posted on Jan, 19 2018 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to:
Wait what? Fin is a Miss? I mean, we have U2U'd but I just assumed (yeah, assumptions are bad!) she was a he? Keyboards make it hard to judge gender
and I usually get it wrong at least 9 times out of 10 ROFL! Not that it really matters but it would at least give me a chance to brush my hair or
improve my appearance in some way I would never do for a guy. Dammit! Not to hit on her, just to look less like a dog that had walked through a
car-wash backwards... And swear less....
True but silly story:
I had transgressed some rule or other a few years back and got a fairly severe warning from a mod. (I'm sure we all know how fickle the mods can be
sometimes, Ahem!) I can't remember the details but that's not important, what is important is that I assumed the mod was a male. After what seemed
like 3 A4's of extremely well-written criticism and reasoning I'm just thinking to myself "Dude, I get it, stop busting my balls so much! I get it! I
won't do it again!"
I learn my lesson, years pass and then the mod in question made a post or another member made a post on some thread or other and it became apparent
that the mod in question was a female. The penny dropped and the verbosity and polite indignation was explained. I felt so assumptive and stupid but
did laugh my ass off. Not all men are good at receiving subtle signals via language or capable of interpreting said signals even when they are
received. To be honest, sometimes even after ten times I still don't understand basic things but I try to keep trying.
Anyway, back to the bushes, a friendly Leprechaun showed me where the magical secret beer pump was a few nights ago...
edit on 19/1/18
by LightSpeedDriver because: Correction