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2.8 Billion Year-Old Spheroids

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posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 02:26 PM
very interesting, wish these objects were more common knowledge and scientists were invetsigateing them more??

it all points to 3 things

2)Ancient Civilization
3)Time Travelers

well its deff 1 of those, now the question is which one is it?

if its the 1st well were are they now and why did they leave?

if its the 2nd what happened to them? and how many others have risen and fallen between then and today where we find ourselves now.

if its 3rd well maybe they traveled back sometime in future and left proof that they actually travelled back in time, but then we need to ask why so many diff artifacts of diff nature and makeup?

These objects are very very curious and seem to stand out as in the form of not from this time period but are designed with our knowledge and expertise? even some are beyond us even now atour level of technology like those metal spheres the post talks about.

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 02:49 PM
In regards to carbon dating, isnt that only useful for material that was at one time living? If I remember right there is a carbon molecule or something that is present within our atmosphere and would then be in a living organism which breathes that atmosphere. When the organism dies there should be no replenishing of the carbon so they can test its half life to determine how old the sample is. I apologize if this is incorrect.

Nygdan also makes a good point that these are only claims yet. We should note that South Africa has had a very turbulet recent past. These claims could very easily be made to challenge the accepted archeological history of the world but also to maybe bring attention to SA in general.

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 02:54 PM
makes you think doesnt it i mean WTF were they doing there? What are they? Where they come from

spaceship ball bearings? alien child's toy? or something worse?

dont know what they are but hey NICE post

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by blobby
very interesting, wish these objects were more common knowledge and scientists were invetsigateing them more??

They've been investigated, and people are still investigating them.

The author ends the review by stating that he is trying to get a hold of them to study them more, and thats in 1996. The people that have them are probably not giving them to anyone.

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 03:52 PM
this woudl be a great post on Ignoarance Denied (look at the top) i think thi s post is geared more to the science of things and less to the conspiracy side,

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 03:59 PM
what about controversey? isnt that cood enough? lol either way...

i dont know if it had to be living once or not for carbon dating. but the second point i mentioned would still prove beyond a shadow of a doubt they are from out of this world somewhere. i doubt that will happen tho.

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 03:31 AM
Cool as they are, the whole thing stinks of hoax and urban legend. The balls themselves have not been dated, they were apparantly dug from from a seam of mineral 3 billion years old. Yet there is no evidence presented for this, not even quotes from the miners who would have "found" them. Has nobody got any photos or anything from the mine where they were found?

When you hear that they were "tested" by NASA and found to have been been produced in space (as they are so perfectly made), alarm bells really start ringing. NASA would produce a scientific paper based on their findings, yet were is it? Also you can actually see slight imperfections in the balls when you look at the pictures of them.

My theory is that they were made on a lathe in a machine shop in the 90s, by humans. I bet you can go to the market in the town near the mine and see them in trays at a dollar a go.

[edit on 18/2/05 by FatherLukeDuke]

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by FatherLukeDuke
Cool as they are, the whole thing stinks of hoax and urban legend. The balls themselves have not been dated, they were apparantly dug from from a seam of mineral 3 billion years old. Yet there is no evidence presented for this, not even quotes from the miners who would have "found" them.

Not only that but they are alternately reported as comming from two different areas. Although, they areas are close enough that perhaps its an honest mistake.

Has nobody got any photos or anything from the mine where they were found?

When you hear that they were "tested" by NASA and found to have been been produced in space (as they are so perfectly made), alarm bells really start ringing. NASA would produce a scientific paper based on their findings, yet were is it?
Indeed, such a bizzare claim, you'd think that the results of the paper would be put up along with it.

My theory is that they were made on a lathe in a machine shop in the 90s, by humans.

Thing is, they're not unfound in nature. IOW, stuff just like them exists naturally. Its the 'grooves' that throw people off. But there are ways to examine the groove to determine if they were carved or are, say, the result of crystal growth or what have you. Unfortunately no one can get access to them apparently, just like many 'Out Of Place artifactS', or 'OOPS'.

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 02:32 PM
if they came from space and it was proved or time travel you think the truth would be shared with us????

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by greenmansmind
if they came from space and it was proved or time travel you think the truth would be shared with us????

Well it's on quite a few websites, so it's shared, I just don't think it is true.

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by greenmansmind
if they came from space and it was proved or time travel you think the truth would be shared with us????

And likewise if it was proven they were fraudulent or accepted as artifacts but not of that age (or any other wild, far out time), would there be any avoiding that? I would imagine you could not search this subject with out seeing the debunking right next to the claim.

I think Ill accept them as genuine. Even though I may be wrong, I can always change my position then when evidence is brought forward. This at least is a bit more fun and intersting.

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Xibalba

Originally posted by greenmansmind
if they came from space and it was proved or time travel you think the truth would be shared with us????

And likewise if it was proven they were fraudulent or accepted as artifacts but not of that age (or any other wild, far out time), would there be any avoiding that? I would imagine you could not search this subject with out seeing the debunking right next to the claim.

I think Ill accept them as genuine. Even though I may be wrong, I can always change my position then when evidence is brought forward. This at least is a bit more fun and intersting.

What evidence could anyone bring forward? Surely the burden of proof lies with the people who are claiming they are 3 billion years old?

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 01:59 AM
I'm kindof new to this website and I'm suprised that so many people on this board are so skeptical. Not that being skeptical is bad but many people here are skeptical to the point where they seem to post only to immediatly discredit or crush any more notion of the subject at hand.

You would think in a "community" like this there would be alot less "social oppression". You know, if you say the right thing to a person who posts, they may leave the site and never post again, now think of all the neato things they might have posted in the future...

Kindof weird for a site like this lol

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 08:11 AM
its almost as if everyone has their own little brainwashing program on here..
if there is a pool of collective consciousness...i think its all mucked up..from way to much reasoning mind...

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 11:14 AM
If you are talking about me as one of those skeptics, then I must admit I am. But without skepticisim how do you sort the truth from the BS? If everyone believes everything everyone tells them, even if contradictory, there would be chaos.

I am also skeptical about the generally agreed history of this planet, and I am fascintated by anomalies of all kinds, that is why I came on to to this thread. However after examining all the evidence presented I can only conclude that the spheres in question are some kind of hoax, and are not 3 billion years old. However I am open to new evidence.

I've not flamed the poster or called them and idiot, or anything insulting like that. So what have I done wrong exactly?

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 11:21 AM
yeah who is this nasa scientist and why hasnt this been published in any scientific journals

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 08:34 PM
They look like bullets to me. Some sort of ancient rifle. Or maybe even shrapnel for an ancient bomb. I feel this points toward an ancient war. The question is between whom and why have we found no other traces.

Or it could be part of a game, e.g. marbles.

I don't know about bearings, wouldn't the groove cause problems?

Some sort of ancient tool. For math, calendars, etc.

Why was such precision needed for them? And why are there so many of them in one area?

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 08:57 PM
As some others think here, I believe they are from ancient civilizations long ago. I think since the Earth has been around, there have been many many civilizations that have occupied it during the years up until now. Maybe its a starting point for life and then they move elsewhere or perhaps each and every one of them has killed themselves off as we seem to be doing today.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 09:09 PM
I also find this interesting, but I have my doubts. Quote from the article:

At least 200 have been found, and extracted out of deep rock at the Wonderstone Silver Mine in South Africa, averaging 1-4 inches in dia. and composed of a nickel-steel alloy that doesn't occur naturally.

If the spheres are made of some nickel-steel alloy, then it contains iron, right? Processed iron has a tendency to oxidize or RUST. I think after a certain time, less than 3 billion years, they would have desintigrated. But I'm not a metalurgist. Maybe someone who is could answer this.

The part I find interesting is that they are perfectly balanced, although the pictures I saw looked deformed. They kind of do look like a death star. How could they be perfectly balanced if they are deformed? Maybe the pictures weren't the ones they meant. Hard to guess at this point without more info.

Another point is why is this coming out now if they were discovered back in the 80's?

Not bad for a first post, keep them coming.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 10:31 PM
The spheroid look like the moon Iapetus by Saturn..

Click here to see moon pic.

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