a reply to:
Funny that all of the republicans voted for the release of the dems memo, and none of the dems voted to release the republican memo.
The Republicans voted against releasing it simultaneously with the Nunes memo. And really, how could they justify not voting to release it now? Of
course Trump could shoot himself in the foot again and not approve its release. Or, even better, he could redact it, in which case I may just go
full-right-wing-truther-Trumper — Madlibbing in whatever I think sounds the most Earth-shattering. (nah)
What I really don't get is the insinuation. Let's recap *exactly* what happened.
Nunes, who fake recused himself from his committee's probe after coordinating with the White Hose to unleash the failed unmasking scandal (lying,
saying a "whistleblower" approached him), and who declared himself "
completely cleared" of
any lapses in ethics after a GOP-led HEC
cleared him of
improperly sharing highly classified material to the press — highly classified material that they themselves never obtained
— only to secretly run his own partisan probe without informing, let alone consulting the minority members of the HPSCI.
Then he had his staffers concoct a surprise memo (much better than surprise press conference al a "unmasking" fail), which btw, he hasn't denied
having coordinated with the WH on. None of them actually saw the highly classified material but instead, Trey Gowdy, who doesn't stand by Nunes's
narrative, went over it and gave weekly debriefings.
Out of nowhere, Nunes introduces a partisan memo that the Democrats claimed was full of misrepresentations and omitted gobs of relevant info to be
deliberately misleading — and demands that they release it. Simultaneously, his cohorts launch a massive influence campaign to hype the document,
with sitting members of Congress saying all sorts of bizarre, unsubstantiated things — all of whom are Trump loyalists of course.
Predictably, the intended audience for Nunes's memo ate it up. Predictably, it contains misrepresentations that are apparent, alleged
misrepresentations that have been singled out specifically, it's constructed out of 75% Fox News talking points, is definitely missing relevant
information and creates more questions than it purports to answer.
There are people right now on this website, claiming that the memo proves that President Obama had Donald Trump wiretapped to spy on him to keep him
from getting elected. Nobody from TrumpWorld is correcting them (to contrary in fact). Nunes is on Fox News promising the Trump base that he is going
to investigate everyone under the sun unilaterally and produce more memos for their pleasure.
Hannity has more # to talk about and the President of the Unites States, of whom Nunes sure looks like a stooge, is predictably on Twitter claiming
"total vindication" and accusing Democrats who don't clap for him of effing treason.
Why on Earth
would the Democrats vote to release that memo?
Then the Democrats, who have days to play catch up to Nunes's surprise shenanigans, put together their own memo and say, "okay, if you absolutely have
to release this memo, then you should release ours too" — they would have voted for that. (correction: they did vote for it)
Of course Nunes, who could have consulted with the minority and given them a chance to have input, make their own memo to be release along with his,
talk him off the ledge — whatever — leads a party line vote to deny the minority.
Why the rush? Why not vote for both? Could it be that he desperately wanted his to come out by itself with as much lead time as possible to maximize
the opportunity for his cohorts and the right-wing media to gin up the base without having access to information that would refute the memo and his
And now his cohorts are on TV (I just saw Lee Zeldin in particular) saying that the minority memo is deliberately loaded with classified information
that can't be released because it compromises sources and methods so of course, Trump will have to redact the # out of the memo according to him.
Which of course is a plot to hurt Trump. Like everything that happens.
And did anyone ever stop to ask why a memo was released at all? You read it. Think objectively here, what did it actually accomplish? Nunes doesn't
need you or anyone else to do all the investigations he wants as he has demonstrated. He knows that the American people are incapable of getting a
full picture because everyone knows that the highly classified source material will not be released and if it is, it will be so redacted we won't be
able to anything but speculate about the redacted portions. There will also be room to argue.
If he really thought he was onto some massive conspiracy, rife with malfeasance, Nunes had all manners of recourse available to him that would have
been far more effective in terms of actually holding people to account. Instead, he starts this brouhaha in public and...? Announces that he's
investigating the world all by his lonesome while daddy Trump calls him an "American hero."
edit on 2018-2-5 by theantediluvian because: (no
reason given)