posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 05:50 PM
Driver walked down the hall and went down the steps leading to the 3 sisters cave and slowly walked towards them. It was warm tonight. The heat of
their 3 bodies heated the cool pre-sping air to a pleasant 28 degrees celsius. As he quietly sat down in the middle of the cave and removed his shirt.
Hellfire opened one eye and looked untrustingly at him.
"It's ok girl, I just need some friendly company, I'm not here on a mission" Hellfire stared sleepily but relaxed and blinked her huge burning eye.
"What's up?" she murmured. "Life." replied Driver. "We can't all be almost invincible fire-breathing dragons that kill all enemies. Unfortunately.
Don't worry, things will turn out one way or another"
Hellfire stretched and yawned, a small plume of smoke came out of her nose. "That bad huh?"
"It's not bad, just difficult, fret ye not." replied Driver. "I just want some non-judgemental company with people who get me. Something not always
easy to find in the stinky human world. Most humans suck, in my limited experience. I would have made you guys chilli but I have no food and no
appetite. Sorry but it's warm enough in here already I reckon."
If a dragon could be said to smile, then Hellfire did so. She was the least grumpy of the 3 sisters. "It's ok, we're still warm from the last time."
she rumbled. Brimstone and Firestone remained asleep.
"Need some help Driver?" she enquired. "Uh, no. A burnt to ashes corpse would give me more problems than I could explain to the human authorities,
thanks though, I appreciate it."
Hellfire turned on to her side and yawned once more. "I'm tired. What's the plan?" "I just want to drink a few pints of Old Cobblers Noggin and chill
with you guys. I'll be quiet, I promise." Dragon hearing is acuter than what one would expect from such a large and formidable mythical beast. Driver
sipped his beer slowly while admiring the other 2 sisters snoring gently and lit a cigarette. The sound of his match firing made one ear of Brimstone
prick up momentarily before it flapped back down. Peaceful slumber. The Shed sounds were far above their heads and undetectable.
Driver thought quietly to himself and leaned gently on one leg of Hellfire. It felt fine leaning on the warm scales, a feeling of peace passed over
him and all was well with the world, even though momentarily. Sucking the cigarette Driver opened a second bottle as quietly as he could. The 2 still
sleeping sisters stirred ever so slightly but Driver was intently staring at the small fire in the cave.
"So what now?" Hellfire murmured softly.
"I dunno, the future is always uncertain but I might have to go for a while, I will be back though."
"Go where?" she demanded, her one eye focussed so piercingly on Driver it seemed as if she looked at his soul. "You're not going to go all Gandalf on
me are you?"
"Nothing like that, I wouldn't dare, but things have taken a turn for the worse and I have to move. I hate moving more than most people but it's my
only option. It costs gold I do not have." Driver took a large swig from the bottle and sighed gently. Hellfire started to move as if agitated but
Driver calmed her. "Don't worry, things will turn out for the better eventually but it will cost time. And gold."
"You know you still owe us some chilli though, right? That story you wrote and then deleted."
Driver sighed once more. "I know and I haven't forgotten. A promise is a promise and I never break a promise. Well, unless I forget the promise but
that doesn't happen often. The next one will be chilli supreme and I'll make an extra large batch for you guys, okay?"
"When?" Hellstone gently demanded.
"Soon hun, soon. I don't cook much these days because, but it will be a good one, that much I promise. A chilli no human in their right mind would
attempt. We'll share it all together down here just like last time."
"OK, a promise. I can live with that but don't take too long, no-one makes chilli like you do."
Driver unsealed a third bottle and rolled another cigarette. Thoughts tumbled through his mind causing his mind to lose track. The beer was helping
though, he could feel the healing elixir envelop his body like some kind of protective force field. "What more is there in life than feeling safe with
fire-breathing dragons?" he pondered while sucking heavily on the beer.
" don't mind if I spend the night here do you?" he asked. He already knew the answer but manners dictated the question. "Of course not
silly!" she replied somewhat too loudly. Firestone turned in her sleep.
Comfortable, quiet and safe Driver finished his cigarette and snuggled up against the warm leg of Firestone. "Friends..." he thought to himself and
quickly fell into a peaceful slumber.