they had to go.

I lost count of the number of sandwiches, and cold deli items I bought over the years. many cases I probably got gamed, but I don't do it for brownie points. I'd like to think some one would do the same for me, in that situation.

I think I called the cops twice, in the 13, almost 14 years, I worked there. Maybe a dozen times I had to ask people to leave without having to call the cops... Shoplifters are worse than the transients, imho.

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: DBCowboy

That's my experience, too.

A few years ago, I worked at a 24 hr grocery store, and in the winter we'd get small numbers of homeless coming in during the winter. They'd buy some of the horrible coffee, and sit quietly in the deli seating area to stay in out of the weather.

I was the front-end manager, and it was left to my discretion to decide if they could stay, or if they had to go.

I lost count of the number of sandwiches, and cold deli items I bought over the years. many cases I probably got gamed, but I don't do it for brownie points. I'd like to think some one would do the same for me, in that situation.

I think I called the cops twice, in the 13, almost 14 years, I worked there. Maybe a dozen times I had to ask people to leave without having to call the cops... Shoplifters are worse than the transients, imho.

There are things you as a person can do to prep for that situation, small and simple things, mini-flash light, security hex key and a flint. Then you have to remember your going to be traveling light. Weight of extra items is always an issue and then you'll want a cheap $7.99 tarp and some string. The easiest way is to find somewhere way out of every-bodies way and secrete yourself in the brush or woodland at night and try to set yourself up in a place in such a way that even a person out walking there dog wouldn't notice you. If you can do those things you've got it made. Dont mix with the other homeless, half of them have booze or drug issues.

Funny story, I remember when I was homeless and had a friend offer to let me go stay with them I gave another homeless guy I know my tent and tarp and said "here you go, this will help you stay warm!" he got drunk and another homeless guy stole it! LOL

Sometimes you can't help them even if you try. It was like a thing I was reading about in Las Vegas where a load of them had it good hiding in a sewer tunnel, they where all settled there until they invited some liberal douche with a film camera to come and see where they all where, then WHAM city ordinance came down evicted them all out and put up a security fence to stop them going back inside.
edit on 8-3-2018 by micromark because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: micromark
There are things you as a person can do to prep for that situation, small and simple things, mini-flash light, security hex key and a flint. Then you have to remember your going to be traveling light.

I had an idea at one point of doing a kind of survival show, but rather than people toughing it out in the woods somewhere, they'd have to live in a large city on basically nothing. I thought "urban survival" would be an interesting concept, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it would be too depressing.

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: micromark
There are things you as a person can do to prep for that situation, small and simple things, mini-flash light, security hex key and a flint. Then you have to remember your going to be traveling light.

I had an idea at one point of doing a kind of survival show, but rather than people toughing it out in the woods somewhere, they'd have to live in a large city on basically nothing. I thought "urban survival" would be an interesting concept, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it would be too depressing.

It can be done but Urban City Jungle is the worst place to hang around, you want places that are over grown and out of the way of normal folks. An the other issue is litter, if you litter bug where your at, I've seen people do it, then they instantly make themselves a nuisance and that means they can't go back there if they get discovered, if you respect your environment and look after the place then that's always a place you know you can go back-to if you have to.

Two things to bear in mind when homeless, members of the Public potential enemy combatant and members of the Police force, Nazi with nightstick!
edit on 8-3-2018 by micromark because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

The point is it's not panhandling.

So only poor people aren't allowed to panhandle, beg, solicit for money?

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: micromark
There are things you as a person can do to prep for that situation, small and simple things, mini-flash light, security hex key and a flint. Then you have to remember your going to be traveling light.

I had an idea at one point of doing a kind of survival show, but rather than people toughing it out in the woods somewhere, they'd have to live in a large city on basically nothing. I thought "urban survival" would be an interesting concept, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it would be too depressing.

Actually that is a good concept. I have worked on a few Reality shows and the presence of a camera man and audio tech makes it difficult to maintain any semblance of reality.

A documentary with a guy, a gopro just recording his adventures in the concrete jungle...I'd produce something like that.

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: dollukka

That is sad. I was homeless for years and drifted through different parts of Canada and America. Americans were incredibly kind. even though I never asked anyone for anything many Americans offered food and help with shelter while in Canada the police would harass and try to coral the homeless so they only stay at shelters and never leave the property.

While homeless I contemplated life and the meaning of words. Good is what is desirable and/or acceptable. If you do unacceptable things regularly it means you lack good instincts and that means you are mentally defective / handicapped. That’s what I would tell myself when being arrested for no reason and forced to take drugs or face incarceration.

This world is going to hell because most people these days don’t have good instincts. They don’t comprehend roght and wrong

Watching that video was extremely depressing. Imagine not being able to find work, having no money, sleeping in the cold, being attacked by youth trying to have fun, going days on end without food, then someone offers you a hot meal and others wreck it.

What a pathetic world this is becoming.

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: intrptr

You do know that the Salvation Army and other groups of that sort have permission from the stores, right?

There's more than just a bit of difference between the two.

posted on Mar, 9 2018 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: dollukka

I f#cking new it! CALI!!! Liberal heaven with the worst hypocrisy possible!

This happened in Myrtle Beach.... not California... take your bias elsewhere.

posted on Mar, 9 2018 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: intrptr

You do know that the Salvation Army and other groups of that sort have permission from the stores, right?

There's more than just a bit of difference between the two.

Poor people have permission to starve.

posted on Mar, 9 2018 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: micromark

too right , if I were made homeless id be getting some camping stuff together and heading into the national forest of Scotland
no way would I rough it out with the rest of the homeless in the city , most of them either have alcohol or heroin problems
and to make matters worse the refugees push out the homeless begging as they have organised beggars who arent even homeless , I witnessed a beggar on bothwell street outside my work , begging all week and on the friday a guy in a dodge charger with reg plate g1psy K1ng or something to that affect it was a private reg came out his car talked to the guy and took all his money then drove off , not sure what was going on but it didnt look legit

I was also personal witness to a begging operation perpetrated by twins, they were identical I think and they took turns pretending to be pregnant and beg with a pillow up their skirt on the streets of glasgow.
They were refugees that came to scotland around 2008 or 9 , I remember seeing them every weekend out on friday and saturday begging in the city centre, and then one of them was pregnant , but theyd swap it , because I saw them switching the pillow down a side alley. One drunk lad even pull her pillow out from her top one night in front of hundreds of on lookers shocked and didnt know what to do .

its mental what goes on in the world , even genuine homeless dont stand a chance
edit on 9-3-2018 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2018 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: dollukka

I f#cking new it! CALI!!! Liberal heaven with the worst hypocrisy possible!

This is how things work.
It's not surprising.

It's normal in every state of the Union.

posted on Mar, 9 2018 @ 02:05 PM
The old guy was probably in a habit of taking a dump right outside their back door, or smelled so bad he scared away customers. McDonald's had a right to not serve him and they probably had good reason for doing so. I live in Central Florida and when a bunch of homeless people started camping out in the woods behind the McDonald's near where I worked I switched to a different fast food place for my lunch break. I just got sick of their never ending begging, lies and filth. Even if they had a trash can right next to them they would throw their trash on the ground.

edit on 3/9/2018 by Sparky63 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/9/2018 by Sparky63 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2018 @ 02:14 PM
Its not a surprise I remember a few years ago in Florida an older gentlemen former cook I think would make food for the homeless, the city passed a zero tolerance regulation on that and he kept getting arrested. I think they eventually changed it, but it was absurd and pissed a lot of people off.

posted on Mar, 9 2018 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: micromark

too right , if I were made homeless id be getting some camping stuff together and heading into the national forest of Scotland
no way would I rough it out with the rest of the homeless in the city , most of them either have alcohol or heroin problems
and to make matters worse the refugees push out the homeless begging as they have organised beggars who arent even homeless , I witnessed a beggar on bothwell street outside my work , begging all week and on the friday a guy in a dodge charger with reg plate g1psy K1ng or something to that affect it was a private reg came out his car talked to the guy and took all his money then drove off , not sure what was going on but it didnt look legit

I was also personal witness to a begging operation perpetrated by twins, they were identical I think and they took turns pretending to be pregnant and beg with a pillow up their skirt on the streets of glasgow.
They were refugees that came to scotland around 2008 or 9 , I remember seeing them every weekend out on friday and saturday begging in the city centre, and then one of them was pregnant , but theyd swap it , because I saw them switching the pillow down a side alley. One drunk lad even pull her pillow out from her top one night in front of hundreds of on lookers shocked and didnt know what to do .

its mental what goes on in the world , even genuine homeless dont stand a chance

lol mate, i've done it "aye" Glasgow was rough, but the weather up there is rougher if it turns bad, also the high-lands are littered with Bog's and Marsh, it'll look like a field of green grass until you step on it and it wobbles like a trampoline, lost many good hiking boot's to the bad weather and the sink-holes, there's a reason we're called the "Blue People of the Pines!" stay close to the tree's the root's are the only thing that will stop you sinking and I even still have a large double tent secreted up there next to "Donald Trumps" Argyle golf course, mate the locals hate him and the toffee nosed British going up there buying up all the land they want them out. Can't say I blame them, then you've got Rangers and Park Wardens up near Oban in the forest, they're a hoot, I found a steel trap and picked it up thinking, nice find, then had a ranger going "excuse me!" i'll be taking my trap back thank you! He was looking for the Stoat and I directed him to where I saw it last in the Glenn, I told him to take the path through the ferns, he didn't listen and found the WASP's nest up the other path, last I saw him, he was rubbing e-45 cream all over the stings, whilst I was walking down the Glenn chuckling! I bumped into a guy out walking about 5 in the morning same route as me, the old military road and we eyeballed each other and said "how do you do!" then he saw my archery kit's (gun bag) and said "are you after game?" I said "yes, just the woodies (pidgins) or the rabbits, because they're classed as vermin, so BBQ!" and he said "What about a Deer, doe or buck!" and I said "nah, they're too big for the BBQ" and he said "Have a nice time!" so I fired back as I was walking off, "Who are you by the way, up this early on such a fine day!" to which he fired back "I'm the game keeper!" LOL - nice touch! He confided in me that they didn't like Campers coming up there leaving there rubbish everywhere and that the guy who had bought up most of the abandoned land was a Londoner (soft southern sh*te) and he was complaining about people lighting fires, to which I caused a big row in the pub that night, because I said and I quote "what's he want people to do freeze to death?" On the hike back down, I cut through Curse Wood into Black Wood onto Neville Way resisting the urge to Howl at the moon, and made it back to London town in 5 days. An it took Robert the Bruce and his army 6 Months to make it down. Haha!
edit on 9-3-2018 by micromark because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2018 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: micromark

hahaha gid yin ! I bet ye had a right gid time though!

Aye I really enjoy camping likes, but havent ventured up further than the trossachs really , I should really just get a tent or a hammoch and head up that way and just wander around for two weeks wae a fishin rod and a few snares
who needs a two week holiday in spain when there is some of the most beautiful landscapes up there.

The good hing aboot Scotland is our right to roam and wild camp where ever we please provided we dont leave mess and dont disturb the livestock.
These rich folks from anywhere can stick their land ownership up their arse, nae tresspassing laws so we can wander if we please.
If ye ken any gid spots , or those you have mentioned I'll take a gander
cheers aww the best

posted on Mar, 9 2018 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
A documentary with a guy, a gopro just recording his adventures in the concrete jungle...I'd produce something like that.

It might work better if rather than focusing on one guy per episode if you had maybe half a dozen of people in different cities doing the same thing, so you have a chance to cut back and forth to whoever is experiencing the most drama at the time. Kind of like they do in shows like Life Below Zero. It might also help if the participants had a specific goal for the season, which might be to find a decent place to live, get a job, and pay their first month's rent.

Of course, you wouldn't be able to simulate what it was like to try to survive with a debilitating mental condition, but the participants would likely encounter enough "real" homeless people like that to give the viewers a good idea. That's where you get into the bios and backstories. Lots of heart potential.
edit on 9-3-2018 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2018 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: micromark

hahaha gid yin ! I bet ye had a right gid time though!

Aye I really enjoy camping likes, but havent ventured up further than the trossachs really , I should really just get a tent or a hammoch and head up that way and just wander around for two weeks wae a fishin rod and a few snares
who needs a two week holiday in spain when there is some of the most beautiful landscapes up there.

The good hing aboot Scotland is our right to roam and wild camp where ever we please provided we dont leave mess and dont disturb the livestock.
These rich folks from anywhere can stick their land ownership up their arse, nae tresspassing laws so we can wander if we please.
If ye ken any gid spots , or those you have mentioned I'll take a gander
cheers aww the best

Well if your ever up there near Glenn Finlass (I drank from those waters, after I boiled it first!) there's a large Argos tent stashed under the flood-bridge next to his golf course, up under the concrete of the Bridge, it's a bit sabotaged as I removed the front wind breaker with a Stanley but it'll give you a dry place to kip if you leave the Front door unzipped and just use the inner midge net. I found in the long run a camo tarpaulin is lighter and far easier to carry. Watch out for the TIck's they hug the bottom of those fern leaves and the midges are a night-mare, I remember thinking whats that Buzzing noise as I was setting up my tent in the woods one day and looked up and saw the black cloud just descending towards me and just got the tent up in time to dive inside, I remember putting that water in a Jar and just looking at it thinking, eww, it's brown from the dead tree up stream, but then when I looked at the bottom of the riverbed I could see the wee pond snails crawling around on the rocks and thought "if he's nay dead from being in there it's probably fine!" and it was. There are brownies (brown rats) under that bridge, you don't wanna kip there!" at least I'm assuming it was a river vole or a rat, the wee bugger just gave you a flash as he disappeared to the left and then to the right, I was sitting there drying my socks and I just kept seeing that little bugger appear and disappear and thought, right time to go!
edit on 9-3-2018 by micromark because: (no reason given)

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