posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 02:41 PM
The Last Of The Last Jedi
The Last Jedi felt like someone stole my Star Wars action figures and did unspeakable things with them.
I have nothing against Rian Johnson as a director or a person, and am totally on board with shaking things up if done artfully, but his muddled,
desultory script for The Last Jedi should have never made it into production, let alone release.
I'm not knocking anyone who likes the movie. I have a blu-ray on the way myself, and I fully intend to watch it many times. Who knows? Maybe, like a
true masterpiece, it will improve with repeated viewing.
I love the cast each and all, and I have no problem with carving up a healthy serving of sacred cow now and then. The visuals and special effects are
classic Star Wars, and aside from some pacing and continuity issues, I think the overall production quality is quite credible.
The unforgivable sin of The Last Jedi is the story.
Too much of it charges headlong into logic, fails to defeat it, shakes its head in bewilderment, then abruptly staggers off to stage the next
disjointed trope-worn trainwreck. Not that a Star Wars tale requires much in the way of narrative coherence to be enjoyable, just that The Last
Jedi doesn't even seem to bother trying at all.
Too many characters behave like unconvincing doppelgangers that would never make it past starport security. Too many of them are wantonly discarded
like dross in service to nebulous plot lines that serve no purpose but to mislead and misdirect. Too many questions we never asked are answered with
questions that have no answers.
It's like everyone in the entire Star Wars galaxy suddenly got hooked on crazy pills.
Episode 8's most lasting and meaningful contribution to the Star Wars saga is ensuring that Episode 9 won't need to do much to surpass its
predecessor. If the purported leaks are true and a festival of safe-mode copypasta is in the offing, it will nonetheless be a vast improvement, as
much as it pains me to say it.
May the Force be with us all.
R.I.P. Supreme Leader Snoke
"Just who the hell was that guy, anyway?"