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Trump Administration Wants To Decide What Food SNAP Recipients Will Get

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posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 08:22 AM
Seems to mirror "the state" of todays financial thinkers, TD bank is doing something similar with their bank sign up bonus offer.
People who have direct deposits of just $500 a month still get half the sign up bonus of those with direct deposits over $2500.

Its not expected that this class of people would be able to just push funds as a qualified ACH and grab the extra $150.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 09:01 AM
I'm on disability and get food stamps. I don't want the government deciding what I eat. Guarantee it will probably be close to prison food. Right now my diet consists of spam tuna and mac and cheese. I would spend what little money I had before I eat food passed out by the government.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: joeraynor
So effectively they are saying the government knows best what people ought to eat.

Actually, science has proven what things are best for you to eat. Ever hear of the food pyramid?

Here in AZ you see it all the time where people sell their SNAP benefits for cash. Most of them are illegals who get SNAP for their anchor babies.

They will approach you at the store and offer to pay for all your groceries if you pay them out half or 3/4 in cash. It is quite a racket because people are getting their $100 grocery bill for only $50

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 09:17 AM
“The average SNAP benefit per person is about $125 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal. Estimated average benefits are based on FY 2015 SNAP Quality Control Household Characteristics data, the most recent data with this information.Sep 14, 2017
A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits | Center on Budget ...”

“SNAP eligibility rules require that participants be at or below 130% of the Federal Poverty Level. Recent studies show that 44% of all SNAP participants are children (age 18 or younger), with almost two-thirds of SNAP children living in single-parent households. In total, 76% of SNAP benefits go towards households with children, 11.9% go to households with disabled persons, and 10% go to households with senior citizens.”

Trump is just following the Reagan campaign playbook of blame the poor. Welfare queens and all that.
Go get dem kids and disabled, tough guys. Make em pay for making your life miserable.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: PraetorianAZ

originally posted by: joeraynor
So effectively they are saying the government knows best what people ought to eat.

Actually, science has proven what things are best for you to eat. Ever hear of the food pyramid?

Here in AZ you see it all the time where people sell their SNAP benefits for cash. Most of them are illegals who get SNAP for their anchor babies.

They will approach you at the store and offer to pay for all your groceries if you pay them out half or 3/4 in cash. It is quite a racket because people are getting their $100 grocery bill for only $50
AZ is a red state is it not? I'm from Detroit I've had food stamps for over 10 years. I've seen a lot of people use food stamps over the years and I've never seen anyone abuse them. Well once I did see a lady buy 5 bottle of power aide.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

You know what Real misery is?? What i see in my country,people who have no safety net like SNAP,having to eke out a living from the corn they can plant in their backyards next to their shacks. People whose kids have it far worse than those of American kids whose parents are on SNAP. You wanna think someone is a selfish prick for pointing out that if you have Nothing,No job and income,you should be bloody grateful for what you get on SNAP?? Then think that. All it says to me is that some people are ungrateful,entitled pricks who have NO idea what REAL misery and suffering and hunger is.
edit on 13-2-2018 by Raxoxane because: spelling

edit on 13-2-2018 by Raxoxane because: spelling

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: Somethingsamiss

I am trying to understand where this plan is crazy? According to the article you quoted, the SnAP allotment would be cut in half. Thus, $90 allotment would still be given $45 to buy fresh fruit and veges or whatever the participant desires. The boxed staple foods ensures that their home has sustainable food.

Yes, it would be cheaper for the government and allow more needy to be fed in the long run. They will not be paying for the pretty graphics on boxes, most likely simple black on white. They will be able to get a bigger reduction on cost due to the obvious large contracts this would entail.

As far as folks not knowing how to prepare the foods, obvious simple recipes can be included. I know 20 years ago, such staples were a life saver for my own homeless family. No refrigeration obviously. The distribution place had all kinds of recipes printed out that made wonderful and tasty use out of all the food they distributed. Their dehydrated scrambled eggs, milk, spam, and cheese would make up into a delicious casserole! I actually learned how to create more varied dishes by being more limited. All Quite filling and we were quite healthy.

True, simply my own experience and opinion, but I think this idea is more beneficial for the hungry children. Obviously, special needs children and or adults can easily provide medical proof of such and be provided an adjustment in their allotment.
edit on 2 13 2018 by CynConcepts because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: wantsome

originally posted by: PraetorianAZ

originally posted by: joeraynor
So effectively they are saying the government knows best what people ought to eat.

Actually, science has proven what things are best for you to eat. Ever hear of the food pyramid?

Here in AZ you see it all the time where people sell their SNAP benefits for cash. Most of them are illegals who get SNAP for their anchor babies.

They will approach you at the store and offer to pay for all your groceries if you pay them out half or 3/4 in cash. It is quite a racket because people are getting their $100 grocery bill for only $50
AZ is a red state is it not? I'm from Detroit I've had food stamps for over 10 years. I've seen a lot of people use food stamps over the years and I've never seen anyone abuse them. Well once I did see a lady buy 5 bottle of power aide.

It might be a different mentality up north but down here you see SNAP and welfare abuse all the time. Like I said go to any grocery store in Phoenix within the first 2 weeks of the month and you will be swarmed by people selling thier SNAP and other benefits.

Every one of them abuses the system and has no care for people who actually need it. Most illegals I know actually strive to have more kids here in the US. Because the parents cant get welfare/SNAP but their children can.

I used to work for a gas station and you would be appalled with the things you can buy with SNAP. Candy/Milkshakes/soda.

I am sorry but if you need assistance to purchase necessities like real food than you should not be able to purchase luxuries like sweets/alcohol/cigarettes/fast food etc....
edit on 13-2-2018 by PraetorianAZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: wantsomeAZ is a red state is it not? I'm from Detroit I've had food stamps for over 10 years. I've seen a lot of people use food stamps over the years and I've never seen anyone abuse them. Well once I did see a lady buy 5 bottle of power aide.

I know a lot of people on food stamps that do not abuse them, but I have seen some people who do. I've seen them sell their stamps for cash so they can get things like gas & clothes, and I'm certain there are people who also use it to buy drugs/alcohol. I bet if we were able to accurately count all the people who use them properly against all the people who abuse them, I bet there's a lot more people who actually use them right. Unfortunately, though, we as a society like to punish the whole to stop the few. Makes perfect sense to me, screw everyone so we can make sure those people over there don't buy things we don't want them to buy.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 09:57 AM
I rarely reply to threads, just mostly read, but I had to reply to this one as a SNAP recipient.

I am a small business owner, work on my own creating and selling a couple of niche products. I worked for a fortune 500 company for almost 20 years, and then started on this venture part time. About 5 years ago I had to make a decision on which way to go, as I could not keep up with both. I decided to leave my job, and concentrate on my business.

The first 6 months or so, we were on Snap. Once the business picked up to a good level, we went off SNAP for about 4 years. ABout 6 months ago I re-signed up as there was a drop off in the business. I have a couple of new products coming out, and expect things to turn around within the year, so that I can go back off SNAP. Last year I made about $35k, with a family of 5. Previous years I was making over $50k, and to be honest we can live quite comfortably on $50k a year. $35 is a very tight, since we qualified for SNAP, I applied. After all I have paid into the system for 20 years.

We are very careful with our benefits, trying not to abuse it. We don't buy lobster, or the best steaks. My wife is a big couponer, we use coupons and store cards to make the benefits stretch as far as she can. Most of the time we walk away saving around 40% off the original cost. This only make economical sense, it allows us more food, at the same time saving tax payers money.

Let's face it. SNAP comes from tax payer money. I don't want my tax money to be abused by someone, so I am not going to take advantage of others money. I am thankful for what we get, and will stop getting it when things get better. That is what the system is for, to help those out that are trying to make it and hit a rough patch. IT SHOULD NOT BE A WAY OF LIFE! Allowing multiple generations to grow up on the system just because they don't want to work, and put in effort for themselves as wrong.

Now, what do I think about this plan? I am all for it. Beggars can't be choosers. At this point in time, I am a beggar. Hopefully I won't be here for long. Picking out our own food is nice, but if this plan will allow for the funds to be spread out to feed more people, all the better. If it will eliminate the abuse, great! I have no problem taking a box of food in place of shopping. At least my family will be fed, and we will be appreciative. If I want something extra, I can buy it out of my income. The only thing I hope is they allow fresh milk. That shelf stable stuff tastes like poo. Other than that, you will not hear a complaint from this temporary beggar. Those that do, are spoiled on the system, and probably should be out working anyway not sponging off the real working tax payers.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 10:03 AM
I've had to use this when I was in a hard time and thank god(dess) every day I was able to eat.

With that in mind, I have an idea I'll float pass you guys here.

We all know that banks record our transactions and store loyalty cards store our shopping habits.

Surely there is a way to combine these so they can be reviewed? When an "unapproved" item is purchased, that amount is deducted from your next payment. (ex: you buy $20 in potato chips, then you receive $20 less next time).

Now, I would say we allow a certain amount of "comfort food". And it should be a recognized pattern. Perhaps an algorithm of some sort. I admit, this would take some money and time to set up, but could it save money in the long run?

Who knows, I'm just spit balling here.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: PraetorianAZ

originally posted by: wantsome

originally posted by: PraetorianAZ

originally posted by: joeraynor
So effectively they are saying the government knows best what people ought to eat.

Actually, science has proven what things are best for you to eat. Ever hear of the food pyramid?

Here in AZ you see it all the time where people sell their SNAP benefits for cash. Most of them are illegals who get SNAP for their anchor babies.

They will approach you at the store and offer to pay for all your groceries if you pay them out half or 3/4 in cash. It is quite a racket because people are getting their $100 grocery bill for only $50
AZ is a red state is it not? I'm from Detroit I've had food stamps for over 10 years. I've seen a lot of people use food stamps over the years and I've never seen anyone abuse them. Well once I did see a lady buy 5 bottle of power aide.

It might be a different mentality up north but down here you see SNAP and welfare abuse all the time. Like I said go to any grocery store in Phoenix within the first 2 weeks of the month and you will be swarmed by people selling thier SNAP and other benefits.

Every one of them abuses the system and has no care for people who actually need it. Most illegals I know actually strive to have more kids here in the US. Because the parents cant get welfare/SNAP but their children can.

I used to work for a gas station and you would be appalled with the things you can buy with SNAP. Candy/Milkshakes/soda.

I am sorry but if you need assistance to purchase necessities like real food than you should not be able to purchase luxuries like sweets/alcohol/cigarettes/fast food etc....
Yeah I don't even know what an illegal looks like. I spend my food stamps wisely because they have to last me all month. I do buy ice cream from time to time but only if it's on sale. I don't eat a lot of sweets. I buy maybe 2 2liters of soda a month but only if it's on sale. I can get soda for $0.99 and it's cheaper then juice at $2.50. I eat a lot of spam and tuna and I get creative with it. I recently discovered that cooked spam goes good with rice.

I've never seen anyone selling food stamps but I'm sure it happens. I saw on the news a store got busted in the hood buying stamps. You would think if people are selling them out in the open like that the cops would be all over it with undercover officers. They would be up here.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: Eshel
I've had to use this when I was in a hard time and thank god(dess) every day I was able to eat.

With that in mind, I have an idea I'll float pass you guys here.

We all know that banks record our transactions and store loyalty cards store our shopping habits.

Surely there is a way to combine these so they can be reviewed? When an "unapproved" item is purchased, that amount is deducted from your next payment. (ex: you buy $20 in potato chips, then you receive $20 less next time).

Now, I would say we allow a certain amount of "comfort food". And it should be a recognized pattern. Perhaps an algorithm of some sort. I admit, this would take some money and time to set up, but could it save money in the long run?

Who knows, I'm just spit balling here.

Unfortunately, in such a scenario the most needy will be punished for their care providers bad choices. I really like the idea of providing real food items to the hungry and also giving them a small stipend to be able to make their own choices. It seems like a nicer and fairer balance.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 10:20 AM
The government choosing what people should eat, what could possibly go wrong?

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying
I rarely reply to threads, just mostly read, but I had to reply to this one as a SNAP recipient.

I am a small business owner, work on my own creating and selling a couple of niche products. I worked for a fortune 500 company for almost 20 years, and then started on this venture part time. About 5 years ago I had to make a decision on which way to go, as I could not keep up with both. I decided to leave my job, and concentrate on my business.

The first 6 months or so, we were on Snap. Once the business picked up to a good level, we went off SNAP for about 4 years. ABout 6 months ago I re-signed up as there was a drop off in the business. I have a couple of new products coming out, and expect things to turn around within the year, so that I can go back off SNAP. Last year I made about $35k, with a family of 5. Previous years I was making over $50k, and to be honest we can live quite comfortably on $50k a year. $35 is a very tight, since we qualified for SNAP, I applied. After all I have paid into the system for 20 years.

We are very careful with our benefits, trying not to abuse it. We don't buy lobster, or the best steaks. My wife is a big couponer, we use coupons and store cards to make the benefits stretch as far as she can. Most of the time we walk away saving around 40% off the original cost. This only make economical sense, it allows us more food, at the same time saving tax payers money.

Let's face it. SNAP comes from tax payer money. I don't want my tax money to be abused by someone, so I am not going to take advantage of others money. I am thankful for what we get, and will stop getting it when things get better. That is what the system is for, to help those out that are trying to make it and hit a rough patch. IT SHOULD NOT BE A WAY OF LIFE! Allowing multiple generations to grow up on the system just because they don't want to work, and put in effort for themselves as wrong.

Now, what do I think about this plan? I am all for it. Beggars can't be choosers. At this point in time, I am a beggar. Hopefully I won't be here for long. Picking out our own food is nice, but if this plan will allow for the funds to be spread out to feed more people, all the better. If it will eliminate the abuse, great! I have no problem taking a box of food in place of shopping. At least my family will be fed, and we will be appreciative. If I want something extra, I can buy it out of my income. The only thing I hope is they allow fresh milk. That shelf stable stuff tastes like poo. Other than that, you will not hear a complaint from this temporary beggar. Those that do, are spoiled on the system, and probably should be out working anyway not sponging off the real working tax payers.

Sounds to me like you could use some better marketing/follow up with your clients in an automated fashion. Are you using a CRM/Marketing tool?

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: wantsome

originally posted by: PraetorianAZ

originally posted by: wantsome

originally posted by: PraetorianAZ

originally posted by: joeraynor
So effectively they are saying the government knows best what people ought to eat.

Actually, science has proven what things are best for you to eat. Ever hear of the food pyramid?

Here in AZ you see it all the time where people sell their SNAP benefits for cash. Most of them are illegals who get SNAP for their anchor babies.

They will approach you at the store and offer to pay for all your groceries if you pay them out half or 3/4 in cash. It is quite a racket because people are getting their $100 grocery bill for only $50
AZ is a red state is it not? I'm from Detroit I've had food stamps for over 10 years. I've seen a lot of people use food stamps over the years and I've never seen anyone abuse them. Well once I did see a lady buy 5 bottle of power aide.

It might be a different mentality up north but down here you see SNAP and welfare abuse all the time. Like I said go to any grocery store in Phoenix within the first 2 weeks of the month and you will be swarmed by people selling thier SNAP and other benefits.

Every one of them abuses the system and has no care for people who actually need it. Most illegals I know actually strive to have more kids here in the US. Because the parents cant get welfare/SNAP but their children can.

I used to work for a gas station and you would be appalled with the things you can buy with SNAP. Candy/Milkshakes/soda.

I am sorry but if you need assistance to purchase necessities like real food than you should not be able to purchase luxuries like sweets/alcohol/cigarettes/fast food etc....
Yeah I don't even know what an illegal looks like. I spend my food stamps wisely because they have to last me all month. I do buy ice cream from time to time but only if it's on sale. I don't eat a lot of sweets. I buy maybe 2 2liters of soda a month but only if it's on sale. I can get soda for $0.99 and it's cheaper then juice at $2.50. I eat a lot of spam and tuna and I get creative with it. I recently discovered that cooked spam goes good with rice.

I've never seen anyone selling food stamps but I'm sure it happens. I saw on the news a store got busted in the hood buying stamps. You would think if people are selling them out in the open like that the cops would be all over it with undercover officers. They would be up here.

The cops really have bigger fish to fry then SNAP abusers.

But I agree that that SNAP is beneficial to a lot of people and most people don't abuse it. But the few that do are the only ones I run into.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 11:36 AM
first, the is gonna take alot of business from the stores...
less business, less revenue, less taxes collected.
then there's the distribution angle of it. are they gonna contract local charities to distribute the food if so, how much will they be paid? unless they do this for close to free, I kind of doubt that it will be cheaper than sending a few extra bits and bites over the wires to the ebt cards, which by the way will still be having bits and bites sent to them.. only less.
just how much more money is it gonna cost to send this kind of message to the poor and unfortunate of the nation?
and, to be honest, giving families living in cities like flint michigan, where the water is known to be dangerous, powdered milk, just add your polluted water, seems rather criminal to me so maybe they should add a few gallons of bottled water to their care packages?

I remember when this was the help that was given to the poor, USDA foods. the peanut butter would come in a huge can if I remember right, it really was rather good and alot of peanut butter cookies were made by us kids from it. and, I remember the powdered milk, again mostly was used as a substitute for real milk in recipes.

the beans mentioned in the op might be a problem if they are the dried beans that need to be soaked and then cooked for hours. there's many working families that are also on food stamps. they might not have time to cook them, or really, know how to cook them.

the canned vegetables, umm... no, no thanks, frozen don't cost that much and are probably much healthier for you.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 11:38 AM
let them eat cake.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
The government choosing what people should eat, what could possibly go wrong?

soylent green anyone?

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: tribal

Blow it out your wazoo.

We're not on SNAP, and we always have peanut butter and blocks of cheese as staples. They make sound financial sense. Granted I am talking about cheese, not Velveeta, but still a black of colby or chedder can be bought cheaply if you watch the sales and don't by brand. Then a little elbow grease to cut or grate it yourself.

And we do have the means to buy natural peanut butter now, but still peanut butter is a staple for a lot of families with kids.

What do you think? That families who don't live with SNAP suddenly cease to have those things around because they don't have to buy them?

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