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Lets Nuke Mars

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posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: Christosterone

thanks for the info. to clarify, i didn't mean to suggest we'd need to wait a millenia, a decade or 2 should be long enough. i imagine we'd be in spacesuits if outside of habitats for a good while anyway, so minimal residual fallout shouldn't be a problem.

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: eriktheawful
You want to melt the ice? Both the CO2 and water? Then let's heat the planet up: mirrors placed in geo orbit that can focus the light from the sun. Safer, you have a lot more control, and you're not throwing a bunch of radioactive crap up into the atmosphere.

Think smaller, not larger: no need to terraform the entire planet. One could easily and quickly terraform much smaller areas of the planet, like domed over craters. You could do these much quicker, and then take your time with the rest of the planet.

Like a moon with mirrors?
What if this was the purpose of our moon being tidal locked what if once our moon once had mirrors on it that heated up earth to melt the ice so we could shift from mars.

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: eriktheawful

that sounds like the slow way musk mentioned? are we sure we have the time?

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 11:02 PM
anything we do right now is a massive waste of those resources until we can figure out how to keep the atmosphere from being stripped away. it would be reckless and quite possibly the move that makes it impossible to one day terraform mars.

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 11:12 PM
Shows how close we are to the description of a virus.
We have enough weapons and nuke power plants to destroy this world for a hundred thousand years, and now some would actually suggest going to the next closest planet, and contaminating it on purpose.

Just unbelievable how destructive humans are.
We want to blow-up Mars! Brilliant!

Letting a for-profit corp have possesion of nukes? Not smart.
Imagining that rockets never blow-up on launch? C'mon man!

You all know they wouldn't be doing it for the benefit of humanity, right?

edit on 7-2-2018 by Nothin because: sp

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 11:42 PM

originally posted by: Nothin
Shows how close we are to the description of a virus.
We have enough weapons and nuke power plants to destroy this world for a hundred thousand years, and now some would actually suggest going to the next closest planet, and contaminating it on purpose.

Just unbelievable how destructive humans are.
We want to blow-up Mars! Brilliant!

Letting a for-profit corp have possesion of nukes? Not smart.
Imagining that rockets never blow-up on launch? C'mon man!

You all know they wouldn't be doing it for the benefit of humanity, right?


Play the clip. I didnt for w awhile herein.

It was all scripted.

posted on Feb, 7 2018 @ 11:59 PM
Nuke another planet.

Well if someone actually puts that idea into motion as a serious agenda, it would simply demonstrate to our neighbors both inter-dimensional and otherwise that we are the neighbor from hell.

So what happens to neighbors from hell? They get run out of town.

I would suggest that as soon as our neighbors decide nuking Mars is inevitable, they will act pre-emptively.

edit on 8-2-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: stupid shpell chekker

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: Namdru
a reply to: Emit1

The fastest way to terraform Mars is to nuke the vast resevoirs of water ice hidden underneath its drifting dusts and sands. There's vastly more water than anyone suspected before. Imagine of all of earth's water were buried in the form of layers of dust, sand, and compacted snow. That's the situation on Mars. Nuke that and you've got water, plus a huge amount of atmospheric vapor. It just might make Mars suitable to grow again.

It would be a great loss to astro-archeology but a great gain for lucky humans trying to escape the wreck that Earth will be in a hundred years or less.

Unleash the firmaments?

What about illegal immigration?

I don't think the dems can survive there.

Long walk from Nogales.

But look at the bright side, they can complain about space exploration and terraforming being racist.

Also the of nuking another planet. Which is problematic with the Galactic council, filled with leftist squid faces.

I'd bring some giant treble hooks when stating my case.

A dirty coal plant would be a better solution, burning hairspray and deodorant cans.

Let's see how long it takes AWG to transform a dead planet.

20 yrs? 100?

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

i'd suggest that this solar system is our town..and we're all sitting in the town hall wondering why it's getting crowded

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 12:31 AM
I'm not so sure nuking Mars is a good idea. For starters we have no idea what's really up there. Once we get there we need to explore, dig and have a good ol' poke around before we leave our mark on another planet this way.
The universe is a vast place of wonder. Something to marvel at. Not blown up.

Look everyone. Here come the humans.
edit on Thu, 08 Feb 2018 00:32:19 -0600121822018000000k by rhynouk because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: rhynouk

totally agree, it's wondrous and will be cool if we're around long enough to have a look around. mars is 1 planet of trillions, the most suitable 1 for us to colonize. doing it as fast as possible is the best way to attempt to assure our future.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: eriktheawful

Well said. I especially agree with the localized terraforming part. I'd prefer we start with domed colonies and underground, labyrinth-styled cities. Then we can travel between them the same way we cross barren deserts to get to other cities (or eventually have reinforced tunnels linking each city/settlement).

We don't waste resources turning every desert here into habitable land so why do that on Mars?

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: Emit1

i'd suggest that this solar system is our town..and we're all sitting in the town hall wondering why it's getting crowded

I dunno about that . . . .

Well the earth is supposed to be over fourteen billion years old. Civilised human society supposedly only three thousand years or thereabout.

And only in the last 200 years or so have we become dangerous with industrialised killing. Though one might argue that the beginning of the industrial revolution was when we really became a problem.

So, our reputation for being good neighborly folk may have potentially taken a big dive into the bad neighbor territory recently. Historically speaking that is.

So is it any surprise that our quiet "mind their own bussiness" type of unimposing neighbors have gotten a little more pro-active of late? Afterall we are polluting, destroying and nuking this world to death. Hence the "eggs in one basket" anology.

I see you have an occult avatar Emit1. So an awareness of the existence of Nature Spirits?

This was their world first.

edit on 8-2-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: typo and accuracy

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

i think the earth is around 4-5 billion years old, it's our universe that's around 14. not that it matters in this regard.

we pose no threat to any other civ at this point. i don't see why, if they are observing us, they'd object to us re-arranging a local world or 2 to our liking. if they're gonna take us out for that they'd likely find any number of reasons to do so in future when we start really exploring right?

i've an awareness of nature, though the avatar is just a couple of invader zim pics if you look closely.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: Emit1

Before we use nuclear weapons, I hope we extensively study the area and document all that will be destroyed.

I dont think this is the answer anyways.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 05:19 AM
The last time Mars was nuked, there was a giant Sphinx payload on the warhead. Must have looked like a god coming to destroy them...Rip Martians.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: Emit1

Yeah, the 4/5 billion is right, my mistake : )

we pose no threat to any other civ at this point. i don't see why, if they are observing us, they'd object to us re-arranging a local world or 2 to our liking. if they're gonna take us out for that they'd likely find any number of reasons to do so in future when we start really exploring right?

I reckon they are closer then most people think, and "yes" they might just be doing that sooner then later if the rumours about spacex's rocket blowing up and the UFO as the cause being true.

But I still suggest that we share this world with neighbors like the nature spirits and more "exotic" ones just out of sight.

Invader Zim, had to ask my daughter what it was, nickelodian : ) I get the reference now.

edit on 8-2-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: typo and accuracy

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 05:27 AM

originally posted by: Emit1
a reply to: eriktheawful

that sounds like the slow way musk mentioned? are we sure we have the time?

If you really wanted to get people off Earth fast in a sustainable environment, then orbital habitats are the fastest way to go.

Simply put them in orbit about the Earth, make them large enough to rotate for gravity and shield them from radiation.

In fact, that would be the start of a Dyson Swarm, as you can use them to collect energy from the sun for not only themselves, but to transmit back here to Earth.

Terra forming planets is great.....but takes a long time. Think about how long it would take to get to Mars to do anything, and the travel time for those who would colonize it.

Compare that to instead building orbital habitats much closer to Earth
edit on 2/8/2018 by eriktheawful because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/8/2018 by eriktheawful because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 10:54 AM
diverting an icy comet or forming one to impact it or drag it there is the best option for not letting it "earth" naturally its a waste of time though messing with it, best to let it naturally form over time and star hop to the other earth like planets as technology will out match or pace any screwing around with nature... we cant fix or repair or by the time it does recover we would already be out there among other stars and habitables...

Far sighted is what is needed for such things not impulsiveness... a lot here to fix among the people themselves so it can be better and not like the people here dont want to fix it, its just that same short sightedness and impulse keep tripping things up and those in major power are making a literal and physical killing both monetarily and physically in that short sightedness that brings lasting memories and pain that is not easily let go that only adds more fuel to future pain and suffering to keep rearing its head over and over again... carrying past pains and suffering that oneself never even went through as propaganda fuels so much anger and worldwide resentment but just a generation away says why? So we teach them how to be stupid over and over... thats why.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 11:53 AM
I've said before and I will say again, and again, and again...

Dumbest idea ever!

It will not warm mars. It will be no help to future terra forming. It will irradiate the surface with half-life blah-blah-blah.

What you do is haul a superconducting magnet out to Mars' Lagrange point, L1. There, the solar wind which is stripping away the atmosphere will be warped around the magnetic field. It does not even have to be that large, 2 - 4 T. Over time, the atmosphere has a chance to recover on its own. During that time, we figure out how to live there sustainably.

You'd have to be a complete idiot to sh# where you sleep! - NASA proposes a magnetic shield to protect Mars' atmosphere

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