posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 10:05 AM
There are alot of scientists out there that truely believe that complex carbohydrates are the source of many of our health problems. Five thousand
years ago when most modern men switched from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a herder-farmer lifestyle, our natural diets changed dramatically.
Are old diet consisted of a very large amount of roots and vegatables, supplemented with occasional amounts of protein in the form of meat, eggs and
fish, and small amounts of seasonal fruits and berries.
Modern man now cultivates grain and herds animals for meat and milk. Our protein intake (meat) is way more than nature intended. Our intake of fatty
foods (milks and cheeses) are way higher than normal. But our carb intakes are astronomical. We eat bread, potatoes, corn and rice is vast amounts
that nature never intended. Let's not forget beer!
Look at the way the Japanese eat. They still eat (due to geographic and cultural isolation) the way nature intended us to eat.
If you wanna loose weight and live a healthy life, ditch the carbs, cut back a bit on meats and cheese, and double or triple your veggie input.
and...water, water, water, water! Most Americans are chronically dehydrated.