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New SA president plans to take land from whites without compensation

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posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 02:43 PM
cause that worked so well for zimbabwe

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

But those natives "Kaffirs", never farmed in the first place. Chiefs murdered any and all of their own people who tried to live too close to neighboring tribes' lands. This left wide avenues of lands between different tribes, which the Boer Settlers streamed through, and then settled where they could farm virgin ground.

Now there's a race on, between the Boer Afrikaans and the ANC thugs. Globalists are behind some of this, stirring the pot. Lately, they've been trying to take mineral and water rights away from the White Settlers. Taking the surface too, will set off a civil war. The ANC boobs, wouldn't know what to do with mineral rights, if this bit them in their butts. So all of this is being pulled off by foreigners.

There was a Boer War era prophet, Siener van Resden, who predicted a bloody war, before his Boers would reclaim their country. " Buckets of Blood ". And get this; This whole party starts off when a "Notable Englishwoman" is killed in Europe! So, De Clerkes "peaceful transmission of power to the Blacks", happened around the time of Princess Diana's death in Paris, back in 1998. Nelson Mandela kept the lid on, but now that he's gone, the hot heads are running wild.

And I wouldn't put it past the old South African Army to have ditched some really nasty weapons, "read Atomic here", for a rainy day. Right now, today, Cape Town is out of drinking water, and this alone could set off a conflagration. But their power center is still up around Pretoria, where it's always been. Siener also predicted that Germany would land in their old South West African colony, now, Namibia, to reclaim what they gave up at the end of WWI.

Boers and Germans are almost joined at the hip, historically. The Brits are finally out of the picture, and the ANC will play hell, dragging the Chinese, Russians, or Arabs into problems of their own making. Boer Society still revolves around their 2nd Reformed Dutch Churches. My local P.H. in 2012, was getting static for ducking his Wedns. afternoon prayer sessions, while he was guiding me out on a few of their giant 80,000 acre sheep ranches. On one day, our four door pickup had the owners or managers for over 300K acres, with all kinds of neat trophy animals. My P.H. owns over 70, 000 acres, himself.

The ANC Communists infiltrated from Namibia, and if the Germans take out those Blacks first, and then arm up the Boers, the present Black Rulers will be on the run, back up the East Coast of the Horn of Africa. The Cape Provinces were pretty rough places until the Boers and later the English developed them. So a lot of the Blacks came down into the Horn rather recently. The Zulu Nation being the exception here. My personal guess is that some German agents will unleash, Ol' Captain Trips, onto all of these players, and only the Boers are smart enough to deal with a really bad, designer plague.

Right now, Pres. "Bob's" Zimbabweans are living right on the edge of mass starvation. If the RSA blows sky high, the Zims are cooked too. Zimbabwe was originally settled as Rhodesia from the Horn of South Africa, and not from German S.W. Africa. And FWIW, where I hunted, the rural locals are all Christianized Browns, descended from Kalahari Bushmen. Here, the ANC is spread very thin, indeed. And those Blacks all hang together, where they become vulnerable, as the Boers won't socialize with them.

I left feeling that everything is merely waiting for the other shoe to drop in Namibia. For now, the Boers are really trying to keep their heads down. These Boers are only 10% or so of their population, so a whole mess of ANC must die off to even things up. My S.A. FaceBook Friends down there, are posting about the miserable drought, that's been going on for a few years, now. But they also mention every White Person, murdered for racial reasons.

Princess Diana's death in Paris, may stress out the British Monarchy, causing both it, and their Commonwealth to collapse. And that may both fulfill Siener Van Rensden't prediction, as well as opening the door for the Germans to flood back into their old S.W. African Colony.

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: SaturnFX

You don’t know anything about these people..

They are from the exact same type of war torn region as all the immigrants you rail against..

In fact literally the only thing you know about them is they are white, farmers and having black people take their stuff..

Barring some racist ideology, how are they different from an Afghan farmer fleeing the taliban????

They arent islamic

It makes it obvious that the white part is all that matters to the people who want these, but don’t want any farmers fleeing terrorists from browner regions..

Naa bro, its the religion...unless you believe people are born with a specific religion stamped in their DNA

Seems you are the one who can't see past skintone. You should drop that racist crap clearly held deep within you. skintone matters little, culture matters a lot.

I have also always been in favor of simply buying mexico and calling it a state if possible. they are brown, no?

People aren't buying what you are selling anymore. its a faulty product.

Incidentally, I would also be highly in favor of having Jamaica as a state...pretty sure they are black, but with a culture that fits ours fairly easily.

So, what else you got then?

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 02:59 PM
Well maybe you and cultural what’s her name should sachet right on down there and help those poor folks out. a reply to: trollz

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: Ursushorribilis
a reply to: trollz

Imagine that? They are doing exactly what white people did to them.

So its ok for these people to kill whites? Murdering whole families, dismembering babies, raping women and children, just to force people off ????

Your ignorance knows no bounds, perhaps some of you should do some research before spouting off at the mouth like ignorant twits.

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: Indrasweb
So, unsurprisingly we have the idiotic "well, the white people did it before so it's fair enough" argument.

It says, in some cases, the lands have been occupied by white farmers since the 1600's. They've lived there 100 years longer than the USA has even existed as a county. The people living there now have absolutely zero to do with what was going on over 400 years ago.

If you think this argument is solid then I suppose if Trump declared that you and your family had to move out of your house with immediate effect, with no compensation, to make way for a native American family, then you'd just pack up and head for the nearest underpass would you? I mean, fairs fair isn't it?

Hell, even more recently, us Brits colonised the states before you forcibly took the lands right? So, you gonna let me have your house? Seems I have a more legitimate claim to it than you?

Very well done post, but youre not going to get an answer from anyone on here championing the white murder and land take overs going on in Africa.

They just spout their uneducated nonsense, blather on for a page or two and then when confronted with facts, disappear.

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: SailorJerry

I'm not sure how anyone could advocate for forcibly removing families from their homes and offering nothing, essentially making them both homeless and without a job in one fell swoop, regardless of the colour of their skin or what their ancestors may or may not have done hundreds of years ago.
This fixation with attempting to right ancient wrongs by further victimising innocent people in the present day completely boggles my mind. The mental gymnastics involved would be quite comical if it wasn't for the horrific real-world consequences suffered by the victims of this backwards 'logic'.

We live in the here and now and should tackle the issues we see today with solutions for today, not adopt a policy of appeasement at the expense of innocent families and individuals. And that applies across the board, not just in SA.

And really, in Sa, having your home and livelihood stripped away simply for being born white is actually the least of their worries....

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: Indrasweb
a reply to: SailorJerry

I'm not sure how anyone could advocate for forcibly removing families from their homes and offering nothing, essentially making them both homeless and without a job in one fell swoop, regardless of the colour of their skin or what their ancestors may or may not have done hundreds of years ago.
This fixation with attempting to right ancient wrongs by further victimising innocent people in the present day completely boggles my mind. The mental gymnastics involved would be quite comical if it wasn't for the horrific real-world consequences suffered by the victims of this backwards 'logic'.

We live in the here and now and should tackle the issues we see today with solutions for today, not adopt a policy of appeasement at the expense of innocent families and individuals. And that applies across the board, not just in SA.

And really, in Sa, having your home and livelihood stripped away simply for being born white is actually the least of their worries....

agreed, the sad part about it is , if they arent evicted, they will be slaughtered , raped and pillaged.

And then when its all said and done , when those that wanted the land FINALLY get it, they will either take the money the gov says the land is worth and leave, or just leave the land destitute.

Which means there will be no more food production from that land, and the people who were claiming righteous indignation and ancient wrongs, ended up just doing it for whatever money they could get.

So at best you have a white family destitute, homeless, and an increasingly apocalyptic food shortage issue.

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: Raxoxane

Ditto for everyone in the ME or Africa..

The 3rd world sux..

I don’t really want refugees from anywhere. Just pointing out the blantant hypocrisy of those who magically become all empathetic when it is white person..

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: Raxoxane

Ditto for everyone in the ME or Africa..

The 3rd world sux..

I don’t really want refugees from anywhere. Just pointing out the blantant hypocrisy of those who magically become all empathetic when it is white person..

Ummm this is Africa, and these are Africans, on both sides.

And who says we dont have empathy for ME? Myself, manny members of ATS and vets from all over the country and the full might of the US military and Britain was in Afghanistan trying to liberate them from the organizations you say were terrorizing them.

So your hyperbolic bs has no standing.

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: Indrasweb

That's a real boob statement. We fought a "COUNTER REVOLUTION" to retain the rights of Englishmen. It was a German Hanoverian, George III, and Lord North, who went off the rails. When the reality finally sunk in, they gave Canada much of what we had to fight them for. Much, but not everything! Where do you think our English Speaking American Colonists came from originally?? The other real Counter Revolution, was Martin Luther nailing his theses on the Church Door in Germany. He too, was upset at the new directions which the Vatican was beginning to travel. Catholics called this the Protestant Revolution, and the Protestants called it the Protestant Reformation. But in reality, Luther, et al. were trying to retain the older flavor of Christianity. It was the Vatican which went off the rails, and they've never walked this back.

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: Ursushorribilis
a reply to: CulturalResilience

Are you forgetting slavery? And how violent it was?
The fact that you result to name calling speaks volumes.

Are you forgetting that it was black warlords that sold their own people into slavery? And those people were sold into slavery to all races, not just the whites?

Don't make the mistake that whites are the only demons in this world. Slavery has been a part of society since the beginning of humanity. Doesn't excuse it, but the time of blaming white people for all the ills of the modern world has got to stop.

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Mexicans are catholic....

See white is the only variable that makes you give one flying flip..

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: carpooler

Yeah, I was being intentionally daft/OTT to make a point. Thanks for the potted history though

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: SaturnFX

Mexicans are catholic....

See white is the only variable that makes you give one flying flip..

Wait all mexicans are Catholic? Are all arabs and middle-easterners Muslim?

Are you trolling now? I cant believe youre really that ignorant

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

well let's see if the good old liberals in the USA call for asylum for these atrocities...I'm sure the UN is all over this..

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 05:39 PM
Im surprised that noone has touched on, Why the Dutch (Whiteys) are in South Africa in the first place.

They were Not colonists, they Didnt go to Africa to start a new country.....

The Reason The Dutch are at the bottom of Africa, is because they set up a small 1/2 way stop and replenishing point, for their MAIN trade, which was to get spices and other things not available in Europe, from the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) and SE Asia back to Europe......which was accomplished by Sailing from Europe, down along Africa, around the bottom, back up towards India, then on to the East Indies.

The Dutch East Indies company was a Very Huge and Powerful company, back in those days...1600s.

The Dutch even "Discovered" Australia before the British and it was named ""New Holland" for 100s of years on maps of the period.

The Dutch Didnt set out to "Colonize" the Bottom of South Africa, they set up a Trading Post as a 1/2 way stop, simply for their Trade to Europe from Asia.....nothing more.

As time marched on, I presume their desire to hold that little white trading post in South Africa, became more palatable to them.

Oh yes, They didnt colonize Australia, because when they landed on the Western coast, it was Summer time and quite arid and too inhospitable to their liking......and the locals shaking boomerangs and spears at them from the beach, probably swayed their thoughts too.

edit on 22-2-2018 by gort51 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-2-2018 by gort51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 06:20 PM
This is quite interesting.

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: YouSir

So yessir...your absolutely correct...White people born in Africa are Native Africans...imagine that...


Pure White Africans.

What a concept.

Not even albino.

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

here in new zealand there is a lot of white south africans after mugabe kicked of his anti white campaign they are a hard working group of people their is a lot in the medical profesion so its not just farmers who leave

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