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Can UFO's diminish our religions?

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posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Zero Point

i too am a person that beleives the missing link of evelution came from alein intervention , and we are all decendents.

Jesus poor old aliens....they get the blame for everything. It seems anywhere there is a gap in knowledge people fill in the gaps with Aliens/religion.
God = Santa Claus for grown-ups
Religion = internal policeman from the days when cops on the the beat were thin on the ground.
Born again= a person with a guilty conscience
Whatever the truth behind the Universe is, I doubt there is a Human Being that has ever lived who has even come .00000000000001% close to the true nature of nature. So in the mean time I guess Science is the best tool we have . Please don't take my words too seriously...I hardly ever do

Yes many believes in A god but do they really know how their God look like or what the god really is? nope they dont so what if the God where the Aliens/ETs? then the problem is solved!

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 06:11 PM
Have you ever had an alien stand directly in front of you Cardu?

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by codes
religion is the biggest "cult" in the world,i think it will be destroyed when aliens land.What will the vatican do as they are the most powerful people on this planet

Isn't that the truth! More death, destruction, rape and pillage has been for religion than anything else...sad! The sad thing is that most of them do not even realize the truth about their own religion....scary

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 06:21 PM
I personally think it wouldn't have that great of an effect on the world's established religions. I do however see some people starting new religions based up EBE contact; kinda like those "space brother" groups that are out there now.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 06:28 PM
I don't think an 'alien landing' would be the undoing of religion, spirituality or philosophy. I think it would simply raise more questions. We would have much to ask someone, not of our planet, about these matters. As far as interpreting those answers into our own understanding on these topics, the results will vary, depending on the individual.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 06:30 PM
Ok yes those groups, they must have a hobbie you know

Logically we notice all the bad thigs, people that uses their religion bad, we notice and those poeple are doing much harm to all the rest that belives in their belives(good people), we dont notice, like we notice the wrong things thats the answear!

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Hetha
I don't think an 'alien landing' would be the undoing of religion, spirituality or philosophy. I think it would simply raise more questions. We would have much to ask someone, not of our planet, about these matters. As far as interpreting those answers into our own understanding on these topics, the results will vary, depending on the individual.

Yes the biggest value in Existence is the "Question".

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Sinobyte
Have you ever had an alien stand directly in front of you Cardu?

If I had I would Tell you, have you?

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 06:40 PM
It would either collapse or complicate those religions who believe they are 'chosen people'. Those who feel that All Life is special, would simply broaden their horizons. I actually look forward to the day.
There may even be things paranormal or supernatural that some ETI's believe, that would blow our minds, yet open ourselves further to the immensity of the universe. Let's hope the language barriers won't take long to break.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 08:44 PM
It is likely that aliens can diminish our faith in religion. Before the Industrial Revolution, bad luck was blamed on demons (Europe), disease was blamed on witchcraft (Europe), the environment was thought to contain spirits (East and Druids) and many other explanations.

Perhaps the most popular explanation were the Greeks'. Greek Mythology explained nearly all aspects of the unnatural/unexplainable during the time.

If the aliens came and presented us with knowledge beyond our comprehention, you can bet religion will begin to diminish. However, there will be some that will likely remain and cling on to religion. For instance, druidry is still active today.

posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Hetha
I don't think an 'alien landing' would be the undoing of religion, spirituality or philosophy. I think it would simply raise more questions. We would have much to ask someone, not of our planet, about these matters. As far as interpreting those answers into our own understanding on these topics, the results will vary, depending on the individual.

That is what I was thinking. Why not just ask the aliens if they believe in God? Plus I don't think some measly aliens can fill God's shoes.

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 05:46 PM
Cant believe this religions still goes on nowdays. i dont believe in this god business just su.c.ks. i believe my eyes my eairs my heart thats all i need not some book To follow not some guy dressed in freaky clothes, priching jesus loves you !! Allah Loves you same s.h.i.t !. believe your self. i really hate when i ask people who made you they always say GOD...THAT DRIVES ME CRAZY GOD WTF..... didnt you come out of your mums ? didnt your dads your stu.pi.d ass inside your mum then your little born ???

yep yep i know am rude but what da hell enough about this god ! move on people stop saying jesus loves you. where da foo.k is he anyway ? i bet u gann tell me am ganna pray 4 you right !! please just pray for your self ! would be better ! i love to visit Hell ! ha ha ha

[edit on 30-7-2004 by Mr A]

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Mr A
Cant believe this religions still goes on nowdays. i dont believe in this god business just su.c.ks. i believe my eyes my eairs my heart thats all i need not some book To follow not some guy dressed in freaky clothes, priching jesus loves you !! Allah Loves you same s.h.i.t !. believe your self. i really hate when i ask people who made you they always say GOD...THAT DRIVES ME CRAZY GOD WTF..... didnt you come out of your mums ? didnt your dads your stu.pi.d ass inside your mum then your little born ???

yep yep i know am rude but what da hell enough about this god ! move on people stop saying jesus loves you. where da foo.k is he anyway ? i bet u gann tell me am ganna pray 4 you right !! please just pray for your self ! would be better ! i love to visit Hell ! ha ha ha

[edit on 30-7-2004 by Mr A]

I think you should keep your voice(finger) a bit down. You dont have to use #y words like that. And making fun of thigs like that shows how litle you really know... No I am not religious I am joust a normal person that tries to find out truths aswell as many members here. Do your reaserch insted I promise you it's going to be exciting!

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 10:46 PM
Why would the aliens want that? If they have been around for a long time I imagine they designed religion as a way to control us... It would make sense, it is what I would do to make a population of emotionally volitile creatures "orderly."

The expirement seems to be failing though...

[edit on 30-7-2004 by tacitblue]

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 11:13 PM
my guess is that if aliens do come, it will be our creators returning to earth. (i tend to embrace the sumerian tradition according to enki).
i imagine that those who believe in god, would easily accept them as gods, ie:the return of jesus, the coming messiah etc.
however. the GOD of ALL is even bigger than them!
it's all perception and illusion. smoke and mirrors if you will.

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 12:52 AM
I am an abductee. The ETs I "talk" with say that they believe in a "Prime Mover of the Universe". They do not understand the concept of WORSHIPPING, though.
I tell people that I consider the UFO situation IN ADDITION TO....NOT IN PLACE OF...the Bible.
Who can TELL GOD what he can or cannot create?
Just because aliens were not mentioned in the Bible, does not mean that they don't exist. Gorillas, North America and dinosaurs weren't mentioned, either, but they exist. It was not necessary for the people at that time to know about them. Therefore, they were not mentioned.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 09:40 AM
I think if it's proven there are aliens out there, it won't effect my personal views on God or religion, but it definitely would throw a wrench into most of the man-made religions we have today.

I think if there is a God, that he has created everything (human life, life in other galaxies, the universe itself, etc), and that none of our religions really define him. So if it turns out aliens are real, it wouldn't really effect my view on God anyway.

I'm not really sure how the Bible (or any other religious text like that) and the existence of aliens can coexist though. If there really are aliens, it basically shatters the entire premise of the Bible in my opinion. I don't see how people could blindly follow their religion after something is proven that basically discredits everything they believed in, but I'm sure some will do just that. It might not prove to THEM that they are wrong in their religious beliefs, but it will prove this to everyone else.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 11:02 AM
Many religions of today are a result of extra-terrestial intervention.In the book of Ezekial he described what he saw,it was clearly a space ship.IN the Hindu religion Krishnu is called an Elohim.Ancient Egyptians hyroglyphics show the gods waging war in flying machines,even Native-American writings show visitors from the sky.EXAMPLE:If the people of Earth land on Mars and find primitive culture there ,chances are they would be amazed at the wonderful gadets(technology)they brought with them and worship these visitors from the sky. ELOHIM means THOSE who came from the sky.There is ONE GOD the creater of all things and GOD is not Physical,but some his creations are ,aliens that are made out of positive energy are what the world calls angels,while those made of negative energy are what we call demons or fallen angels.

[edit on 18-1-2005 by galacticus]

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 11:17 AM
As for Christianity groups have already merged alien-ufo beliefs with Christian theology remember Heaven's Gate?

Other non "cult" ideas that are out there that merge Christianity with flying saucers and aliens are

If any government does come out with the truth it will probably spark many many many more alien-ufo syncretic religions.

[edit on 18-1-2005 by ProphetOfYahweh]

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 01:13 PM

If that your impression of G-d Gazrok, more power to it, but it is certainly a wrong 'label'.

Was kind of a comical impression of how most Gods seem to be perceived... The Christian god of the Old Testament was an example of this...the great punisher in the sky, to be feared and obeyed. More modern Christians have lightened up a bit, but still see him as the ultimate judge and jury for entrance to the afterlife. Christianity isn't alone in this. Islam is another example, as is Judaism. The label of "God" pretty much is used for referring to the Christian god though, by most. Because the god of the OT has so many similarities to Zeus, I used the parallel...

Personally, I believe more in the divinity of the human soul (for lack of a better word), and this includes the "souls" of other sentient life in the universe, imho. The books that form the basis of the cowering to a god type religions, were written back when the knowledge of man was infantile, so I find it equally infantile to believe in such antiquated notions which are still fully kept by people living today...(as a comedic note, I was raised as a southern baptist, hehe).

Of course, aliens just might claim to be the originators of all of our religions (as has been suggested by possible disinfo)! My, what a mess that would make!
If ol' ET shows us a holo of them abducting "Mary" and being responsible for Jesus as a hybrid "Immaculate Conception", how many do you think will believe it? Could just be Hollywood-esque in origin, but man, it'd sure place the doubt there, huh? That's just one could equally tie this to Mohammed, Buddha, Sidartha, etc. Scary thought...

It's funny, that one of my favorite comments about religion was said in the Kevin Smith movie Dogma...

It's better to have an IDEA than a BELIEF. Ideas can be changed, but changing a belief...??? Well, that's harder to do.

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