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Bigelow, UFOs, MUFON and ‘DeLonge’ Road to AATIP

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posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: Defragmentor

Well the presentation that Zondo did on October 27th last year in Italy was to the Centro Ufologico Nazionale, so make of that what you will.

Looking at the names of SCU there are quite a few familiar names in ufology in there also, here are few that jumped out at me that I head of before;

Kevin Randle - Known mostly for his "investigations" into Roswell
Alejandro Rojas - Former spokesperson for MUFON as the Director of Public Education
Chris Rutkowski - writer and investigator of many canadian sightings

Thomas McNear- trained by no less than Ingo Swann to stage IV in Remote viewing.....SRI....again...

I wasn't aware of this "investigation" into the Puerto Rico Sighting that they completed back in 2013, see link for full report;
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posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: pigsy2400
a reply to: Baablacksheep

It will be questionable information at best. In terms of the "bomb" they are supposedly going to drop in terms of things like Rendlesham, we have to remember what TTSA have said in terms of educating people.

It's more likely something that in my opinion, we have suspected but not had officially acknowledged or that we as people interested in this subject already know, but the wider world doesn't due to their lack of interest or press coverage on the "details".

That's the most crazy thing about this plan. They ignore ufology and chat forums like this as armchair idiots wanting to control "their" narrative. Sure there are a few people who believe (or say they do) that TTSA really has moved mountains this past year. But the wider world isn't interested much at all in their shenanigans. So what exactly is their plan? If they have something groundbreaking then this will go on for years. Or, and I think this is a more likely scenario, whatever it is they were trying to do will be achieved, then TTSA will fold because of lack of funding and everyone will be left wondering what the hell it was all about.

In other news, today is the 1st anniversary of this thread and tributes have been coming in thick but not fast....

Tommy sent in his best wishes from an unknown location.

Zondo was time travelling with his future self but managed to find time to congratulate us too.

Oh and we got some drunken bum who still hasn't sobered up yet not making any sense at all.

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: pigsy2400

Cheers mate.

Looks like a news posting/summary was provided by Alejandro himself on the Open Minds website, dated 11 August 2015.

And, lookie here, we have a thread on ATS.

edit on 7/1/2019 by Defragmentor because: OpenMinds URL not playing/banned?

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: humanoidlord

I was having a rant more than anything,... people seem to like my rants...
I will let the anger flow through me more often lol...

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

yeah, i don't know where to go from now, LOL
that is hoax-binning material right there

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: pigsy2400

well if MJ-12,greer and the roswell slides told me something is that disclosure is never gonna happen, and every apparent push to disclosure is disinfo

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: humanoidlord

I've always found the whole "Disclosure" thing pointless...People have been shouting and screaming that their government and MIC have been covering up the truth and demand the truth be released, even though its these very institutions that people also claim have been lying about it all this time!

Would you ask someone who you think is a liar to tell you the truth about something?

The issue is, that the version of whatever the truth is, has been greatly manipulated, used and steered by those, that use ot for strategic benefits and advantages.

The seeds of ufology were sown long ago...and if "Disclosure" doesn't happen ie - "Roswell was Real, we have aliens and nuts and bolts crafts, reptoids and Grays are real" - there are many people that will only accept that as Disclosure and anything but, just won't be enough.

If you want the truth about counter-intelligence and how it has been used to seed disinformation to the US adversaries, their own population and the sources and methods involved, then I am all for that.

Explaining what the hell the weird stuff in the sky is however.. well that's something else entirely.....real investigation into the phenomena stopped long ago in my opinion. There is no room in Ufology for it, all there is room for is disinformation and useful idiots distributing said information..
edit on p011133192400 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: Defragmentor

SCU surfaced a while ago, sadly they seem to be in the TTSA believer crowd

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:59 AM
also i am pretty surprised that this fellow:

Dr. Michael Swords, Ph.D History of Science & Technology

is part of the SCU board, din't he say a while ago that he had retired of UFO matters?

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: pigsy2400

rutkowski is here too? wasn't he mostly a skeptic on UFO matters?

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: pigsy2400

that was rant? wow
ranting to me is having boring arguments with random people

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: humanoidlord

Full List of Members / Affiliates;
Ms. Lakita Adams, BA English
Mr. Morgan Beall, BS Earth Science
Dr. Timothy Brigham, Ph.D Psychology
Mr. Simon Brookes, Bsc Soil Science
Dr. Thomas E. Bullard, Ph.D Folklore
Mr. Larry Cates, BS Mathematics
Mr. James E Clarkson, Police Detective Sergeant (RET)
Mr. Keith Conroy, BS Electrical Engineering
Mr. Marc D’Antonio, BS Astronomy
Mr. Daniel Erickson, US Army Major (RET)
Dr. Erol Faruk, Ph.D Chemistry
Mr. Clint P. Garrison MBA/MSc Information Technology
Mr. Richard Hoffman, Senior Systems Analyst, US Army
Mr. Ralph Howard, MS Geology
Mr. Doug Kimzey, BSEE Software Engineer
Dr. Paul Kingsbury, Ph.D Geography
Mr. Charles Lamoureux, RN, Manager
Mr. Thomas McNear, Army Intelligence Officer
Mr. Carl Paulson, BS Physics, Tokamak Reactor Design
Mr. Robert Powell, BS Chemistry
Mr. Kevin D Randle, Lt Col USAR (RET)
Mr. Peter Reali, MS Electrical Engineering
Dr. S. Peter Resta, Ph.D Human Development
Dr. Mark Rodeghier, Ph.D Sociology
Mr. Alejandro Rojas, BA Organizational Psychology
Mr. Chris Rutkowski, science educator
Dr. Michael Swords, Ph.D History of Science & Technology
Mr. Tim Thompson, US Navy Captain (RET)
Dr. Gregory Vasquez, Ph.D Chemistry
Mr. William W Walker, Health Physicist-radiation
edit on p121123192400 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: pigsy2400

i am doing the real research here and my conclusion is the same as vallee and keel, its not ET but some weird entity (which i call half-seriously the cosmic trickster) that is behind UFOs and all other paranormal phenomena

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: pigsy2400

i am also recognizing, marc d'antonio, who had an unconfirmed and possibly dubious sighting of a USO while in a submarine,
charles lamoureux, who is a UFO skywatcher and michael swords who i already talked about

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: pigsy2400

Explaining what the hell the weird stuff in the sky is however.. well that's something else entirely.....real investigation into the phenomena stopped long ago in my opinion. There is no room in Ufology for it, all there is room for is disinformation and useful idiots distributing said information..

Rant or not, you summed it up well with the above.

Never seen anything unexplained. Have zero secondhand accounts; nothing in my experience has ever pointed to anything was weird and/or exhibited high-strangeness, but I honestly believe people are seeing and encountering something challenging our everyday, earthly paradigms.

At the moment, I inclined to agree with your rants.

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Ha ha ha Mirageman. Tommy looks likes a stoner!

edit on 7-1-2019 by Baablacksheep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 01:49 PM
Well, well, well

TTSA just posted details of the TTS AAS Annual Meeting : Transcript here

It occurred just before Christmas on 12th Dec 2018. Zondo did not attend in his usual T-Shirt, Jeans and MAGA cap.

Louis Tommasino - As is common in most development stage companies, we have not yet raised the capital necessary to implement our plans. While our plans include the development of what we believe are commercially viable products, it is premature to speculate on when the Company will be profitable or issue dividends....

No problem with premature speculation from Lue Two (he's the the guy who denied Our Two Dogs was a hotdog stand by the way.).

Steve Justice - In the science division, we have made some real progress collecting and recording new and military/civilian encounters of UAPs. ...We have also accomplished standup of the A .D.A.M. Research Project to analyze...exotic materials. Two of the specific tests we are performing on the materials are x - ray fluorescence whe re we look for unusual element presence and unusual alloys or combination of metals. This is as well as isotope testing where we are looking for unusual versions of element atomic structures that indicate terrestrial or non - terrestrial origins. While the x - ray fluorescence test is relatively quick - turn, the isotope testing is really expensive and time - consuming. It requires really sophisticated equipment

Even though testing was supposed to be complete by October wasn't it?

Steve Justice - We are also continuing our discussions with multiple offices in the Department of Defense regarding collaboration on all of our programs. We recognize this is a relatively slow process, but we are optimistic given the increase in requests for briefings that we have seen lately.

Interesting. So Zondo leaves the DoD and Justy retires from a senior position in defence contractor for the DoD. All so they can work with the DoD again.

Tom DeLonge - Thanks Steve. Next let me introduce myself to give an update on the
entertainment division..Sekret Machines docu series and film in process....blah blah....

Not a lot we don't know there.

Jim Semivan - When can we expect updates on the company’s initiatives like materials, new videos, and other developments?

Steve Justice - we are committed to responsible disclosure of information. The only real answer I can give at this time, as unsatisfying as it is, is we will release information when the time is right...

As we collect results, we have to consider several factors. Do we have the right to release information? Some of our agreements constrain our ability to release data. Do we have enough context to make disclosure informative and not
misleading? Has the information been fully vetted to reduce unintended consequences of release?

We cannot afford to release incomplete information because that can be misleading. Will releasing the information harm an actual or potential beneficial relationship? We are working with several groups right now, and we have to be sensitive to their needs and constraints. It is not just ours. Unfortunately, because of these constraints and uncertainties, we cannot commit to a release schedule...

TTSA can't tell us because of agreements and they don't know they have it right in the first place either.

Jim Semivan - The final question is for Tom. What keeps you awake at night.

Tom - Zondo and his snoring!

No he didn' really say that at all.

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I can remember the Two Dogs thing, which legendary ATS member actually went to the offices? Or was it linked to a separate blog?What a hero...asking the guy on the desk where the hot dogs were at lol...

Fair play to him for getting out there an doing it too..

"We cannot afford to release incomplete information because that can be misleading"

This indicates that;
1) They have either learned the hard way
2) They are still oblivious to it

As harsh as my critiscm of TTSA has been, I do genuinely hope it's 1.

I wonder if SCU is one of those other groups, would make logical sense.

As for its time consuming to analyse the materials and Very expensive, it's not. It's $35,000 and Hals doing it...and had plenty of time too.

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 03:24 PM
Forget 'exotic materials', do these exotic TTSA buffoons even live on the same planet as us?

Tom DeLonge - "Thanks Steve. Next let me introduce myself to give an update on the entertainment division..Sekret Machines docu series and film in process..."


posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: pigsy2400
a reply to: humanoidlord

I've always found the whole "Disclosure" thing pointless...People have been shouting and screaming that their government and MIC have been covering up the truth and demand the truth be released, even though its these very institutions that people also claim have been lying about it all this time!

Ehh, well yes. Who else could disclose secret information than the ones with the secret?

Who else should we demand disclosure from? Salvation army or Walmart?

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