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Can UFO's diminish our religions?

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posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 07:36 PM
This isn't exactly my theory of what will happen If and When Aliens are discovered and publicly announced, it's more of a thought of what could possibly happen. Probably more than 80% of all people believe in some kind of god. That god was the creator of us, Humans, and all other creatures on this earth. But could the discovery of other life forms on other planets cause many believers to lose faith in their god. and start to think that maybe the actual "God" was just a place where the right elements were combined to create the first molecules of life? If this is true, would this turn our religions into one major religion that consists of a god that has created EVERYTHING, or cause a kind of global crises. Now some religions believe that god was the creator of all... but some religions only presume that god was the creator of all life on just EARTH. This is just a thought, not what I'm saying that it will actually happen. Do you think this could happen... or would it not change anything at all that has to do with religions?

[Edited on 2-7-2003 by cassini]

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by GiantsFan
This isn't exactly my theory of what will happen If and When Aliens are discovered and publicly announced, it's more of a thought of what could possibly happen. Probably more than 80% of all people believe in some kind of god. That god was the creator of us, Humans, and all other creatures on this earth. But could the discovery of other life forms on other planets cause many believers to lose faith in their god. and start to think that maybe the actual "God" was just a place where the right elements were combined to create the first molecules of life? If this is true, would this turn our religions into one major religion that consists of a god that has created EVERYTHING, or cause a kind of global crises. Now some religions believe that god was the creator of all... but some religions only presume that god was the creator of all life on just EARTH. This is just a thought, not what I'm saying that it will actually happen. Do you think this could happen... or would it not change anything at all that has to do with religions?

Actually, I believe it will do the opposite in regards to those who really have a understanding of G-d. G-d is Limitless, Boundless, not restricted; He is All, and He is Everything and Everywhere. To limit G-d in regards to saying or implying that we were His only creations, besides the Angels, is almost saying that G-d is none of the above; He is not Everywhere or Everything, etc. Almost a mockery to be honest.

G-d is afterall, the Alpha (beginning) and Omega (end); the One who laid the 'foundations of the heavens", the Creator of All; Everything. He is what we would call today: "the Man with the plan."


posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 08:59 PM
Yeah, I'm with Seek on this one,

It'd be like anarcy but with religion. Many people would lose faith, and religion would lose it's place in our lives... People would give up what they know about their religion, along with many moral values they had been taught...

The coming of aliens could be the undoing of humanity, even if they come with no agression in their minds, tehy could disrupt mankind's fragile state of theocratic balance... Some radicals might even kill the alien(s) spawning war with them...

Just a thought from Tassadar

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 07:44 AM
Lets hope so.... I think it's a little late in our development to be cowering in fear of some old man sitting on a cloud throwing down lightning bolts....

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:05 AM
"Lets hope so.... I think it's a little late in our development to be cowering in fear of some old man sitting on a cloud throwing down lightning bolts.... "

Yeah, but the problem is it's only getting worse...

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:09 AM
Some people would embrace it,others would be shattered.
I have seen a websites that believe God is an alien.They still believe in the Bible,just that god and angels,miracles are the work of aliens.
Other people however,would be crushed.Imagine spending your life believing everything in the Bible.Then come to find out your god is a little gray man in a spaceship.
All in all it would shatter Christians and Muslims.Pagen religions would be less affected,IMO.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 01:06 PM
I'm not a part of any religion. I just believe in a higher power. I would think that it would bring forth alot of unanswered questions about mentionings in the bible.

If a huge spaceship landed in every part of the world for every eye to see and beings stepped out..then there would be no doubts anymore about alien existance..and it would cause alot of things to go through our minds..we may question everything or it could answer alot of things for some people...In a way, this could very well change the way we feel about life alltogether. It may diminish our faith or strengthen all depends on the person and their beliefs. It would certainly be different for most going to church and listening to sermons..the preachings would be different and the words may have more truth or less, again depending on your religion.

I believe aliens exist and have thought to have some sort of contact..but it hasn't changed my faith in anyway.
I don't go to church and follow any religion somewhat due to this, because no religion out there really speaks of the existance of extra-terrestrial beings or *aliens* and therefore I think they are holding back or lacking some truth to life. How can you follow a religion that doesn't speak of what you know and feel or have seen with your own eyes? I call this being very blinded or afraid of the entire truth or lying to yourself..but that's because I know differently. I know I'd have to slap some people and say "See, I told you so!"
Then I'd bend over and kiss the hiney BUB BYEEE..

So there ya go..that's my thoughts. It could go either way, just depends.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 02:05 PM
religion is the biggest "cult" in the world,i think it will be destroyed when aliens land.What will the vatican do as they are the most powerful people on this planet

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 04:19 PM
my guess codes, is they will either,

a) keep the whole world praying while they make treaties w/ the aliens to go away

b) call the aliens impostor's and a threat to humanity, dismiss them as heretics, and move on.

c) The Vatican and the Jesuits bring forth the truth of the whole alien/religion hoax and assume command of the world.

d) present the truth, LOL, just kidding

e) the most unlikely and kind of stupid idea i could think of, they take over teh Raelian movement, kill Rael, call him a heretic becuase of blasphemy and say they had been preaching for the aliens the whole time and assume power.

OK, some of those ideas are pretty wierd but they could happen, and this is all assuming that some nation's mililtary doesn't blow them up 1st...


posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Lets hope so.... I think it's a little late in our development to be cowering in fear of some old man sitting on a cloud throwing down lightning bolts....

If that your impression of G-d Gazrok, more power to it, but it is certainly a wrong 'label'.


posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 04:37 PM
Well, most if not all societys religions would have to give up I suppose, but I don't think anyone who truly believes in God would lose faith because they see something unexpected. I'm sure most people don't think that the Bible contains everything that happened in those years.........not to mention the many obvious mistranslations over the years.

I don't see any reason why Aliens would disprove God

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 09:05 PM
Looks like most of you guys have pretty much the same visions of what would happen as me.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 03:06 PM
TO THROW My 2 CENTS IN , if their was an actual u.f. o. coming to land and the goverment knew about it for a fact , their are alot of possabilities . are they friendly ?? even if they are how much advanced are they in weopons, etc. if they areent as advanced as other aleins , (yes as others) a choice could be to tell the public their hostil even if they werent and destroy them (totally, and do a contaminated clean up effort afterwards and hide any and all evidence ) this would keep the religons basically intact , although alien life would make some people doubt the bible for what it is others will say its gods will and he created the aliens, (god moves in mysteriouse ways, etc, etc. religeon plays an important roll on earth even though everyone who goes to church doesent actually do all the 10 commandments , church , the bible and beleifs play a important role of not only right from wrong but in actually doing wrong and brings a form of order on earth , fear of hell and punishment, etc. the goverment fearing a breakdown in the moral code of alot of the human race who beleive in the bible may not want to chance that break down of society , not to mention the obviouse the secret capture of a u.f.o. and reverse technolagy could give a clear advantage of any country that had it. and so may not ever allow a u.f.o. publicly land (not if they can help it) religion wouldn't cease but would definatly wain, contibutions of money may slack off too . i too am a person that beleives the missing link of evelution came from alein intervention , and we are all decendents. an interesting book is "first man then adam " check it out sometime :

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 03:25 PM
Well lets see, for the most part, the discovery of Alien life would lead many into depression, suicide, and panic. Much of Humanities ego is that we're top of the world in the sense that we are the best, and theres nothing better. For many, seeing advanced life above us would shatter much of they believe in, and for many, it would lead them into questioning everything, themselves, religion, and all that. Now as for religion, alot of religion has humanity as made in the likeness of god and such. Now I'm sure these aliens would have similar ideals of religion, it would conflict, and its possible alot of people would loose faith. A major Possibility of what would happen to our society is what is called Societal Disintergration. When societies are enclosed from other societies, they maintain beliefs around themselves, but we have seen that when other societies come to the isolated societies, they have a conflict of cultural beliefs and views, and for many societies, this usually leads to that society, trying to grasp the reality of other societies and their different beliefs; usually crumble and disintergrate. Having our global society confront another different society from another world could be devastating.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 03:34 PM
Ask yourself how things changed when the belief that we (humans/Earth) were not the all important center of the universe, that everything revolved around us. More people turned to science and left religion. This, of course, was not without a bloody retaliation from religion.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 03:38 PM
Good point Jonna.

BTW, anybody remember War of the Worlds? People had gotten into a mass panic when they tuned into the radio play.

Theres a strong possibility that the introduction of Extra-Terestrial Xeno's would bring alot of hatred, panic, chaos. The Churches would say they were demons, People would panic and freak out. Some would prepare for an "alien attack" etc.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 03:54 PM
Wolf, I agree. So many religions seem to have at their core this hubris and conceit that we humans are somehow special in the universe, when the opposite is more probably true. We are just a very insignificant speck in a fairly uninteresting part of an average galaxy, but the most religiously deluded will have egos too weak to admit that there is more to reality than what they have been told.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 05:53 PM

i too am a person that beleives the missing link of evelution came from alein intervention , and we are all decendents.

Jesus poor old aliens....they get the blame for everything. It seems anywhere there is a gap in knowledge people fill in the gaps with Aliens/religion.
God = Santa Claus for grown-ups
Religion = internal policeman from the days when cops on the the beat were thin on the ground.
Born again= a person with a guilty conscience
Whatever the truth behind the Universe is, I doubt there is a Human Being that has ever lived who has even come .00000000000001% close to the true nature of nature. So in the mean time I guess Science is the best tool we have . Please don't take my words too seriously...I hardly ever do

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 05:59 PM
The evolutionary ladder has was aliens.
Somebody wakes up with bad was aliens.

The word "aliens" is interchangeable with "witches", "ni**ers",
"commies", "sinners" & "heretics".

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 06:07 PM
I do hope that religions will be in chaos after we all find out were not alone in this big black void of ours.

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