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Trump Administration Wants To Decide What Food SNAP Recipients Will Get

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posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 05:29 AM
I do volunteer work with a lot of older seniors in my community. I started by volunteering to drive seniors to the polls for elections but I'm deeply connected to many people I met through that program.
Many seniors depend on snap benefits for food.
Many children depend on snap.
The elderly need better nutrition to fight disease and growing children need nutrition to develope into healthy adults.

These choices are belly fillers not food to be healthy on.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme

Its very concerning.

And as for that milk, that shelf safe milk... I wonder whether its as rich a source of calcium and other necessary materials, that young bones need to grow, and old bones need to remain strong enough to do their work, as would be fresh milk.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 05:36 AM
The FDA convinced the American people that a low fat high carbohydrate diet was good for weight loss and health. Now we have more people with diabetes and heart disease than ever before.

Carbohydrates are sugar. Sugar is a slow poison.

They told you to eat the same food they give cattle to get them fat.

High quality proteins, healthy fats and vegetables are expensive but those are the foods that make people the healthiest they can be.
Low carbohydrate is the best and fastest way to lose weight but it's the most expensive diet to obtain.

The government t wants to put the poor in an early grave.

You should feed the workers the best but that doesn't make sense to the greedy who want it all.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: tribal

Yeah so it's not a present it is a hand out using our money. That is what people don't seem to get, fica or the federal income contribution act is what people like me pay so that people on food stamps get to eat. It's a real shame when I walk into a grocery store and buy my groceries while also buying the single mom in line behind me groceries as well. Did I make her have kids with a dead beat? Did I make poor life choices? Did I champion the act of having children and being a strong woman who needs help all the damn time? The answer is no.

Basically you steal food from my family's mouth to feed your own if you receive food stamps. Nothing is free and no one deserves anything more than what they earn. Social safety nets only create poverty and encourage the lazy and weak to breed more mouths than they can feed. These programs were meant as a last line of defense for those who had fallen on hard times but they have evolved into a way of life for those who can not or in reality will not improve their economic standing. Why work when you can get free rent, food, electricity, transportation, etc etc?

honestly I don't think these changes go far enough. Strict limits on how long you can receive the benefits and a cool down period of five to six years before your eligible again. Limits on what you can buy and identication required for all transactions using the card. Reasonable meat, veggies, dry goods and milk only. No candies, sodas, sweets, cakes, lobster, shrimp, steak, energy drinks and no convenience store or sub shop usages.

That seems fair.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 05:52 AM
They should just ban junk food in america all together.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: khnum

So where does it state I have to be compassionate? Also what is your definition of compassion? I have helped many a person and found once you help someone they become weaker because of it. Instead of taking the hand up and refusing to fall down again they instead think anytime they fall you will pick them up. Nature is our best teacher and nature teaches that when the weak refuse to become strong they parish. Your compassion as you call it keeps them weak and robs them of the chance to become stronger through struggle. Your compassion rewards horrible life choices instead of letting hard lessons be learned.

Call me names say I lack empathy it's fine by me, I was poor when I was a kid. I was so poor in fact I used to walk on black top streets during summer with no shoes in Georgia. Worked everyday I could as a child for a few bucks on an cattle farm which royally sucked. Did menial labor as a teen into early adulthood and lost everything several times. I never got food stamps never got any welfare but had to accept and excel at any job that I could find to keep myself fed. Now I own a growing company that employs a few people who I pay well and offer benefits to. I will soon be the one percent everyone bitches about but my life was earned not given.

Also I am a proud libertarian, self governed self empowered and self employed.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I don't know anything about its nutritional value. I know the fat in milk is essential for growing children and children under five should not be given low fat milk.

I also know if you can cook you can get by with less money for food because prepared or convenience foods cost more and offer less.
I do not want for anything but when I make a chicken the carcass never goes in the garbage. I make stock from it. I make stock from fish bones and shells. I make beef stock from purchased bones. I have stocks frozen in cubes to use like others use bullion cubes that are mostly salt. I make my cakes from scratch not boxed mixes. The only thing I can't make is cheese. I am retired though and have lots of time for cooking.

Something many people don't know is that snap will pay for seeds to grow fresh vegetables. I learned that from Lorraine. A feisty and beautiful seventy eight year old and one of my best friends. But many people don't have land to grow food. Community gardens are good for this I guess but I don't know about security. You can grow many things in flower pots but your not feeding a family on veggies grown on the window sill.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: tribal

You can think me inhuman,you can call me idiotic,the fact is: There are millions upon millions of people WITH CHILDREN all over the world who have it far worse.Or are their lives and their hunger less important because they are not American???? What happened to gratefulness for ANY form of help and food when you're down and out??

Sounds like ungrateful inhuman clanging from YOUR side not MINE.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: wheresthebody

What would college kids and arm chair sports warriors eat then ? LOL.

Is beer junk food?
Actually it's got nutritional value.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: oasisjack

Also I am a proud libertarian, self governed self empowered and self employed.

You forgot self righteous.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 06:21 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: Somethingsamiss

You can understand where they are coming from?
Maybe you can explain to the rest of us why some people should get sub standard food?

One less tank, one less ship, one less plane and everybody eats.

We feed our animals better for Christ's sake.

But this man is a total scumbag so I'm not surprised.

Maybe because he thinks eating at McDonald's is eating well. The jerk.

You can make a decent vegan foie gras with smoked tofu.

Did you know that?

No one would go without!

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

It seems to be.We use it,as for us it works out cheaper than buying fresh milk.My son is going for 12 now,and strong as an ox,healthy with strong bones.In many other countries,if you don't have a job,your kids don't GET milk,period.That is why my viewpoint is,be grateful for what one gets,even if its not one's first choice.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: Raxoxane

Of course not. I think as humans we have an obligation to make sure that all people are well cared for. We have lots of charitable organizations that assist cultures other than our own. Private charities funded by generous caring people.
Many governments around the world control even charities contributions or don't allow outsiders to help. Or worse take the food for themselves.

Isn't the idea of spreading democracy also the idea that every person matters? Isn't our efforts up til now been to try and replace the oppressive governments with one's of fairness? Once we were a shining example of that. Now it seems they want the same expressiveness for our own people. Only the rich and fit matter now.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: Somethingsamiss

I don't have a problem with this. It could be quite practical if done right, as I would imagine purchasing in bulk for distribution would result in more than folks could get themselves for the same amount of money.

If I were Queen of Everything (or just president), I would even take it further. I would add seeds and dirts and pots, and encourage folks to grow some of their own veggies. I would talk to small farmers and CSAs, and see about getting boxed fresh produce delivered as well where available. And I would definitely find ways to encourage small community gardens everywhere, but especially in the so-called "food deserts," where their labor earns them fresh organic produce. Much like Detroit has done with amazing success. And I wouldn't stop there. I'd make sure folks know how to shop for food, how to store food, how to prepare food, etc. And, of course, most definitely teach them about nutrition, balancing their meals, etc.

And that should actually start in school... I would have food gardens in every school, and I'd have every single student work in the gardens throughout their school years as a required subject/class. Same for the cafeteria. And the nurse's office.

We can give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Or we can teach a man to fish and feed him for life. It's really that simple. We are either strong and independent and self-sufficient... or we're not. And when we're not, and we depend on the sociopaths running govt for our needs, we're screwed.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme

I certainly agree,but the sad fact is,so many people fall through the cracks every day,so many people failed by their governments.A horrible world,this,it is up to the poor to help the poor,by the looks of it.At least in America and England there seems to be some help for the poor and unemployed.I was just taking issue with the member who inferred that i was an uncompassionate piece of scrap for suggesting gratefulness for what they Do get.Because in many countries,that type of safety net is unheard of.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 06:35 AM
So wait, when Michelle Obama wanted healthy lunches for children, that was bad and an over reach but when Trump does something like this, it is a good thing?

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 06:35 AM
Regardless of any perceived positives, this proposal decreases the standard of living for its users.

That does not seem like a solid domestic policy decision.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme

beer is soul food

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: donnydeevil
So wait, when Michelle Obama wanted healthy lunches for children, that was bad and an over reach but when Trump does something like this, it is a good thing?

Did Trump mandate kale and quinoa? No?

Then it's bad.

I heard he wanted to outsource Outback Steakhouses in elementary schools.

Benny Hanna's in High Schools.

Wolfgang wants the concessions tho, they are still in talks.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: tribal
the mocking tone and derisive attitude among some posters here is offensive and lacking in compassion. Either none of you have kids or you are just totally out of touch with reality.

I and my kids are on SNAP right now. Its the first time in my life ive been on welfare, and by god im damn thankful for it. And ill take it a step further: im glad my growing children dont have to subsist on crappy food boxes with crappier "food" inside of them. Canned food? For growing kids....what country is this again?

Some of you laugh at blocks of cheese and peanut butter like its a right of passage. I wonder what other kinds of human suffering you find entertaining. Yeah, i remember being a poor ass kid on welfare in the 80s. I put water on off brand cold cereal because we ran out of the dry milk. Oh yeah, gooooood times. I wonder if you had a child and watched them do that if you would find it funny....and would you justify it by saying idiotic crap like "well you COULD be starving to death in africa".

Yeah, or i could have just been killed before i was born to spare myself the nonsensical clanging noise coming from something that calls itself a human being.

we are in America. The best country in the world.....right? I'm fresh from Germany where they dont have homeless people because they made it a priority as a first world nation to make sure vulnerable people are taken care of, no matter what it takes. I'm not even a democrat or an SJW but somehow i just dont feel good about myself or my country if we can allow people to not be taken care of. Its not a human right, but it IS the right thing to do. For all the money our country has spent on unjust wars and the untold suffering it has inflicted on millions of innocents around the world i think we can handle doling out some money to our own people to make sure the gov at least made an attempt to do the right thing. If the people abuse it then so be it. When you give a present or help you dont get to choose how its used, otherwise dont even bother, youll just look like a jerk.

If anyone 'buys' this post as anything other than an amateurish psy-op effort, that it is, a wake-up call is needed! LOL.

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