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most-powerful 'SUPER LASERS' that can RIP holes in space

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posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: Jefferton
Why can't we leave stuff alone? Why, as Humans, do we always need to "rip holes" in stuff?


I would say "read the article and find out" but considering it's The Daily Star (the trashiest of the trash UK tabloids) and they do such a butchered job of explaining it... I wouldn't bother.

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

What experiments at CERN worry you in terms of their affect on the atmosphere?

posted on Jan, 29 2018 @ 04:58 PM

Dude... Hopefully they don't miscalculate by a couple orders of magnitude like happened at dugway that one night...

Now that whole rocketman situation suddenly going quiet suddenly makes sense!

Especially the whole oh BTW our emitter is tabletop sized part.

Positron cascade... What!?

posted on Jan, 29 2018 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: GetHyped

I'm sure there's a better version of the article written somewhere else...

It would be really helpful though if there was a list somewhere with country headings underneath which would be grouped a list of each country's dodgy tabloids.

As an American there's more than enough of my own nation's dodgy tabloids to make sure an article isn't from without having to know all the international ones too....

Bonus points if the England listing has a second sublisting for all the English papers that are known for showing the boobies... What can I say I'm a repressed American, we're easily amused and titillated by such things!

posted on Feb, 3 2018 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: roguetechie

Dude... Hopefully they don't miscalculate by a couple orders of magnitude like happened at dugway that one night...

Now that whole rocketman situation suddenly going quiet suddenly makes sense!

Especially the whole oh BTW our emitter is tabletop sized part.

Positron cascade... What!?

I have been patiently waiting for someone to say this exact same thing. You think we use light matter collisions or photons in a "slow light" scenario for our portable suntanner?

posted on Feb, 4 2018 @ 09:44 AM

I wouls bet that some of the research and practical applications for this came from ICE experiments. What if instead of a second shot, we used a single shot into a medium that 'slowed' light down? There were lots of successful experiments in this field around 2000-2004 using a gaseous medium or crystalline meta-material to effectively 'stop' light. Or maybe we can do it with significantly short pulses of a high-energy laser (sub-femtosecond) using a single shot with multiple pulses?

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: DirtyBizzler

Somewhere on this site, there's some pretty good posts that go into pretty decent detail about the dugway thing.

I was just one of the morons who saw it from close enough to slightly worry about my long term prospects of NOT getting cancer... LOL

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: MorpheusUSA

I agree I would even volunteer to go through the hole they create.
It's so going to be quantum leap or something plenty of shenanigans I bet I could get a theme tune also.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: roguetechie

I mean, does it blow stuff up or just a bright beam, and zap kind of thing?

I have read nearly every thread available on it, and most if the ones where it is mentioned in passing. It is by far my favorite 'conspiracy' theory on the internet.
edit on 8-2-2018 by DirtyBizzler because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: DirtyBizzler

Well it produces a cascade of positrons which you can direct to basically start showing up right where you want them to near as I can tell...

This causes a multitude of effects from burny Blasty cutty type stuff to radiation and EMP like effects simultaneously.

So it's a multi effect thing, which I'm guessing they've figured out to some degree how to tailor to some degree or another by now so that most of the energy goes into the destructive effect most useful for a given target / use case.

Another example of a multiple effect system is there's certain things you can add into the liner of an efp/heat charge which makes it so when the jet/slug breaks through into an open space behind what it's penetrating it BLOWS UP!

so literally it punches a nice neat hole through armor or etc and then the remaining jet or slug material detonates like a conventional explosive.

That technology is obviously pretty handy especially for near nxra Mera and even just layered ERA like duplet since you can have a multipurpose precursor charge that essentially has multiple distinct defeat mechanisms simultaneously with which to bust up your protection scheme.

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 06:34 AM
people dont have to believe me

edit on 10-2-2018 by airowineSailorcat because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2018 by airowineSailorcat because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2018 by airowineSailorcat because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: roguetechie

Huh, like quantum entanglement-type of 'show up where you want them to'? Would love to have a beer with this guy:

If all this is real, which I 100% believe it is, I wonder how far advanced the US really is in ICF/5th gen nuclear weapons (where I believe most of this research was originally focused)? Could be a nice double whammy for nukes as well, as it could potentially provide the radiation for the secondary implosion without the use of a fissle primary.

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: DirtyBizzler

I don't know ... This is all way above my pay grade and outside my fields of choice, but it seems to me as if several extremely major breakthroughs have happened between the 90's and now in the black world which pretty much change everything.

Unfortunately, I also get the very strong impression that they're also pretty trivially easy to weaponize once you know even the bare basics of whatever and to boot they make horrifically powerful weapons when this happens.

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 10:22 AM
Positron assisted ramjet when?

The assignees and other patents that list this one as a reference have some pretty interesting dates and names.

Edit: found an even better one

edit on 11-2-2018 by DirtyBizzler because: More information

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: DirtyBizzler

Now THAT is very interesting...

That's really all I'm going to say about it for now, other than this could potentially explain so much.

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: roguetechie

Looks like you saw the "sometimes 5".

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: DirtyBizzler

Sometimes 5?

I do not know what you mean there but you certainly have my attention. If you'd like you can just pm me, but I really prefer to keep these conversations out where other people looking for answers can get at them if you're willing to

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

I can't see this as creating something from nothing.
I'm assuming some of the energy of the laser beam is converted into the particles in question so no energy is actually created.

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: roguetechie

I was referring to the Raytheon patent where they talk about changing the spin state. When they refer to the number of gamma ray's emitted from various spin states (i.e. singlet, triplet, etc.) they have a "(sometimes 4)" or "(sometimes 5)" which is strange because it leads me to believe that sometimes an annhilation can produce a random extra gamma ray when it's not supposed to (from the way it was written at least). It's actually pretty crazy that this was just sitting out there on the internet like that, all things considered. It's basically a patent for a gamma ray laser/coherent positron beam weapon.
I was under the impression that the suntanner was pulling it directly from the vacuum with high intensity, extremely short duration laser pulses. This does not appear to be the case, as the patent suggests that positronium is the catalyst for the graser and the graser creates the cascade effect from lasing some sort of target material, be it a BEC or other material. The DoE patent referencing this has a bunch of other seemingly common materials that can serve as positron emitters. I've also found another Positronics LLC patent from 2009-10 that is for long term storage and transportation of positronium; patent lists a maximum duration of 240 days containment and the transport mechanism being a regular truck (or aircraft). One of the materials listed as a 'low density' storage material is polystyrene foam, which can lead off in an entirely different direction (positron boosted nukes, or perhaps even positron only initiated fusion?). It seems like a lot of this came from ICF experiments, and that maybe we are a lot further along than we can even speculate in some very important scientific fields.
edit on 12-2-2018 by DirtyBizzler because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: Jefferton

Why, as Humans, do we always need to "rip holes" in stuff?

Sure gives a new sense of urgency to "rip a new one", doesn't it?

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