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“White Genocide”: The racist reason there are less and less white people.

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posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: Kester

I don’t buy that for a second...

Even if we could cross the oceans with sails, doesn’t mean it is more effective to..

We could walk everywhere or ride a horse, but good luck getting anywhere fast..

Large scale blending of the races is called evolution..

The best traits rise to the top , while the less beneficial traits are slowly discarded..

An mulloto(black/white) mix means no skin cancer and no scycle cell anemia..

Mixing improve humanity.
Mixing destroys humanity. Mulattos can't even receive organ/bone marrow donations as easily as a pure raced person.

Thoroughbreds are always meant to be pure or else they can't race.

White skin does not mean skin cancer, do the research, you can avoid it without dragging your race through the sewerage system of racial degeneracy.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: Macdon

Ok ,so please can you outline in biological terms how this "non-mixing" you claim is paramount to the survival of a "pure breed"
can give rise to beneficial genetic mutations which dont cause birth defects through repeated inter breeding from the same limited gene pool?

Nice analogy about thoroughbreds if it was in any way relevant , do you even know anything about animal husbandry ?

it would appear that you dont

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: toms54

race doesnt exist biologically and is classed by biologists as a fallacy in biological terms, and has been a hot topic in genetics and biology for a very long time , as supporters of Eugenics and racial biology such as Francis Glaton and R.A . Fisher will argue to the death that there are racial biological classifications but there are none and any attempt to prove this falsehood has been shot down by really great scientists who defend us against such ignorance.

Race is a societal classification of ethnic peoples.

The book I am reading right now Man, Beast & Zombie - What science can and cant tell us about human nature - Kenan Malik
discusses this very topic in depth.
If you are at all interested in this subject and how we as humans have tackled this problem throughout history then this book is perfect for that, it's really interesting and looks at how we came to think the things we do.

As far as I understand it, race comes about by sociopaths who have money and want to control everyone else

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I have no doubt you learned that in some college course or a book that you have read. They didn't teach me that when I went back in the 70's but I took one sociology course and avoided all that type of of "science" after that. It is mostly social indoctrination in my opinion. I don't believe there is any real consensus among biologists that this is an established fact even if there are several books out there that say there is no such thing as race.

I am well aware of the Boas anthropology movement and all of the ideas that it has spawned. I don't agree. I believe most biologists don't agree with it and I have worked in the field. Further, I think the average person on the street disagrees with the statement because it goes against common sense and does not fit with my personal experience.

It might be useful to think of race not existing to accomplish some academic endeavor but it does not work in the real, non theoretical world to state this as a fact.

I don't expect to convince you of anything. You will certainly never persuade me to accept this. This is why I discontinued my earlier discussion. There is no place left to go except for us to antagonize each other.

I am not going to respond to any more replies on this subject. Maybe we can have a discussion on a different topic.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: Macdon

Look at dogs...

Like 3/4 of Dalmatians are deaf , blind or dumb.

The hip dysphasia common amongst german shepherds..

Just one mutt in the mix completely removes those defects from the dogs future genetic lines..

Look at ANY royal line that has married cousin to cousin for long...

I do not buy you bone marrow statement.

I would be surprised if being mixed didn’t expand the amount of people you are compatible with.

Do you have a link to back that up?

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: toms54

Race doesn’t exist.. only graduations accoss a spectrum.

A bunch of differnt races implies that at one time 4 brothers went separate ways and formed 4 races (biblical account).

Well that is not what happened lol..

We moved out of one central region of Africa and changed to fit the environments we settled in.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: sapien82

race doesnt exist biologically and is classed by biologists as a fallacy

Then how is it that they can identify the "race" of someone based on their bones and DNA? Youre telling me that every shallow grave found by detectives with unknown bones in them , where they identified the race of the person was lie?

Or ancient burial sites?

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: Wardaddy454

Slavery vs abolition, racism vs equality, segregation vs. intergration

Are NOT black vs. white issues..

You choose your team. You are not born into it.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: toms54

I am not sure what you think I am advocating here ?

I have stated that race doesnt exist as a biological factor among homo sapiens however
it exists as a societal construct of ethnic groupings which are clearly drawn out by human nature.

Most biologists , anthropologists , geneticists , sociologists , evolutionary biologists and psychologists will agree that race is not a biological factor in our species that it should not be taken into consideration as the evidence clearly shows this to be the case, also that many have tried using science to produce racial science , and eugenics.
Most of these types of scientists with an agenda on race or eugenics were all publicly shot down in flames by the cold hard truth and many counter racial papers were drafted to combat the tides of ignorance by the few who dared to put their heads out on the guillotine of racial science and eugenics.

I am still a little bit confused as to what you think it is that I am trying to convince you of? , as I haven't really set out to convince you or anyone else of anything. The truth speaks for itself.
I am not antagonised in the slightest so I am still unsure as to why you have responded as such to me , I understand that it maybe the thread in general you are replying to, I do that often enough.

Whatever physical or mental or societal divides that exist , we have created ourselves, through our own ignorance and contempt for our fellow man.
It's all just propaganda otherwise, to suit the agenda of the sociopathic rich, and powerful, for those that exist out of the level we the bulk of humanity exist in.
it only benefits the top and keeps everyone else divided, the quicker we all do realise this the better.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: SailorJerry

They can identify the race of a person because of specific genes which are present in human populations of different geographical regions due to adaptation and natural selection, certain genes are present in some racial groups and not others , due to the geographical regions those genes came into being.

Such as the different genes that mutated to change the melanin production in our skin due to geographical regions on the earth.

for example we take homo sapiens, we spread out from africa , or from the balkans which ever "out of" theory you subscribe to
we are initially one group and we have all the same genes.
One group goes north , the other group stays in africa. The africa group continues with the genes they have , and the group in the north , the genes that code melanin mutate to give a selective advantage to the group in order to regulate melanin and vitamin D so they can survive the light conditions.

We are all classed as the same species , but have varying genetic differences on the single gene level where adaptations / mutations have occurred in order to preserve those genes and also the group.

Their "race" is not a lie, we can safely say yes this persons racial background is south african, or this person south east asian , or northern european etc
but anyway if you are interested in the subject , then read that book "man beast and zombie - what science can and cannot tell us about human nature"

it is very eye opening
edit on 7-3-2018 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Wardaddy454
Only the first 2 appear to be legit news sites..

However , you just made my point for me..


You can find some idiots doing ANYTHING and use them to try and vilify your political opponent..

It even has its on funny little Latin name on the list of logical fallacies.

If it is not an elected official or leader of some large political group, really SPECIFICALLY speaking as the head of that group.

Then it doesn’t matter what stupid people say and do.

The left does it some times to.. just not as often..

Anytime they say “commenters on (fill I the blank website)”, this random individual or what have you, then pretend they speak for some large group of people.. It is propaganda..

And not even good propaganda.. which is why it mainly works on conservatives.. they are less educated and more apt to adhere to tradition over any societal change.

Just for further examples..

Antifa and the black panthers did not support hillary Clinton.. they did not give her money or stage campaign rallies to support her..

The KKK and white supremacy groups DO support Trump and conservatives.. they hold rallies and fundraisers to give them money. They are vocal trump supporters..

Those two things are not equal..

The democrats do not support, nor are they supported by those extreme groups. So why are they responsible for them???

It isn’t even good propaganda. It makes my think people are being willfully dishonest.. literally those are logical fallacies that have been on the list since before Socrates..

edit on 7-3-2018 by JoshuaCox because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: Macdon

to add to my previous post , given that genetics shows through darwinism that genes will compete in a survival of the fittest by giving a beneficial adaptation to the organism allowing it to successfully pass on genes to the next generation and ensure the survival of the species.
How then in your opinion can "pure breeding" ensure the survival of the species when it goes against everything we know about genetics and human evolution in that it will only increase the number of negative genetic mutations and ultimately prevent the best genes from surviving in the organism or group through generational "pure breeding" .

So ultimately the ideology of pure racial groups goes against the very nature of our being and would ultimately lead to the downfall of the group.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: sapien82

Well let’s be real.. eugenics would/does work when it isn’t based on political ideologies or psudeo science..

We don’t let people with Down syndrome breed really.. or people with sever mental defects.

So you eugenics wasn’t debunked..

The POV of the political and science culture of the time was debunked.

It does mean no skin cancer .. I have looked it up..

If your percent chance you get skin cancer goes from 40% down to less than 1%. You might as well have ensured you never get skin cancer.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: snowspirit
a reply to: sapien82

Lol, yes purity isn't always a good thing.

In the animal kingdom, like dogs, the mixed breeds are the healthiest. It only makes sense that humans (which are still animals 🤔), should mix it up more.


"Pacific islanders may carry the DNA of an unknown human species: Genetic study reveals ancient Melanesians interbred with a mysterious hominid" erbred-mysterious-hominid.html

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: burgerbuddy

originally posted by: SailorJerry
a reply to: burgerbuddy

well to be fair, you are a racist..

From you on another post about blacks :

posted on Mar, 3 2018 @ 06:33 AM quote reply originally posted by: Doxanoxa a reply to: dizzie56 So, won't the 'white folks' just incorporate thier farms in companies under nominal 'black folks' ownership, and thus keep the farm, the rules, and the status quo? Gotta play by their rules. Might have a chance at winning.

Doesn't even sound like me.

Ya gots the wrong guy hoss.

I married yellow. 17 yrs this friday.

Yellow? wow man, just wow, well if anyone doubts anything ive said its pretty easy to look up past posts of yours

Fine, look it up.

So no kudos for 17yrs?

My Mom, God rest her soul, taught me we are all equal no matter the color.

I was 45 yo and meeting my future inlaws for the first time. I was scared #less not knowing if I was going to be accepted or not or if I was going to ruin my wifes relationships with them, because I was white. A Gwailo.

If I was God, I'd turn everyone "white" because of identity politics BS, but He doesn't have my sense of humor.

Whiteness and products to lighten skin tone is big in parts of Asia. My wife doesn't want to tan.

Does she want to be white? No, just not get darker.

Back in the day, if you were dark, that meant you worked for a living and people knew that you were not elite.

So the paler and sickly looking you were, you were seen to be rich.

There was a time when TB was in vogue too, tho.

If you didn't have it, you were a nobody.

Save your, "you be a racist" rant, virtue signaling is unbecoming.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: SailorJerry

I married brown.

Whats so wrong with that?

I make all sorts of references to her being "Mexican". She does the same about me being white.

If i didn't love her i would have stayed married to her for 22 years.

Lighten up a bit, man. Racism is intention, not words.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

The real question is”who is crying wolf”???

Is it some nobody with no real following or authority???

Or is it an elected official or leader of some big voting block...

When the left quotes people they are usually quoting an elected official or bigwig..

The Fox new propaganda whores are constantly highlighting random college kids or welfare queens..

People who no one listens to anyway..

Louie farrakhan, mad maxine, vicente FOX, the new DNC head, almost all dems actually.


posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: Macdon

Look at dogs...

Like 3/4 of Dalmatians are deaf , blind or dumb.

The hip dysphasia common amongst german shepherds..

Just one mutt in the mix completely removes those defects from the dogs future genetic lines..

Look at ANY royal line that has married cousin to cousin for long...

I do not buy you bone marrow statement.

I would be surprised if being mixed didn’t expand the amount of people you are compatible with.

Do you have a link to back that up?

Hemophilia is common with human inbreeding.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: sapien82

certain genes are present in some racial groups and not others ,

That literally means that race does exist bioligicaly

How the hell do you do the mental gymnastics to say it doesnt, when you JUST said RIGHT there that they can tell what race you are because some have genes others dont.

Holy hell

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: Wardaddy454

Slavery vs abolition, racism vs equality, segregation vs. intergration

Are NOT black vs. white issues..

You choose your team. You are not born into it.

You seem to have me confused with someone whom stated otherwise.

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