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His apostleship was unrecognized by others. Of the 22 times in the Bible where Paul is referred to as an "apostle", only twice is he referred to as an apostle by someone other than himself! These two instances came from the same person. Not from Yeshua, or any of the original apostles, but from Paul's close traveling companion and personal press secretary Luke. Both accounts are found in Luke's record of the Acts of the Apostles, (chapter 14:4,14). Here Paul is referred to as an apostle along with Barnabas. By this time in the story, Luke would have been very accustomed to Paul calling himself an apostle, and he would no doubt have been in agreement with Paul's assessment of himself. By these statistics alone, it is evident that Paul is by far his own biggest fan... and his side kick Luke was his number two fan. This leaves no one else anywhere in the Bible going on record recognizing his apostleship! Text
“Jesus said, ‘I am the truth.’ Truth is not a teaching. Truth is a person, and if you have that person, you have the Truth." Jan Sjoerd Pasterkamp
For years I struggled believing that the Bible could be trusted. In fact, I was CONVINCED it couldn't be trusted! But then something very supernatural happened... Source
The Bible tells us that if we DILIGENTLY seek God, that He will reveal Himself to us. So have at it! Just say "God if you are real, SHOW ME!" Say it out loud, and be patient and DILIGENT - Do it each day diligently and persistently until He shows up. It won't be God the Father, but it will be either Jesus or an angel who will appear to you or you will hear His voice - either in your spirit or audible. He will do it in His timing, not yours, so be persistent and diligent and patient!
A guy at my school was at a convention and he went up to a girl and gave her $20, she started bursting crying.. And she said that when she woke up that she asked God "If your real someone will give me $20 today" So God can show himself in many ways. YouTube Comment
originally posted by: richapau
Jesus is a fictional character like mickey mouse.
"Here is a fact: There is far more evidence for the existence of Jesus than for virtually anyone in ancient history. Anyone who peddles that “Christ-myth” theory, does NOT do so on the ground of historical evidence. The fact of Jesus Christ in history is as axiomatic for an unbiased historian as is the fact of Julius Caesar. Get this straight. It is not historians who promote the “Christ-myth” notion...his alleged words and actions were documented by numerous people."
“Contemporary New Testament scholars have typically viewed their [i.e. Jesus-mythers] arguments as so weak or bizarre that they relegate them to footnotes, or often ignore them completely....The theory of Jesus' nonexistence is now effectively dead as a scholarly question....Biblical scholars and classical historians now regard it as effectively refuted.” (Robert Van Voorst, Jesus Outside the New Testament, 6, 14, 16)
“There is simply nothing intrinsically improbable about a historical Jesus; the New Testament alone (or at least portions of it) are reliable enough to provide evidence of a historical Jesus. On this point, it is important to note that even G.A. Wells, who until recently was the champion of the christ-myth hypothesis, now accepts the historicity of Jesus on the basis of 'Q'.” (Jeffery Jay Lowder of Internet Infidels)
originally posted by: skunkape23
Oh, and dead people do not come back to life.