posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 02:19 PM
Lets say that this person "is" telling the truth. Then how do we know that this person doesn't suffer from temporal dysplasia, or some other mental
strain placed on the body from being out of time/space? This also leads to the question of how do we know this person isn't trying to manipulate the
Now as to why this doesn't pass the Guyfriday test:
We should have private and public bases on and around the moon by his time (if we are to believe him). These goals have been road mapped by both NASA
and SpaceX, so why doesn't he say anything about those?
If he traveled back in time why doesn't he explain the process a little (he does claim that we've been able to since 2003, so in 2018 spilling the
beans shouldn't be a big deal).
He claims that he doesn't want to effect things, but then goes off and says who will win the 2020 US Presidential Elections? That's as good as saying
that nobody should run against Trump since it's already recorded that they will lose. Seems like he wants to crate a paradox to me.
Then let's pick on this guy over his clothes. Are they from the future, or did he pop back in time naked? If he came from the future wearing clothes,
then why not bring a watch or piece of clothing that hasn't been made yet? If he came back naked, then where did he get the money to buy the clothes?
Did he use BitCoin that hasn't been mined yet, or money that hasn't been printed yet? Which one is it?
Finally, let's look at the "Lie Detector" its self:
It looks like a piece of black tape on a finger, coil bike lock around his abs, and a simple blood pressure armband around his arm. That doesn't look
like any professional lie detectors I've seen or used. The place where the testing was being conducted is also suspect. It looks like the front of a
college class room. In fact this whole posted video looks like a community college film project, and less like a real investigation by real people
conducting an investigation. Looks more like a few "C" (or 2.5-3.3 GPA) students trying to be dramatic.
The only thing I can see as "TRUE" in this video, is that these people (a trueish fact since I guess they could be cgi) wasted my time with their
nonsense (a true fact since I didn't get anything from this)