posted on Jan, 2 2018 @ 11:40 AM
originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: face23785
Nope. It's completely understated. Trump is deflecting again. He's so deep in # now it will never wash off so all he can do his point at hillary.
Fourteen months after he won the election against her... He's still blaming her.
Blaming her for him winning? LOL!
Nah...he just wants the people responsible for most of the corruption in the government to be held accountable. You know...kinda like when a crime is
committed and they find the folks a year later and can still arrest them.
I think it funny that there is still this belief that Trump somehow got one over on everyone after never having been a politician and suddenly won
because Russia helped him...LOL!!!!! I mean that is just a belly aching laugh.
The mental gymnastics are crazy....teach a course in it already.
Trump won...Hillary LOST. Trump would like criminals to be prosecuted...wouldn't you?
I can't wait to see what your posts are like on this for the next 7 years....though I have come to not expect any real meaty or intellectual responses
a while back.