a reply to:
The hell with pretty much everything you just said, the mindset from which your analysis issues, the conclusions you came to, all of it.
Look, the NSA and other agencies on a par with it in America, are not there for the purpose of acting in the best interests of the people. If they
were there to perform such a function, not a single employee within the system of agencies which allege to be dedicated to national security, would
ever consider compromising the privacy, liberty or freedom of any innocent party, just because there is a chance that doing so MIGHT uncover
actionable intelligence.
There may well be people looking to get into that world, who have the right intentions, and I am certain that as we speak, someone with very good
intentions is having their right mindedness beaten out of them by the harsh reality of their circumstance as a functional part of the intelligence
infrastructure, having realised that they are now "in" and have signed documents and taken oaths which prevent them from legally doing what is right,
and insist on a contractual and legal basis, that they not only refrain from being honest with the actual people who are supposed to be protected by
the national security infrastructure, but continue to harm those self same people, by permitting the machinations of what is without doubt an evil,
insidious, and utterly inappropriate system, to continue unheralded, and worse, to actually involve themselves actively in that effort.
The system that Snowden revealed to the country was and remains unconstitutional, illegal by that measure (the only important measure that can be
applied to it), and without any doubt at all, does more harm to the liberty, freedom and the privacy of the citizen, than any number of terrorist
bombings have ever, or COULD ever do to the American people. And that is just one strand of the NSA's work, just one of the strings on their bow. If
they behave anything like the CIA, there is every probability, one could easily suggest, a certainty, that other elements in the NSA, other teams
within the NSA, are also about other, different tasks, which also damage the rights, freedoms, liberty and privacy of the people, for no actual
benefit arising from their application... no benefit to the people, that is.
We know that the CIA have been running narco-terrorist operations, South of the US/Mexcio border, for decades upon decades. We know that they have
been, and are still running straight up terror networks in the Middle East. These things are NOT being done for the benefit of national security, but
instead for the purpose of controlling narratives at home, and assets America has no right to abroad. Snowden revealed that the NSA has been operating
clandestine mass surveillance initiatives on American citizens, another thing which has not been done for the benefit of national security (i.e. the
security of the nations population), having been the source of precisely NO information, since it was first made operational, which saved a single
American citizen from any kind of terrorism what so ever, and has far more utility as a machine for identifying just resistance to a tyrannical
government structure, than it ever does to identify proxy agents employed by the US government, to terrorise its citizenry into blind compliance with
the next abuse of their rights and freedoms.
Snowden may well be the only actual patriot who worked in the NSA during his entire time there, because no actual patriot, who has read and
understood the constitution of the United States of America, would actually comply with, or act as part of that organisation, given the totally
unsupportable nature of its operations and behaviour toward the people of that country. He showed, by giving the people information that they had
every right to, that he is NOT an enemy of the people, but that he may be an enemy of the state. But if Snowden is an enemy of the state, then this
means in turn that the state is in the wrong, because his actions benefit the common man, as does any action which gives the common man or woman in
the street, more information about the sins committed against them, by a government.
Understand this Revolution9... The United States government does NOT have any of the following:
A notional or legal right to surveil its entire population, nor to surveil any innocent party, their data, their phone calls, their text messages, or
their electronic activity of any other kind.
A right to keep from the public, information which may reveal wrongdoing on the part of government or its appendages, agencies, or contractors
thereto, toward the people of the United States, or any other nations people for that matter.
Permission from the people to surveil them, to act in any fashion which reduces their liberty or freedom (whether they know about it or not), or to
invade their privacy without absolute probable cause.
These are facts. They are not suppositions on my part, they are absolutes, facts, realities. Snowden prevented an unacceptable continuation of a
circumstance, which saw the government and its agencies running operations AGAINST the people of the United States, operations which were totally
outside the bounds of what those agencies and that government are permitted to do, either by the constitution itself, or by the very people over whom
governance is applied. Permission of the people is necessary, without it no policing or governance is possible at all. The people have to give their
consent to be governed in a certain way, have to give their consent to have operations run in their name, and if they do not consent, that governance
and those operations are void in their legitimacy.
The people gave no permission for their information to be used in the way that it has been, nor did they ever give permission for their government to
operate against their interests in this manner. Snowden showed the people that they were being screwed, and by so doing, proved that he is perhaps the
first true American patriot to grace the shores of the United States of America, since the founding fathers themselves were laid to rest in their
I have to question the motivations of ANYONE who objects to either the fact, or the method of his revelations regarding the totally unjustifiable
behaviour of the NSA, with regard to their assaults on the people of the United States.