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-@TH3WH17ERABB17-Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings- PART 3

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posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 10:11 PM

originally posted by: tigertatzen
a reply to: ketsuko

And they're all sold out, apparently.

I think we need to be looking at music, rhythms, sound as part of the puzzle here too.

This article is baby-steps, but it starts in that direction. Even the clinic I worked at played classical music at a specific beat because it was research backed to help get the brain working in the right ways.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: FauxMulder

Others reference 3gp communications with NAS which can stand for NAV Application server. NAS are part of the topology of Microsoft Dynamcs software. A major chunk of MS Dynamics is client relationship management - in short it could be linked to automated calls from a company's CRM. The sort of call that waits to see if you pick up before assigning a service desk agent to talk with you.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: proximo

originally posted by: strangernstrangeland
a reply to: texasgirl

Feb 15 2018 14:01:43
ID: 477b1d

James Dolan. Dead suicide

Aaron swartz. Dead suicide

Kevin Paulson. Turned over securedrop to Freedom of the Press

Securedrop freedom of the press

Freedom of the press. John Barlow/Snowden/assange/John Cusack/Daniel Ellsberg/Glenn Greenwald/Laura Poitras

Snowden/Cusack. Things that can and cannot be said

Daniel Ellsberg Pentagon papers

Glenn Greenwald/Snowden The Guardian

Laura Poitras/ Snowden. The Program. William Binney

John Barlow VP Algae Systems treating waste water

Barlow/Clark burning man

Gen Clark anti Trump. WestPAC supports Clintons

I think the KEY is the media changing the narrative using securedrop. Which is dictated heavily by Snowden

The big question who controls Snowden
Feb 15 2018 14:12:42
ID: 0f16d4
>James Dolan. Dead suicide
>Aaron swartz. Dead suicide
>Kevin Paulson. Turned over securedrop to Freedom of the Press
John Perry Barlow - 187 post name [DROP].
You are now a liability.

So he is telling Snowden the clowns will be suiciding him soon because he knows too much. Suggesting he should flip.

Also appears to be saying Barlow was killed for name dropping.

The people who knew Barlow and were closest to him say his death came as a blessing. They have no idea how anyone could believe he was killed. He had many serious health problems that were slowly draining him of life.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I agree.

There is a reason music and singing is used in church.

Studies of church singing have shown that even our heartbeats align when singing in groups.

Route to a HIVE mind?

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: FauxMulder

And after several of us have had things happen to our phones, too. It's like someone is able to remotely open apps and things. This morning, I had apps open on my phone I've never even used before. And no one else has touched my phone but me, and I close out my browser and any open apps completely before I set it on the charger. It's an ingrained routine.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 10:30 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
This young man advertised that he was going to be a "professional school shooter".

Did someone hire him?

3 adult males were killed along with 14 young people. I haven't checked out the backgrounds on any of those men (if that is even possible.)

Just thinking out loud.

The shooter's post on a Youtube comment was reported to the FBI.
Youtube deleted the comment...
The youtube author reported the post to his closest FBI field office...and two agents came to interview him about it. They were shown captures of the comment...and the author never heard from them again.
This was in Sept. (I believe).

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

We see the "all seeing eye" of course, also the "butterfly" symbolism ( MK ultra ) we see a crown above the eye. Seems Disney has been a big part of not only directly mind controlling celebrity children but also a more subtle brain washing of children in general.

You mentioned something earlier about your experiences in 3rd grade and being identified as a gifted child. My experience was different then your's was, not as harsh as what you went through, however I was also identified as gifted in 3rd grade and I hated "gifted class" or what I think they called special class. It was clear to me I wasn't as smart, at least not mathematically or scientifically as the other kids. lol, kinda like I feel in this thread. Anyways I asked my teacher one day, why am I here, what am I gifted at ? She told me I had "empathy" 1st time I ever heard that word.

I'm curious how many people here were identified as "gifted" as children ? If so what "gift do you think you have ?

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: tigertatzen
a reply to: ketsuko

And they're all sold out, apparently.

I think we need to be looking at music, rhythms, sound as part of the puzzle here too.

This article is baby-steps, but it starts in that direction. Even the clinic I worked at played classical music at a specific beat because it was research backed to help get the brain working in the right ways.

I mentioned that several pages back, is one of their favorite ways to program. Because of exactly what you're pointing out. Our brains and nervous systems are highly receptive to music. And frequencies can be hidden within music too.

Most people are familiar with back masking recordings to hide messages, but that is only a crude way of seeding consciousness through music. And it can be any matter what the lyrics or genre. They could manipulate hymns just as easily as thrash metal.

Disney movies are a hotbed. Popular cartoons, too. And they all have catchy little songs that just seem to get stuck in one's head.

Well, that's because they actually do. They target kids because they're the future. Control the children, control the future.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

The FBI claims they couldn't find Nicolas Cruz despite the fact that pos used his own name to write the comment. Infinity and half found out his instagram,facebook,address after a few minutes after hearing the name. Something is rotten in Denmark and it looks like it wasn't just the Top Brass either.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: Perfectenemy

Exactly. His name is actually spelled Nikolas Cruz, which is very unique if not completely unique.

The FBI claim to have to have followed up on the tip but that after cross referencing on their data base, they say they were unable to ID him...

And yet, his Instagram account was

Do the FBI not use Google?

I guess the extra z at the end threw them off the trail...? That's not logical in Boolean though.

Further, there are reports that, allegedly, there was a fire drill and an active shooter drill (simultaneous) scheduled for that very day, and if that's not enough (although this needs further confirmation, both things) apparently the Secret Service visted the school several weeks ago to enact a change in security protocals..??? (that doesn't make any sense at all!)

This then forces me to reexamine Obama's tweet today which I interpret as an attempt to politically weaponize the event and to steer the conversation in a way favorable to Dems for the November midterms.

The first two lines of which seem to stand out. The second line in particular starting with the word "But" - But we are not powerless.

We are grieving with Parkland. But we are not powerless. Caring for our kids is our first job. And until we can honestly say that we're doing enough to keep them safe from harm, including long overdue, common-sense gun safety laws that most Americans want, then we have to change.

Maybe I'm mistaken, and if so I'm sorry, but it looks to me like a shot at Q, while also attempting to galvanize the Democratic base in prep for November.

edit on 15-2-2018 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 11:05 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Found it! Tomorrowland ...

Take a look at the logo, and tell me it doesn't have anything at all to do with the discussion at hand.

That is creepy. Stage decorations, professional circus artists, everything terribly expansive but there is NO ADVERTISEMENT.

Any body know Blood drive TV series? It have same feeling and I even found The Show Master picture picture in 2017 photo gallery!

Overall creepiness continue. Client's SQL database crashed with error:

Out of memory: Kill process 18207 (mysqld) score 860 or sacrifice child.

I think universe have deep sense of humor

edit on 15-2-2018 by JanAmosComenius because: add

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

I'm curious to know if either of you remember being taken from those gifted classes regularly and given special tests or are missing blocks of memory from that time. Because lots of little butterflies were selected from the "gifted" classes. And given select testing to identify them and their abilities.

Intuitive empaths are one of the things they look for.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: JanAmosComenius

I've heard that most film productions never end up on the big screen, or on TV..

Why then, do they make them..??? What's that all about?

edit on 15-2-2018 by AnkhMorpork because: typo

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: tigertatzen
a reply to: MountainLaurel

I'm curious to know if either of you remember being taken from those gifted classes regularly and given special tests or are missing blocks of memory from that time. Because lots of little butterflies were selected from the "gifted" classes. And given select testing to identify them and their abilities.

Intuitive empaths are one of the things they look for.

You know Tiger, I really don't remember being "taken" other then just having to go the special class 2 or 3 times a week, and I remember not liking it, which is odd because overall I liked school. I vividly remember being marched in to the auditorium in maybe 5th or 6th grade and being shown Nazi films which upset me so much I had to flee in tears...but those were shown to all the kids, I guess to teach us about the holocaust ?

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: tigertatzen

i memba. it was called "spice program" in my school. no butterflies tho. lots of puzzles and logic games

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 11:33 PM

First thing that came to mind regarding music. Hope I linked it correctly!
edit on 15-2-2018 by Alliterayshun because: Noob

edit on 15-2-2018 by Alliterayshun because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-2-2018 by Alliterayshun because: :/

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 11:35 PM
From the book “Behold a Pale Horse” written in 1990.

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

Read that book 1992. Loved it. Then, my mind went foggy again and I lived on, pretending that it might not be true.
edit on 2018 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 11:57 PM

posted on Feb, 15 2018 @ 11:57 PM

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