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2.8 Billion Year-Old Spheroids

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posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 08:51 PM
Hi everybody, this will be my first post here at ATS, and I hope you'll enjoy it.

But yeah, these things are pretty interesting...

"At least 200 have been found, and extracted out of deep rock at the Wonderstone Silver Mine in South Africa, averaging 1-4 inches in dia. and composed of a nickel-steel alloy that doesn't occur naturally" - (Web TV user site)

They also are supposed to have been tested by NASA and determined to have had to have been manufactured in zero gravity due to their extremely precice dimensions. Oh yeah and they rotate when placed on a flat surface.. REALLY weird if this is true. Heres a couple links, btw a quick search on google etc. gets lots of pages.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 06:22 PM
Thats pretty awesome....

I have three theories, though fictious (fake), i dont even think factious is even a word.

1. Aliens
2. Advance Race before humans
3. Remains of a time machine, when some time traveller crash landed 2.5 billion b.c., and was strainded there or he could of somehow manage to get himself back into the future...

lol i dont care, but i think its pretty awesome.....weried indeed, isnt that like during the pre-cambriean(spelling) era?

Hmm balanced, scarced geometry, or ancient knowledge, lol well ancient ancient or future knowledge?

[edit on 15-2-2005 by skyblueff0]

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 08:27 PM
After reading the article, one thought comes to mind: martian blueberries.

Great first post!

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 08:57 PM
I'd tend to be sceptical of anything on a webtv page, even if it claims that 'nasa' tested the things. Heck, one of the pages sites 'Weekly World News" as a source of information.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 09:00 PM
nice find, those are sweet. I want one
Who knows what those can be, thats a huge mystery among many, especially about the early earth. Some people believe that Angels inhabited the "stones of fire"(planets) before man was created. So if you are a believer of that school of thought, i guess one would say they belonged to "angelic" creatures. who knows

[edit on 15-2-2005 by Son of the lost maji]

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 09:19 PM
Lol thats a new one, referencing Weekly World News as a source. Well, here are some other ones you can source from them:
Real reason for Senator Clinton's collapse, her thong was too tight
How to tell if your prostitute is an extreterrestrial
scientist creates diamonds from dog poop
Nasa builds worlds biggest airplane
4 horsemen of the appocolypse making another name for themselves, as polo players.

All fine journalistic articles with the upmost integrity I assure you

As a side note, I had to do a little bit of work to find those as there were several articles that after spending time here sounded somewhat reasonable lol.

[edit on 15-2-2005 by jukyu]

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 09:38 PM
hehe, i did a google search and found hundreds of articles about them NOT from WWN.

if they are not a hoax they prove that there were either aliens here or man had the capability to manufacture items in space 2.8 billion years ago.

Bravo, great first post.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 09:40 PM
LMAO, WTF nice articals jukyu

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 09:55 PM
Welcome to ATS. These spheres are pretty interesting. There are other unexplained archeological pieces that have been found and documented as well. There is actually a book on it that you can get. Things from these spheres, to batteries that are thousands of years old.

Heres a cool article called The Ten Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts. It includes your spheres as well as some other interesting finds:

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 11:00 PM
Wow this is really interesting. He he imagine if humans did exist that far back in time and evolved or had advanced technolgy and left the planet leaving us the ones who denied technology and refused to leave. Or if those rounded balls were left here by aliens 2.5 billion yrs ago can you imagine what stage of evolution they would be in and what technolgy they would posess now?

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by infinite8
The Ten Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts.

  1. The Grooved Spheres

    Over the past several decades, South African miners have found hundreds of metallic spheres, at least one of which has three parallel grooves running around its equator. The spheres are of two types--"one of solid bluish metal with white flecks, and another which is a hollow ball filled with a white spongy center" (Jimison 1982).
    It is important to note at this time, that (Jimison 1982) is:
    Jimison, S. (1982) Scientists baffled by space spheres. Weekly World News, July 27.

    ahem. It continues

    By corresponding by e-mail with rockhounds who have collected these spheres and geologists at the University of the Witwatersrand, Wits, South Africa and at the pyrophyllite mine in Ottosdal, West Transvaal it was determined that the mystery spheres consist of pyrite and goethite. These spheres consist of goethite within the near-surface, weathered pyrophyllite and consist of pyrite in the unweathered pyrophyllite. The pyrite spheres are metamorphic nodules that formed during the alteration of either clay or volcanic ash to pyrophyllite by metamorphism. The goethite spheres are pyrite nodules altered by weathering near the ground surface. These spheres are identical to the ones shown in The Mysterious Origins of Man, but they are much softer than claimed in Forbidden Archeology.

    It also notes that there is one with the grove, not many.
  2. Dropa Stones
    Heck, as revealed here There was no doctor by the name given and daniken admited to there being lots of 'falsehood' in the matter and apparently the stones aren't foudn anywhere now.
  3. Ica Stones

    The stones are almost certainly modern, created by local villagers to sell to gullible tourists. Two peasants from Callango, Basilio Uchuya and his wife, Irma Gutierrez de Aparcana, have admitted to carving the stones they sold to Cabrera, basing their designs on illustrations from comic books, school books, and magazines (Polidoro 2002).
    The stones cannot be dated without knowing their source, and their source has never been revealed.
    The Ica stones reputedly give evidence for a highly advanced, very ancient civilization, but no other trace of such a civilization exists. (The Nazca drawings are nearby, but they do not depict any dinosaurs or evidence for advanced technology.)

  4. Antikythera Mechanism
    This is just a thing that has gears, some of which are reconstructed no? Not particularly amazing no?
  5. Baghdad Battery
    Thought to be used for electroplating. Not terribly hard to beleive that people in the first century AD had figured something like that out.
  6. The Coso Artifact

    what is often overlooked is that the Coso Artifact possesses no characteristics that would classify it as a geode. It is true that the original discoverers were looking for geodes on the day the artifact was found. But this alone is insufficient evidence that the artifact is a geode

    So the original story itself has problems, lots more in the article referenced

    Chad Windham, President of the Spark Plug Collectors of America

    Yes Virginia, there is a Spark Plug Collectors group. HEck, there are enough to make an america specific one apparently.

    [...]"I knew what it was the moment I saw the x-rays" Windham stated[...]"There's no question about it, " Windham replied, barely containing his laughter, "it's a spark plug."
    Stromberg asked Windham if he could identify the particular make of the spark plug. Windham replied he was certain that it was a 1920's era Champion spark plug

  7. Ancient Model Aircraft
    These are simply toys and such that sort of look like aircraft.
  8. Giant Stone Balls of Costa Rica
    These are not 'clearly man made', nature produces lots of very regular and very rounded items. Some, apparently, have suggested that they were lava bombs, tho these are usually not so rounded, others that they were polished by glaciers, tho, again, they look a bit rounded. I see nothign about the composition or rock types. I see no mention of when they were first discovered. This is actually the first I have ever heard of these things. Really, big stone balls? Not much of an amazing artifact.
  9. Impossible Fossils
    They list lots of human handprints, foot prints, and what not. This is pretty absurd,since there were five fingered amphibians that lived in teh times these fossils are found and would've left foot and hand prints. Five fingers is infact the primitive condition amoung animals. Heck, the print was formed in mud, or even in water, perfect for the amphibian that would've lived there, and out side of having 5 fingers, it doesn't look very human like.
  10. Out-of-Place Metal Objects
    The sources for these claims are primarily creationist literature, at least as far as that page reveals. There isn't, apparently, any independant confirmation of these rather silly and spurious claims or pots and gold chains being found in ancient formations.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by SaranGani
Wow this is really interesting. He he imagine if humans did exist that far back in time and evolved or had advanced technolgy and left the planet leaving us the ones who denied technology and refused to leave. Or if those rounded balls were left here by aliens 2.5 billion yrs ago can you imagine what stage of evolution they would be in and what technolgy they would posess now?

True that.

Nygdan stop ruining all my mysteries you debunking debunkist. You are gonna make smack you with an E-Trout.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 10:18 AM

Sounds fishy.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 10:45 AM

OMG its a minature deathstar......

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by skyblueff0
Thats pretty awesome....

I have three theories, though fictious (fake), i dont even think factious is even a word.

factious (adj) : causing discord

factitious (adj) : artificial

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 04:02 PM
BTW welcome to ATS. Hope I didn't come across rudely with my previous post. I didn't realize it was your first. Its an interesting subject, I have just always laughed at weekly world news and the stories they come up with so when I saw them used as a source it was quite humourous.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 06:12 PM
I've looked at all the links and I can't see any evidence to show that they are 3 billion years old. They just say they were - where's the data?

If they are only made of some nickel/siver alloy how how would they have survived the enourmous pressure that would have occured in the formation of a seam of mineral?

I'd quite like a few of them myself, they're cool. But I don't think they are 3 billion years old.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:07 PM


The Grooved Spheres
quote: Over the past several decades, South African miners have found hundreds of metallic spheres, at least one of which has three parallel grooves running around its equator. The spheres are of two types--"one of solid bluish metal with white flecks, and another which is a hollow ball filled with a white spongy center" (Jimison 1982).
It is important to note at this time, that (Jimison 1982) is:
Jimison, S. (1982) Scientists baffled by space spheres. Weekly World News, July 27.

Really tho, what other publication would print something as wild as a claim that there were intelligent beings on this planet 2.8 Billion years ago? And as they say any publicity is good publicity.

ahem. It continues
quote: By corresponding by e-mail with rockhounds who have collected these spheres and geologists at the University of the Witwatersrand, Wits, South Africa and at the pyrophyllite mine in Ottosdal, West Transvaal it was determined that the mystery spheres consist of pyrite and goethite. These spheres consist of goethite within the near-surface, weathered pyrophyllite and consist of pyrite in the unweathered pyrophyllite. The pyrite spheres are metamorphic nodules that formed during the alteration of either clay or volcanic ash to pyrophyllite by metamorphism. The goethite spheres are pyrite nodules altered by weathering near the ground surface. These spheres are identical to the ones shown in The Mysterious Origins of Man, but they are much softer than claimed in Forbidden Archeology.

It also notes that there is one with the grove, not many.

Actually its one with the three grooves, while there are a few others which have a single groove but not many in comparison to the total.

The arguement that the authors of FA present is that the most curious point is not what the spheres are made of but how they had gotten the grooves around the equators and espcially the one with the three grooves.

To try and say that those grooves are done by weather feels kinda weak. Sure weather can do some odd things but out of 200 or so of these found, only several have grooves and only one has three grooves? All around the equator regions and circling the whole sphereoid?

But until there is a real and open scientific inquiry into the origins of these spheres happens all we are stuck with are the spheres and this very little bit info.

Personally, I think if the planet is supposed to be 4.5 Billion years old, and the age of modern man officially only at 100-200 thousand years old, I dont see how it would not be possible for other inteligent beings wether they were like modern man, yeti, lizard-men, extra terrestrials, or whatever to have been here at one time.

[edit on 16-2-2005 by Xibalba]


I've looked at all the links and I can't see any evidence to show that they are 3 billion years old. They just say they were - where's the data?

The mineral in which these were found is "This pyrophyllite is a quite soft secondary mineral with a count of only 3 on the Mohs' scale and was formed my sedimentation about 2.8 billion years ago." Talc being the softest at 1 and Diamod being the hardest at 10.

The above quote is from FA who is quoting Roelf Marx, the curator of the museum of Klerksdorp, SA

Some info on the Mohs' scale

I hadnt seen anything on the age of the spheres but just what they were found in.

[edit on 16-2-2005 by Xibalba]

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 01:38 PM
only one of 2 pieces of evidence needs to be posted for me to believe these are 'real'.
1. the actual carbon dating from the stones and not the stone they were imbedded in.
2. a computer readout of the actual dimensions of the stones. if they are as round as they say then it is obvious they were produced in space.

if they can spin by themselves as stated they were created with godlike accuracy.

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
only one of 2 pieces of evidence needs to be posted for me to believe these are 'real'.
1. the actual carbon dating from the stones and not the stone they were imbedded in.

Carbon dating isn't supposed to be used on objects that are that old.

Also, lets keep in mind, people claim that these things came right out of the mines.

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