posted on Dec, 27 2017 @ 01:27 PM
So when it comes to Star Wars the Last Jedi I would start by pointing out that the Rotten Tomatoes score is not consistent with other scores (see my
The Alt-Right Trolling Star Wars), ComScore gave it 90% and Cinema Score gave
it a A rating IMBD have it at at 7.6.
So the question is why is the Rotten tomatoes score so low, again this is addressed in my thread and I must say I do feel that this thread is just a
spin-off of my own thread.
Anyway, if we ignore that for a second there are a few points I would make.
The biggest one right away is that for the most part people who hate a movie (in the case of the Last Jedi) tend to be must more vocal than those who
enjoy the movie. I also think when it comes to Star Wars that is a interesting phenomenon that started since 2012/13 when Disney bought the franchise
where all of a sudden everyone is a Star Wars fan again. I have been a fan all my life, I was not born when the originals came out but I saw them as a
kid and fell in love. I am a uber Star Wars fan.
Something that I have noticed is that in the year before The Force Awakens came out a lot of people suddenly emerged claiming to also be massive Star
Wars Fans who actually didn't know the first thing about the universe outside of the movies. These people go with the crowd.
Essentially they love or hate it based on consensus and not on anything else, they see the rest of the "fanboys" hating it so they must also hate it
because obviously it must be a awful movie. Seriously how many true Star Wars fans do you think actually knew anything about Plaguies before the
internet exploded claiming he was Snoke? I bet even fewer read the book (no doubt everyone who is posting on this thread had read it.... :mnky
I think a lot of people hate this because someone on the inter webs told them that they hated it because there was no lightsaber fights.... or that
Yoda shouldn't be able to use the force.... its all crap.
Like all of it is utter crap, all this rubbish about how they broke the lore is complete crap.
So thats what I think, people hate it because Angry Joe told them to and the guy on Collider said it broke the lore.
I could rant all day about this.....