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1997 Phoenix Lights UFO - Solved - Day & Night Videos Superimposed - Ergo: FLARES!

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posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 09:43 PM
Michael Krzyston shot a nighttime video tape of strange lights hovering above the city of Phoenix, Arizona. Except that the lights were not over Phoenix proper 'cause he shot the video from the hill overlooking the mountains in the distance where the flares were dropped. Eventually, a video was shot during daylight from approximately the same vantage point as the nighttime video. In a video lab both videos were superimposed and the flares in the night video are seen dropping behind the mountains visible in the daylight video. It/they could not have been a UFO/UFOs. End of story. And watch the alleged triangular formation that is really military planes in formation. This video segment is all that exists and it also doesn't show a triangular UFO.

edit on 1/13/2018 by Lathroper because: To add additional comments.

+11 more 
posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 09:47 PM
There were flares and then there was also a triangular UFO the size of almost a football field. There was both.

The triangular craft had lights on each corner and also a red glow in the middle.

It flew over several military bases and I think flew over 2 states. There were thousands of witnesses and it was even chased down by police officers who have their account.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 09:54 PM
I find it so fascinating that all these "UFO's" and "Aliens" have the same type of lights on their craft that we humans do. Almost as if they have the same technology that we do. They must have intercepted our technology and reverse-engineered it to be less sophisticated.

Just a hypothesis. (and sarcasm)

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 09:54 PM
The huge v shaped object was not flares.
The lights could be, but there was much more happening that night.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: Lathroper


So what if they were flares?

What about the thousands of other UFO sightings via video, picture, or word of mouth, spanning thousands of years?

Earth isn't that well hidden.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: havok

The triangular craft with the lights is speculated to be a govt craft.

(Since it played connect the dots with military bases during its slow flyover.)

+10 more 
posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 10:26 PM
I wonder how they got those flares to travel horizontally from Phoenix to Tuscon.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 10:34 PM

originally posted by: nOraKat
There were flares and then there was also a triangular UFO the size of almost a football field. There was both.

The triangular craft had lights on each corner and also a red glow in the middle.

It flew over several military bases and I think flew over 2 states. There were thousands of witnesses and it was even chased down by police officers who have their account.

I am glad you said it.

The governor of Arizona saw it and swore he looked up to see the black form move over the city.

The people of the city saw it and started reporting it.

As soon as the people reported it, the military got planes in the air to drop flairs, people took pics of the flares. No one got good pics of the UFO because the UFO wasn't "lit" through much/any of it.

As it is written in an excellent book that I wrote, (he he) here is a fictional conversation between an alien ("Tay") and a young person that I think says it well and did the same thing the military did, confuse the issue:

Young Person: “You gotta understand, I knew about aliens before I knew girls were hot. So, I was always watching the old stuff, things that happened when I was young. But, I’ve never seen anything about a half mile long triangle over Phoenix - just some lights the military says were flairs.
"Of course, that’s bull #. But, all I saw on the net was some moving lights. They looked like UFOs, like more than one, many. I mean, yeah, it was a good sighting. I think everyone knows it was a good sighting. But, I didn’t hear anything about a half mile long triangle and I damn sure didn’t hear anything about it being on radar coming from southern Nevada.”
Tay shook his head hard and spoke firmly. “Ain’t no video of the real triangle! Some folks tried to shoot the video, but the thing was goin’ all black, no lights, nothin’. Mostly people that saw it was too busy pickin’ their face up off the cement while watchin’ this thing crawl over their city. Even the damn dogs ain’t barkin’ at it. It wasn’t so much somethin’ to see, so much as feelin’ the fcker up there. They talked about the dark triangle on the news the first couple nights, but then after that, over the next while, they only covered the stuff they got video of – the lights.
“At the time, I wasn’t on service down on Earth, feel me? I was doin’ my regular stuff up on the SuB. We went sht-storm crazy while it was happenin’ ‘cause we didn’t know what the hell they was doin’. It looked to us that like they might be drunk enough that they was about to set it down at the “B” terminal and start tellin’ people that they’s aliens or somethin’. We didn’t know.
“So, what I did, an’ I’m not positive I made the right move, but anyway, I got some of my squads and got ‘em movin’ in some regular old, run of the mill saucers, you know? We lit’ up Phoenix like bar in Cabo. We sent saucers flyn’ around, all the stuff people tend to associate with the word ‘UFO’.
"We figured we gotta do somethin’ to normalize stuff out, right? Like a regular ole’ UFO sighting, you know, no big deal. Of course, we also wanted to be right there in case they did put the bad boy down at the airport.
“The ones we sent down were the lights, of the “Phoenix Lights.”
“Those are the ones that I saw on the internet?”
“Straight up.”
Tay worked himself up. “See, that’s the point. You saw ours. Buncha crazy ass lights, right? Regular ole’ UFOs, just like normal, can’t tell much of a thing.
“People saw the video on the news and they’s in two camps. Them that’s lookin’ at them and thinkin’, 'I’ll be damned, the bug-eyes are at it again.' And those that ain’t never believed nothin’ about nothin’ is a UFO and believin’ what the military told them. They believed all those lighted up saucers flying in formation for an hour above their city was only the military, dropping flares off in the desert sixty miles away.
“But, no one, not one person, that saw the big black triangle silently glide over their homes, doesn’t know the thing was a real fckin’ deal UFO. Not. one. person.”

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: havok
I find it so fascinating that all these "UFO's" and "Aliens" have the same type of lights on their craft that we humans do. Almost as if they have the same technology that we do. They must have intercepted our technology and reverse-engineered it to be less sophisticated.

Just a hypothesis. (and sarcasm)

They have things that "emit" light from a craft of whatever type. Some of them, some not.

Let's say UFOs exist just for a point of discussion, would it be that unusual for some sort of craft to emit light energy in some areas, perhaps corresponding to propulsion? Not sure why that's a deal breaker.

And you're presuming that every UFO out there can be seen with the naked eye. Look at the videos on Youtube of nightvision cameras looking up. You'll see things that are quite strange, compare them to the planes that you'll see on the same videos, lit way up bright bright bright, versus the triangle stuff you'll see.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 10:49 PM

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

So Kurt saw the military flares that were dropped after the huge triangle that blocked out the stars in the night sky was seen by so many people that night?

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 11:53 PM
What is with the sudden interest in the Phoenix Lights anyway. This is like 3 today alone.

The OP’s are pretty weak too.

“ hay I didn’t really research this topic but I did see this video that I linked. It convinced me so , now you watch it and you will be convinced too. Also, I had nothing to do with the production or research of the video. Youtube is cool!”

Kids these days.

posted on Jan, 14 2018 @ 06:20 AM
there were first an large v shaped ufo and then the flares

posted on Jan, 14 2018 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: Lathroper

What happened to ...
Let's make this the final thread about The Phoenix Flares!

Those who want to believe it was something else will continue to beleive for the rest of us the Phoenix Lights has been put to bed.

posted on Jan, 14 2018 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: Paddyofurniture

Maybe the gov't releasing UFO videos got some new believers looking into UFO's for the first time.

posted on Jan, 14 2018 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
The huge v shaped object was not flares.
The lights could be, but there was much more happening that night.

There was A 10 's flying that night as well this was solved along rime ago I remember reading about it. Problem is like all things UFO someone reads something on a website and rehashe's an incident all over again. Then people have to show them once again it was explained all ready.

posted on Jan, 14 2018 @ 08:24 AM

originally posted by: nOraKat
a reply to: Paddyofurniture

Maybe the gov't releasing UFO videos got some new believers looking into UFO's for the first time.

That would be great! I am a proponent of new interest into Ufology. Just not so much click bait type of OP’s.

I know I sound like a hardo saying this but I researched and read a lot of info on the Phoenix Lights. Once I felt I had adequate background on the subject and could speak intelligently on it I posted this thread with true intent of gathering more information and opinion.

It was about my theory that Fife Symington lied about seeing the craft as he alledges and how James Fox and Leslie Keane potentially enabled Symington for financial and popular benefit of Fox’s“ I know what I saw” documentary and Keane’s book .

I’m all for new intelligent conversation. Not so much the “ I watched a 10 minute Youtube video on the Phoenix Lights so listen up because I know what I’m talking about”

I’m sure I seem like
Waves walking cane in the air as a group of kids run by) “ slow down you whipper snappers”!

But it is what it is.

posted on Jan, 14 2018 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: wtbengineer
a reply to: Lysergic

So Kurt saw the military flares that were dropped after the huge triangle that blocked out the stars in the night sky was seen by so many people that night?
No Kurt Russell saw what this guy got a better look at than Kurt Russell and other witnesses, because he saw the triangle through a telescope, maybe 8:30-ish PM

Here's a few frames of a video taken from the ground of the "triangle" or "V-formation" as Russell describes it:

The flares were later, closer to 10PM.

Both events are covered in Bonez thread:

(Part 1) The Phoenix Lights - Laying To Rest The Myth

edit on 2018114 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jan, 14 2018 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: havok

Seeing as how light is prevalent throughout the universe, I have no issue with UFOs also being lit in some kind of fashion. What are the occupants supposed to do, operate in total darkness??

posted on Jan, 15 2018 @ 02:45 AM
Lol, they gona have to try a LOT harder if thats the phoenix lights incident debunked, im not even gona waste my time going into more detail the case is common knowledge, some people have blinkers on, no amount of evidence will take their thought process from what they have been told is possible in thier lifetime.

These kind of peoples minds are so entrenched in what they are told is possible by governments and scientists, who have a long history of not having our best interests at heart, are a part of the reason the US government decided to go secret with the findings on ufos, they would realy struggle to proccess what has been and continues to be documented.
edit on 15-1-2018 by Rhombus101 because: (no reason given)

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