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Enough is enough. Public massacres and school shootings must stop.

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posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: Violater1

This was the school's fault in my opinion. This kid got expelled for making threats.

Why weren't authorities alerted before? How was he not hit with a felony. That would bar him from buying a gun.

Many of these shooters have had diagnosed mental illnesses. That should stop you from getting a gun.

Here is another school that appeared to dismiss such threat recently. they found a student with a hitlist.

A recent threat at a Collier County High School is back in the spotlight after the tragic shooting at a school in Broward County killed 17 and injured 15.

The most recent potential threat was a kill list, found on a shared drive at Barron Collier High School.

School officials said the list was not a credible threat, but after the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Wednesday, at least one parent wants answers.

Repeated calls and emails to representatives from the Collier County school district have not been answered.

edit on 42228America/ChicagoThu, 15 Feb 2018 12:42:31 -0600000000p2842 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: face23785

I know any semi automatic can be converted. I know they all are meant to kill.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: rhynouk

Something does have to be done. But what?

You're right, something needs be done! And the answer is as plain as the pictures taken of the school grounds and buildings. Did you see them? What is that, a 50 acre facility?

What Americans need do is to rebuild their schools such that they are much more like Forts and less like a suburban mall! The open layout needs to be abandonned as soon as possible; its an invitation for trouble.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: face23785

I know any semi automatic can be converted. I know they all are meant to kill.

And that would be against an existing law, did you know that too?

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: MRuss

Ok. So the Republicans are majority right now. Let’s see what solutions they can agree on.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: Krakatoa

Bump stocks are illegal? I thought the republicans rejected that.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Violater1

You know thinking about these school shootings two things stood out for me.

1. What is the common denominator with these school shootings?

2. Who is currently societies number 1 enemy and under constant criticism?

males. Perhaps the males are having a tough time coping as being a male in this society?

Just a thought
edit on 17228America/ChicagoThu, 15 Feb 2018 13:17:56 -0600000000p2842 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: Krakatoa

Bump stocks are illegal? I thought the republicans rejected that.

A bumpstock does not convert a semi-auto to full it does not change the internal firing mechanism. A bumpstock is one of many ways to externally change the repeatable action of the weapon. Just like a simple rubber band or a thumb in a belt-loop can do.

In Massachusetts, the governor "declared" bumpstocks illegal and are forcing residents to destroy them or turn them over with NO just compensation for the loss of their personal property (a violation of the 4th amendment of illegal search and seizure and 14th amendment due process clause) with anyone found in possession will be prosecuted.

Is that the type of country you want, where a governor can usurp the United States Constitution at will, without any due process?

No way.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 01:38 PM
This is interesting....

Florida gunman trained with white supremacist militia group before school shooting
edit on 15-2-2018 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: YeeHawPlease can you show evidence of this FACT since you've just admitted your whole argument is on hearsay and imaginary conversations you have.

You'll have to contact the NSA, as I don't keep records of every conversation I have just to prove a point to strangers on the internet. I'm sure they have a copy.

All criminals start somewhere.

So the assumption then is that everyone is a criminal. Where does presumption of innocence fit in with that idea?

Who cares what a judge thinks, you said its all about what YOU deem to be reasonable and justified. How come your happy to hide behind the judge now, but if the judge says you can't have your gun suddenly its not ok?

In the United States, we have due process. A blanket ban on firearm ownership is not due process. If a person has the ability to go before a judge and jury of his peers and has access to appeal any decision, then I am fine with that person's rights to own a firearm being abridged. Of course, courts work on objective facts, probable cause, and guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Not emotions.

What an idiotic thing to say. So if you can't stop any of it, don't stop any?

Did drug use and alcohol use decline?

How many people died, and are currently dying due to the adulteration of the "product" and proliferation of crime during alcohol and drug prohibition?

How many people will die in the ensuing bloodbath if guns were suddenly banned?

Owning a gun when prohibited to do so. Are you having trouble following? Feels like you are forgetting your own inane arguments.

So it's okay for a politician to say you have to turn in thousands of dollars of your own property which was previously perfectly legal, without fair compensation, without due process?

Hell yeah I'm keeping my guns. History shows what happens when governments suddenly take away its citizens rights to defend themselves. Russia, China, and Germany are prime examples.

Why is target shooting legitimate? And they aren't useful for self-defence, as I've already explained over and over its been proven to be a higher risk to keep a gun in your home rather than increasing safety.

Ignore that all you like but its true.

Hunting might be needed but the guns should be heavily regulated and training implemented. The use of guns for defence against crime is ineffective.

Target shooting promotes proficiency with guns, promotes discipline and competition just like any other sport, relieves stress, and is fun.

Of course having a gun in the home increases the likelyhood of being shot. The odds obviously go way down if a gun is not present. Does it really make the home less safe for all causes though? I don't feel unsafe in my home due to the presence of a gun, and neither does my wife or any of my guests. My guests and I have fired tens of thousands of rounds on my property without one injury. How does that fit in with the "statistics"?

There is a much larger chance you will injure an innocent than ever protect them.

So one must assume you are aware of this fact but just too egotistical to admit it and want to be a hero anyway, not smart enough to realise it or too paranoid/brain-washed/ignorant to accept it.

Don't wanna be a hero, just want options if something goes sideways and I am forced to protect myself or loved ones.

Here you go again contradicting yourself. Why is it illegal, why do you accept its illegal but then when the same argument is used for your guns its not a valid point.

This is ridiculous, you've destroyed your own argument.

A gun sitting in a safe is a danger to no one. A gun in a holster on a hip is a danger to no one. You see, a gun requires a person to press the trigger in order to fire. Bear traps, landmines, barbed wire, etc are indiscriminate. An innocent person or child could wander on the property and through no fault of their own be killed or injured. When a gun owner fires a gun, it is a deliberate act. That's why we say that people kill people, not guns. A gun is an inanimate object, incapable of conscious action.

Justified by who? You? The law? Or me? Or is it the law, until you disagree and then its you?

The reasonable person standard, a judge, and a jury. All this is established. Google "self-defense court cases" and educate yourself on the standards for justified self defense.

Stop making things up.

Maybe research gun ownership in other civilised countries and their gun violence/murder rates. Viola.
You've learnt something.

The threads are there, this is not the first time the topic of banning guns has come up. Use the forum search function before you make accusations of people "making things up".

I don't care about gun laws ( or generally any laws ) in countries I don't live in. I'm concerned about the ones here in the U.S.

Ah so we get to the crux... you hide behind the laws, even citing laws against laying booby traps, but then when its suggested a law might come into place banning guns you are happily ready to switch to being a criminal. What a d1ck.

You are the problem. Narrow-minded, egotistical and unwilling to change.

Laws must first and foremost be just. The immediate creation of 100 million felons in the U.S. merely for owning an inanimate object which is "scary" to emotional people is decidely not so. You can't just wave a wand and make the protections enumerated by the 2A disappear overnight.

It's not that I'll "happily switch to being a criminal", it's that narrow-minded and egotistical politicians passed an unjust law and made me a criminal through no action on my part.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 01:41 PM
Heh. Gun nuts.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 01:46 PM
They will need armed guards at schools eventually.Morals in the U.S. decaying rapidly.Division and hatred spread all in the corrupt news media.Eventuaaly they will try to use RFID chips in guns and some kind of chip on your body that you wear with clothing or inject or finger print biometrics of some sort.All which will lead up tp the mark of the beast of course.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: Painterz
Let the blood dry on the ground before politicising it eh.

And hey. UK had one school shooting. We sat down as a society and said this must never happen again. We disarmed, got rid of our guns. And lo and behold, no more school shootings.

I have been at this site for many years now and seen many threads on mass shootings in America.

One thing i have learnt is you will never ever change the o/p and he will just come back with the most insane statements defending guns.

Here in Australia We are the same as you guys. We had a mass shooting and disarmed. You know and I know how much safer it is. Yes, criminals have guns and they mainly shoot each other so no great loss there. By and large, the rest of us are safe.

Do yourself a favour and save yourself the ulcer, dont make sensible comments. If the USA never did anything after Sandy Hook as sure as # they are never going to do anything. Lets just enjoy our lives in our "no guns" communities where we feel safe, not scared or jumping at shadows. Take comfort in the thought you will never meet these militant americans because they wont leave home without their guns.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: cynicalheathen

CH, you summed everything up perfectly

In the United States, we have due process. A blanket ban on firearm ownership is not due process. If a person has the ability to go before a judge and jury of his peers and has access to appeal any decision, then I am fine with that person's rights to own a firearm being abridged. Of course, courts work on objective facts, probable cause, and guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Not emotions.

I wouldn't worry too much about the anti-2A people. Those against Constitutional rights/civil rights have never gotten very far, and have no reason to suspect that will change. The majority (by far) is pro-2A
, and nobody I talk to even listens when their virulent rhetoric starts - ignoring the criminal terrorist attacker, and lasering in on the in-animate object.

Great post, and an even better statement

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: bellagirl

Exactly. We're not giving up our Constitutional rights for any reason. American patriots have sacrificed their lives by the millions to preserve the Constitution and the BILL OF RIGHTS. They are the only thing standing between us and violent criminals/terrorists (we have 340,000,000 people have way less...not a valid comparison) It is also the only thing standing in between a tyranny and the People/Constitution.

But you're right. Nothing will change it, doesn't matter what you say or how many tears you jerk. Fact is, our freedom costs a whole hell of a lot. Often times that cost is measured in human life.

Nobody should ever be under the illusion that freedom is FREE. It isn't. It is about time people stopped taking their freedom and liberty for granted. God gave our founders the strength and wisdom to create this Republic, but it is up to American patriots to maintain it and secure its proud and just core values.

And we all must realize there is a VERY REAL chance we will be called upon to sacrifice our own lives on the alter of freedom one day, possibly even at the hands of a deranged lunatic who is abusing our civil rights to harm others. I hope I will be able to respond appropriately with my own CCW, but if not, It is a risk I'm more than willing to take. And if you're not, maybe you should move to a country (like UK/AUS) where you're subjects and not CITIZENS. But rights and freedoms also come with RESPONSIBILITIES. Something they are far too quick to fail to teach these millennials and foreigners these days. The difference of living in a true Constitutional Republic vs. a tyrannical mob-rule AKA "Democracy" or Monarchy

Without Constitutional rights and our core values of Constitutional Republicanism, we have nothing worth defending. I say this country, our way of life and our core Constitutional values are worth defending.
edit on 2/15/2018 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Violater1
The question that begs to be asked is what pharmaceuticals was this kid on or had been on and for how long. Thousands of our children are being poisoned with ADHD meds such as Ritalin and other amphetamine type drugs. What are their long term affects? What part of the brain is affected long term? None of this is being asked. The pharmaceutical companies have so much lobby power that they suppress all inquiry. Now if this nineteen year old kid purchased a gun who sold that type of weapon to an under age person. Shotguns and 22's can be purchased at 18 I believe but pistols and high powered rifles no. Correct me if I am wrong. Any way such a tragedy and appears vigilance could have prevented it.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: bellagirl
Do yourself a favour and save yourself the ulcer, dont make sensible comments. [...] Take comfort in the thought you will never meet these militant americans because they wont leave home without their guns.

Makes sense. You just have to keep in mind that this is a very small but vocal group of people, and as long as you don't go near their bunkers, you'll be okay. Rather than waste a lot of time trying to reason with them, it's better to just concentrate your efforts on supporting programs aimed at preventing these kinds of things from happening, rather than trying to point fingers or assign blame after the deaths.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 02:00 PM
NRA donations to GOP congressmembers:

Richard Burr $6,986,620

Roy Blunt $4,551,146

Thom Tillis $4,418,012

Cory Gardner $3,879,064

Marco Rubio $3,303,355

Joni Ernst $3,124,273

Rob Portman $3,061,941

Todd Young $2,896,732

Bill Cassidy $2,861,047

...And some of that money was given to the NRA by Russia. NRA taking Russian money. GIVING it to US politicians to not take action as violence AND chaos run rampant.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: DanteGaland
NRA donations to GOP congressmembers:

Richard Burr $6,986,620

Roy Blunt $4,551,146

Thom Tillis $4,418,012

Cory Gardner $3,879,064

Marco Rubio $3,303,355

Joni Ernst $3,124,273

Rob Portman $3,061,941

Todd Young $2,896,732

Bill Cassidy $2,861,047

...And some of that money was given to the NRA by Russia. NRA taking Russian money. GIVING it to US politicians to not take action as violence AND chaos run rampant.

Not that I doubt your stats, but you really should also post a link to the source of that data as well, so we can verify it as being truthful.


posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: DanteGaland


Thanks to those congress people and the Russians.

Thanks Congress/Russia/and whoever else, for protecting our second amendment rights and ensuring our nation is protected from all threats foreign and domestic.

edit on 2/15/2018 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

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