posted on Jan, 22 2018 @ 08:51 PM
I have to echo some of the others here.
Relationships are often ephemeral, it's part of the trial and error, the seeking, the trying, the failing-- because we can learn alot when we fail.
It's just a part of being ALIVE. Maybe part of the process i think.
My wife just unilaterally ended our marriage of 15 years in July. I found in the end that I didn't want to get angry, bitter, or sad. I thought
that's what I would feel-- but I didn't. I found myself feeling numb sure, shell shocked even, but I have no power to make her change her mind.
I got pretty introspective after I moved out, conflict was not something I wanted. Negative thoughts the same, likewise despair. Yeah I sipped a
lot of scotch and zoned out seeking deeper for ways to process. Methods vary and so do results they say...but the point is that if I can't change it
why should I waste my time dwelling on it? I decided to move on, I mean look around-- most relationships do NOT blossom into anything. I'm not
special, it happens, so I need to get on with it. I'm stronger than I thought it turns out. And likely so are you.
In this oft blessed age we live in we forget, life can be hard, living can be hard, but it isn't a sprint is it? It's a long road and I believe we
are meant to experience hardship and pain, disappointment and loss in order to appreciate the blessings when they happen. Pain hones us, hardship
makes us stronger.
Change of venue, change of mindset, break out of the rut. Peer hard at the wondrous , in the little and in the big all around. Look inside
yourself, you can move beyond this for it is a small thing in the big picture that is the tapestry of life..
Hang in there friend.